Have you ever wondered why entrepreneurship is essential for the economy to thrive? Do you think it’s something that should be encouraged and supported?
In recent years, there have been many discussions and different opinions on this topic.
According to experts, here are reasons why entrepreneurship is important to the economy.
Entrepreneurship ensures that wealth is distributed evenly
As a country’s most valuable resource, entrepreneurship is fuelled by its citizens. In addition to increasing money, it has the potential to produce value, which in turn leads to better health and happiness.
For the sake of society, it is essential to grow, motivate, and reward this most valuable asset to the fullest degree. Entrepreneurs do more than come up with creative solutions for products and services.
They help society by:
- Recruiting representatives
- Buying supplies and materials from local businesses
- Becoming energetic donors to good causes and groups
Entrepreneurs’ groups are the engines that fuel the growth of a network’s economy. Entrepreneurship stimulates the economy and contributes to the well-being of the community at large by creating jobs and other means of financial security.
The rise of economic power in the hands of ordinary people is a sign of economic progress. This scenario is the result of a steady economy.
As long as giant corporations have a monopoly, they will always contribute to economic instability and concentrated wealth. On the other hand, small businesses and entrepreneurs ensure that wealth is distributed evenly throughout society.
Entrepreneurship maximizes the use of all available resources
Entrepreneurship maximizes the use of all available resources, including labor, capital, and time. Risk-takers take chances to gain money or fix an issue that affects the community.
So, the importance of entrepreneurship and its functions expand beyond the corporate sector.
Entrepreneurship has so many facets that it’s challenging to cover them all in a single article. However, let’s throw some light on how entrepreneurship benefits an economy and social progress.
It offers employment opportunities
People starting their own businesses often do so because they can’t find work that suits their skills and interests.
A new firm is created by an entrepreneur, which in turn, provides job prospects for others. COVID-19 has caused many individuals to lose their jobs, so they may either work for themselves or assist and promote an entrepreneur’s firm by beginning their own.
Entrepreneurs not only make money for themselves, but they also employ others to help with the day-to-day operations of their companies. As a result, those who previously lacked employment opportunities will now have the chance to do so.
It is empowered with new technologies, services, and products
As they join the market with cheaper pricing and a more comprehensive range of products, entrepreneurs put established businesses to the test. Existing market participants may reassess operations, raise their value, cut their expenses, and become more efficient due to this.
Competition in an economy is beneficial because businesses and people will look for ways to enhance their operations.
Companies will be forced to raise productivity and improve performance as a result of the emergence of new companies with ambitious expansion plans and a focus on innovation.
It boosts commerce and facilitates an economical blend
People’s needs will evolve in tandem with global trends, creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs to enter the market. There may be a beneficial influence on the economy when businesses look for new markets to sell their goods and services because of a saturated market.
In some instances, entrepreneurs may even build totally new sectors that serve as the engines of growth in the future.
Related: 68 Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs
It enables economic growth
Entrepreneurs’ innovative goods and services produce fresh money in new markets. Entrepreneurship may also enhance the national economy by bringing in more money.
Investment in faltering industries and human capital is a consequence of increased government expenditure and tax income.
Entrepreneurship enhances community life and living standards
Entrepreneurs alter or destroy the traditions and customs of a society and diminish the reliance on antiquated techniques, systems, and technological solutions.
Essentially, entrepreneurs are the first to introduce new technology and processes into the marketplace, resulting in societal transformation. These modifications are related to a more excellent way of life, more charitable thinking, stronger morale, and more economic freedom.
As a result, societal changes gradually influence national and international developments. As a result, the implication of social entrepreneurship must be facilitated.
It addresses environmental issues
The most successful social entrepreneurs push themselves to be open-minded and approach challenges through a lens that is free of preconceived notions and stigmas.
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In their thinking, they are unorthodox; they are not constrained by the limits of the systems in place but rather challenge those systems with innovative ideas and tactics.
Contrary to popular belief, objectivity is not synonymous with naiveness; entrepreneurs use research and data-driven analysis to account for features and variables that prior solutions may have ignored.
When they have the power to question generally held assumptions or beliefs, they may bring in an entirely new way of thinking.
Overall, encouraging and supporting entrepreneurs can positively impact and enable the benefits of entrepreneurship in the economy.
Even existing businesses and social entrepreneurship increase the likelihood of finding innovative solutions to social challenges faced by communities worldwide.
Serial entrepreneurship creates jobs and inspires a generation
As a multi founder and multiple business owner, I’ve seen the direct impact of my companies on my economy and that abroad.
When I created my first company, I did so to create jobs and become a wealth generator.
After four years of business:
- We currently have nearly 20 pack members
- We’ve helped six of our clients become millionaires, and
- I and two others who have worked for me have created additional business ventures.
Entrepreneurship and the chance of owning something are infectious. Hard but infectious.
I previously worked for Fortune 500s doing marketing for The Walt Disney Company and Pearson. I knew the salary and what it meant for my family. But as a small business owner, I know the value of my income so much more.
For my service-based industry, the impact on the economy wasn’t just dollars and marketing success for our clients but appreciating the hustle for other service-based industries.
And that impact was seen based on who I would hire or recommend, how I valued the google rating and yelp reviews — the financial impact of supporting local services, especially when a pandemic decimated so many entrepreneurs.
After creating my second company, I realized what supporting a small business’ products meant. Now, I, and my friends, attend farmer’s markets and local shops for purchases way more than we do Amazon.
These small changes in where I shop and who I hire have helped me know where my dollar goes and how long it stays in my local economy. Being a successful entrepreneur has allowed me to understand the impact of my dollar and the effect on my self-worth and value.
It’s given me the chance to share my story not just amongst my friends and family but with foster youth and incarcerated juveniles.
Entrepreneurship doesn’t require a degree. Or a background check. The only limitations with entrepreneurship success are the ones you put on yourself.
Connecting with a generation who has limiting beliefs that their income will be capped at whatever hourly rate a boss that may not understand their unique talents is defeating.
But enlightening a generation with the possibilities, shifting their mindsets, and expanding their beliefs to what is possible is incredible!
The impact of entrepreneurship goes beyond the financial impact to the economy but more so the contributions one can make when supporting local and encouraging a career in an area where someone can shine.
Entrepreneurs stimulate change. A stagnant economy is one without creativity and one that cannot thrive.
Entrepreneurship is the key to an equitable post-pandemic recovery
Over 33 million Americans quit their job in the last year; while this may seem like an enormous challenge to our economy, the shake-up of the status quo also offers an unprecedented opportunity for systemic change in 2022.
The “Great Resignation” drives people in all professions to reevaluate their careers, resulting in rising interest in entrepreneurship — what it can offer and what it means for both individualized wealth and economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic.
The mass exodus from traditional 9-5 jobs is now forging new paths for economic prosperity while also contributing to closing the opportunity gap and demonstrating the need for increased entrepreneurial education starting as early as middle school.
Historically, small businesses have always driven economic recovery.
Our economy is built on the backbone of the thousands of small businesses grown in our cities and towns.
According to the Small Businesses Administration, small—but mighty—companies make up two-thirds of new jobs and account for 44 percent of economic activity in the U.S. alone.
These businesses, many powered by one or two employees, are essential to our economy and are often inspired by personal passions and motivations.
Established and budding entrepreneurs alike demonstrate a unique brand of tenacity that allows them to rebound from economic shocks, such as COVID-19, providing a pathway to job curation and economic recovery.
Entrepreneurship can create equitable opportunities for underrepresented groups
Inclusive capitalism starts with providing underrepresented groups access to knowledge and opportunities for professional growth and entrepreneurial success.
Successful start-ups can be the key to building generational wealth for underserved groups while also contributing to local economic growth.
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Diverse entrepreneurs are closing the opportunity gap in their communities today. As consumers, we must continue supporting small businesses and advocating for equal access to funding and mentorship opportunities.
Economic recovery starts with entrepreneurship education.
The root causes of “The Great Resignation” precede the COVID-19 pandemic, but the opportunities for mobility and growth have been heightened by the explosion of typical work boundaries and the increase in acceptance of digital tools.
Opportunities abound—even for young people—to grow their own businesses.
Project-based learning models that activate the entrepreneurial mindset in students as young as middle school provide practice exercising lifelong durable skills like:
- Critical thinking
- Problem-solving
- Future orientation and comfort with risk
These characteristics serve any employee well in a changing workplace and are the foundation of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship is enjoying a golden moment. It’s imperative we equip future generations with essential knowledge and skills, especially those in underrepresented areas and minority groups, which in turn may cultivate sustainable and lucrative business opportunities for thousands.
Entrepreneurship solves economic, educational, and cultural problems
In my opinion, being entrepreneurial is the most important component of the economy. Entrepreneurs see problems and find solutions. It’s that simple.
- Entrepreneurialism solves economic, educational, and cultural problems and taps into political problems. In my opinion, it is the only way we’re going to fix this planet.
- Entrepreneurialism solves the entire existential vacuum crisis that humankind finds itself in. It enables one to operate from a place of instinct, which you can cultivate in the competitive free-market environment.
Entrepreneurship restores human purpose and reduces stress
Entrepreneurship does a huge restoration of human purpose, intention, and reduces stress. It restores that social pressure we’ve lost because you can’t be a great entrepreneur without being a good leader. And there’s no greater social pressure than to build and lead teams.
Think about the education system, for example, and how reliant we are on it for many things.
It is a common axiom of psychology that dependency breeds hostility, and 99% of the people in this world are dependent on something — be it an institution, a government, a school, or even just another person – for their survival.
By fixing education alone — through entrepreneurialism — we would tap into multiple veins of serious problems that are impacting our world.
A society that cannibalizes the economic opportunity of the average citizen and reduces the opportunity to a set of dependency options will eventually crumble. And as we drift from our entrepreneurial foundations in the developed world, we imperil the fabric of that world itself.
On my entrepreneurial journey, I have found that the more altruistic I get. And the more I try to solve problems based upon how big they are, the number of people they impact, and the amount of good they can make, the more money I seem to find.
Now I own the fastest-growing private education company in the world, teaching entrepreneurialism — different business models, different mindset strategies, and different ways of approaching life, like an entrepreneur — because it is essential to our economy that we have more people thinking and living with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Both current and aspiring entrepreneurs may think they’re just here to build a business and make some bucks. But this is me telling you that’s not the only reason you’re here.
If the world had more entrepreneurs, it would have more people dedicated to the task of making our planet a better place to live.
Entrepreneurship is the great equalizer of opportunity
Having started my first education company at age 17, I quickly learned that entrepreneurship was the great equalizer of opportunity. It takes courage, grit, resiliency, and a curious mind to embark on any entrepreneurial journey.
Developing these skills at an early age is our focus at my company, and we’ve seen the success that continues into adulthood when young people are taught how to think like an entrepreneur for life.
We prioritize technology and entrepreneurship education in our program, giving students the tools to create world-changing ideas. We’re honored to have had several students earn the EY Young Entrepreneur of the Year award.
Entrepreneurship produces forward-thinking leaders
In 2006, Sir Ken Robinson warned us that schools were killing creativity. Why does that matter, and how does that relate to entrepreneurship?
Creativity is the key to developing passionate, self-directed learners who are best equipped to innovate. Innovation naturally leads to entrepreneurship, where forward-thinking leaders create tangible solutions to address our world’s most complex problems.
Related: How to find simple solutions to complex problems
At my company, we give students space to learn in their way, on their timeline, which ignites curiosity and creates passionate lifelong learners who will make a difference today and tomorrow.
It is the best real-world, interdisciplinary curriculum available
Bread is a favorite food around the world, and most people love it. However, if I were to feed you salt at 10 am, flour at 11 am, yeast at 1 pm, and oil at 2 pm, you’d hate bread!
That’s what traditional schooling feels like, and it’s causing students (of all ages) to hate learning. In contrast, becoming an entrepreneur requires a leader to think about everything as an integrated proverbial loaf of bread.
For example, there’s no better way to naturally motivate students with very different skill sets to work together for one cause — artists work with programmers, writers work with accountants, communicators work with operators.
Over the past 14 years, we’ve seen this magic happen at my company, where teams of typically divergent personalities work together to achieve greatness through entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship is the new job creator
Entrepreneurs aren’t just the new product creators; we are the new job creators, the backbone of the economy.
Small businesses employ nearly 80% of the workforce. So, consider this: There are only 1700 large businesses in America. If each of these large companies (instead of downsizing) added ten new employees, we would have only created 170,000 new jobs. If they had to lay off ten employees each, only 170K jobs would be lost.
However, there are (roughly) 24 million small businesses in the U.S. If only the top 20% — the most forward-thinking, most growth-minded, most committed entrepreneurs — added just one new employee, that would instantly create 4.8 million jobs.
However, what if the bottom 20% — the struggling small businesses, those barely holding on — lost just one employee? We’d have a net loss of nearly 5 million jobs overnight.
This is just one reason the success of entrepreneurs is critical to the economy.
Entrepreneurship is an excellent vehicle for women’s empowerment
I am a relentless advocate for women’s empowerment, and there’s nothing more impactful on a woman’s power than the way she makes a living.
At the end of the day, if you can’t financially support yourself and your goals, full empowerment isn’t possible. So, entrepreneurship is an excellent vehicle for women’s empowerment.
As self-bossers, women have the freedom to work where, when, and with whom they want. This allowed me to work from home when my kids were small and even home-school them for a few years without ever seeing a dip in income.
Over time, being an entrepreneur also helps women build financial freedom for themselves and their families.
Related: 24 Best Books That Every Female Entrepreneur Should Read
It creates the kinds of jobs that people want
Starting a business can be risky, costly, and difficult. It often means leaving a job and staking the assets you have to get started. Not everyone has the motivation, energy, and inspiration to do that. Many people want a job with a steady paycheck instead.
As entrepreneurs, we identify products and services the market needs. Then we organize people and resources to deliver these products and services. In the process, we create the kinds of jobs that people want. And when we do well, we create more (and better) jobs.
As an entrepreneur, I don’t just match market demand with resources and qualified people.
- I guarantee that my team members get paid for their work on time.
- I guarantee that people know when their next paycheck is coming.
- I guarantee that nobody but me has to worry about the direction of the business.
People just come in, do their job, and get paid. As an added benefit, I can make a social difference by creating jobs.
In my case, I actively try to create workplaces for people who wouldn’t usually get them.
- Moms who need to work remotely with flexible hours
- Digital nomads
- Workers from states and cities with high unemployment rates
I feel this is important to my country — the USA — and the world economy.
Entrepreneurship creates healthy competition
Competition forces everyone to get better and is a core driver of overall progress. Entrepreneurs create competition, keep prices low, make better products, and force other entrepreneurs to improve.
What do I mean when I talk about this?
Well, without entrepreneurs, nobody would disrupt markets with innovative products. Nobody would come up with new, better products and clever ways to deliver them to market. Nobody would drive change.
Since March 2020, our world has seen small businesses crushed under the weight of a global pandemic, and governments are faced with the difficult decision of having to choose between taking additional economic hits or saving as many lives as possible.
We all know the only choice was the latter.
As our lawmakers slowly roll our lives back to a proverbial pre-pandemic ‘normal,’ conversations have begun; conversations that lead to ideas, and ideas that lead to strategic planning and thinking.
These very plans and thoughts fuel innovation and progress and that ultimately fuel entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship becomes an expansion of the current economy and market cycle
At the highest level, entrepreneurship is nothing more than identifying and taking action on a new or developing idea. Thus, entrepreneurship becomes an expansion of the current economy and market cycle.
Following the events of the last two years, our economy is ready to restart and take the world once again.
Governments were able to, at least for a short time, keep enough people “financially surviving,” in which if we were to “get going,” an economic crash could be avoided.
But now, as we reopen, “get going” means only one thing to me: the return of small businesses that are the keys to balanced neighborhoods, good-paying jobs, and the catalyst to make all regions and communities flourish.
Entrepreneurship produces more inspired and fulfilled people
The higher the number of small businesses, the more employees are needed to support them. This drives growth and job promotions inside organizations, which deliver more inspired and fulfilled people to society and our workforce.
It also collectively stimulates other businesses to grow and expand. When one business succeeds, we often see a ripple effect that benefits the entire economy.
Every time we go to a restaurant for lunch with our colleagues, a local family profits by providing you value in a great meal:
- The server is earning her Master’s degree at a local university while giving you the exceptional service you have experienced.
- The kitchen staff bought a coffee from a local coffee shop on their way to work and used public transportation from which our city profited.
I could go on forever, as this is precisely how our economy functions.
In many regions across North America, it is estimated that small businesses account for half of all jobs created annually, meaning that the increase in the total employment of our country largely depends on the rise of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship is essential to creating wealth and prosperity
It is responsible for most of the innovation and technological advances that we see in our society today.
Entrepreneurs are risk-takers; they are leaders who are constantly looking for new ways to improve their businesses and communities.
Entrepreneurs develop new markets by introducing new and improved products, services, and technology. Thus, they help generate new wealth and add more to the national income and legacy.
Entrepreneurship perpetuates entrepreneurship, commerce, further innovation, and healthy communities and is crucial to the growth of our post-pandemic economy and beyond.
Entrepreneurship is critical to the U.S. economy’s success. Small businesses are responsible for creating two-thirds of net new jobs, and without them, we lose the innovation, social change, and enterprise improvements that benefit us all.
Entrepreneurship opens doors to new ventures and markets
An entrepreneur is an observant member of society who looks at current problems ranging from products and services to technology and culture and pushes for new and creative ways to address those problems.
We communicate through the internet because someone had the innovative idea that paper and pen weren’t the most efficient way to send a message.
By introducing and implementing bold new ways to interact with one another, entrepreneurs open doors to new ventures and markets that diversify the economy.
Entrepreneurship promotes social change
Entrepreneurs are change agents. Their bold ideas can improve the quality of living of their communities. They are the people opening grocery stores in food deserts or giving underserved students the skills needed for college and career success.
These changes tackle pressing social challenges that prevent people from robust engagement in the economy.
Entrepreneurship improves current enterprises
Not every entrepreneur starts a Fortune 500 company. However, within a company, they may serve as intrapreneurs, using their entrepreneurial mindset to introduce innovative ways to expand and develop processes.
More specifically, an entrepreneur may modernize a production process that speeds up a firm’s overall distribution timeline. Improvements like these ensure the upward mobility of entrepreneurs in an organization as they continue to innovate from within.
Entrepreneurs play an integral role in pushing our economy forward, which is why I am committed to cultivating the full potential of student entrepreneurs to the greatest extent possible.
Entrepreneurship breaks the rules and solves problems in new ways
Most first-time entrepreneurs have no resources, no experience, and little knowledge, which is where I was when I started. What they have in abundance is ignorance, which is good.
When you don’t know you can’t do something, the chances of succeeding are much higher than if someone told you it’s impossible.
When first-time entrepreneurs start companies, they are extremely frugal and scrappy. They learn as they go. They run on what I call “hopium,” and they have tremendous energy.
In larger companies, problems are solved by throwing money at them. In startups, entrepreneurs don’t have money, so they substitute crazy creativity.
They don’t know how things are usually done, so they break the rules and solve problems in new ways. Established companies tend to be less inventive because they are blinded by ideas about how to do things.
PayPal, Facebook, Uber, Google — all those companies were successful partially because they started with ignorance of what couldn’t be done.
First-time entrepreneurs also don’t have professional advisors telling them what can’t be done. Professionals such as lawyers and CPAs consider it their job to steer clients away from trouble, so they often tell clients why something can’t be done.
Since entrepreneurs don’t have the money to hire CPAs, attorneys, and other professionals, they remain blissfully ignorant of potential roadblocks and pitfalls.
After starting my company, I had a professional friend who asked me if I did due diligence. Not only hadn’t I done due diligence, but I didn’t know what it was. In retrospect, if I had done it, I would never have started the business. But now we have a multimillion-dollar company.
Profit isn’t all there is in entrepreneurship
Finally, where bigger companies are driven almost entirely by profit, entrepreneurs are driven by a mission—they often do things that might not be as profitable because they believe they’re the right things to do.
For example, I had identified a gap in the US presentation folder market—not enough options to help brands stand out.
So, I created a company with the largest number of options in:
- Print methods
- Die cuts
- Papers
- Coatings
And if we multiply out all the options, we can come up with one hundred million variations. But that was not necessarily the most profitable way to go — it may have been more profitable to trim the options and do more of the same thing.
Entrepreneurship’s mission and innovation revitalize businesses
The economic value of mission-driven entrepreneurial companies that are constantly innovating creative solutions is that innovation spreads. Quite often, when a business finds a creative solution, they pivot and apply it to another area and become an expert in that type of solution.
Then that expertise gets shared with other companies and helps them become profitable, a process that constantly revitalizes business and feeds the economy’s health.
Entrepreneurship is a crucial aspect of America’s economy and culture. Entrepreneurs are what enable our economy to grow and evolve over the years. Without entrepreneurs, we would not have close to the number of products or services that are offered in the U.S.
Entrepreneurship is also important to the overall “culture” of the United States. In the last couple of years, I believe the American dream has shifted to people wanting the freedom to own their own business and work on their own time.
Entrepreneurship allows innovation
Entrepreneurship allows for innovation on all scales. I have provided two examples below, one massive example and one smaller example that relates to me personally.
- Example 1: Massive innovation — Uber
The first example of innovation relating to entrepreneurship can be seen with Uber. It was started by two entrepreneurs, Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick, who saw a need for a more advanced ride-share/taxi system.
Without getting too much into it, they were able to completely reshape the taxi system and how people get from A to B. Because of their entrepreneurship, we can now more easily travel, and the ride-share industry has innovated.
- Example 2: Smaller innovation — Prep materials for students
This example is related to me and my business. Back in 2009, there were hardly any free practice test resources out there. Someone would have to fill out a massive information form to get the practice test, or they would have to pay.
I saw a gap in this industry and tried to innovate it in a way that provided free prep materials to students. While this was not the most innovative idea, it worked, and my company has been able to help more than 50 million students.
Entrepreneurship is vital in the United States as it will help us continue innovating and growing. Entrepreneurship helps increase our quality of life by allowing for innovation, leading individuals to save time and money.
Entrepreneurship supports diverse businesses
When I think about the entrepreneurs I know and even those that I don’t, I find a common thread among them—the thread of not fitting into the typical mold in some form or fashion.
Richard Branson‘s story is not an uncommon one where, like others with an entrepreneurial streak, he took matters into his own hands.
Striking out on your own because you have learning differences, you don’t look like the other senior leaders in the organization, you don’t sound like them, or you don’t come from the same background. Time and time again, entrepreneurship has been formed from necessity to find a place to call your own.
I was fortunate that I was mentored and championed by other non-white women leaders throughout my career before becoming a business owner.
Related: How to Ask Someone to Be Your Mentor
I carry that forward today by consciously supporting other entrepreneurs and small businesses whenever I can, knowing that I’m helping fulfill the vision of a person who was told repeatedly, “this won’t work; you don’t fit.”
If person by person, purchase by purchase, we shift the dynamic of power towards these independent spirits looking to overcome the odds; eventually, the power dynamic will itself be changed, the status quo overthrown.
Entrepreneurship is the backbone of the economy
As entrepreneurs, we’re the catalyst for change, evolution, and pushing forward.
We’re the innovators and drivers that continue to move us forward as a society and as an economy. As we continue to evolve as a culture, the entrepreneurs are the individuals that are moving us in the direction of diversification and doing better.
As a leader of a female-run business and a person of mixed ethnicity, being an entrepreneur allows me to support fellow diverse businesses.
In creating opportunities for myself and my employees, we’re able to support people and companies that look like us, that are like-minded, and inspire us to do better while also putting money directly into the local economy.
It brings a great sense of pride and accomplishment
Entrepreneurship is important to the economy because it signifies the American Dream.
The freedom to start up your own business, do whatever you are interested in, and be your own boss is stressful, of course, but incredibly rewarding.
There’s a great sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from being able to build something from the ground up, and you worked so hard for — day in and day out.
Creating something from scratch that also becomes successful is another huge success, considering small businesses don’t typically have the funds to put into marketing themselves that corporations and bigger companies do.
Entrepreneurship is vital to the economy because:
- It stimulates growth
- It is another avenue to create jobs in a community
- It inspires other people
- It can motivate people to strive for something better, get creative, and think outside of the box of the typical 9 to 5 job to work hard for their dreams.
It contributes to people’s overall happiness
It also can contribute to people being overall genuinely happier with their lives. Entrepreneurship can also trickle down and inspire future generations to carry on a family business or branch out and start their own because they have seen that it is possible and know what it takes.
There is also a chance to have a greater impact on the community and truly help meet needs in specific areas that big box corporations or stores don’t satisfy, so entrepreneurship also tends to add local specific flair to communities.
The most rewarding aspect of entrepreneurship is that if you do it right, work hard, create a great brand, or create or provide a great product; you might make it big!
All the success stories of the small businesses that grew into national and even international brands show you that the sky’s the limit if you are willing to put the time, effort, and resources to work.
It provides people a career they are in control of
From starting a bakery truck that employed five, then tanning salons that employed 20, and now a school that employs close to 1,000, the importance of entrepreneurship to the economy has always been clear to me.
The growth laid out in these numbers does not even begin to show the impact my company has had on the economy; now, through our franchising model, we can help grow others to fulfill their entrepreneurial dream.
Even more exciting for me is the opportunity to meet and partner with like-minded people from diverse backgrounds who I may have never met if it wasn’t for the franchise opportunity. Because of this, the roadmap for Celebree’s future has adapted along the way for the local economies we serve.
The biggest change I have noticed is the people from corporate America and other fields of work flocking to find a career they are in control of.
Related: What to Do If You Don’t Know What Career Path to Choose?
After so many lives were uprooted from layoffs and downsizing during the pandemic, they are now ready to control their own destiny and create a legacy that matters for their family and the community they serve.
With this, my company has signed nearly 70 franchise agreements that will impact their surrounding communities for the better.
It inspires people to grow and prosper
At the center of every entrepreneur’s mind is the desire to grow and develop while broadening our life experiences. My mission is to achieve this not only for myself but also for all people involved in my company’s mission.
So, entrepreneurship is vital because it is so much more than the CEO or person at the top. It is all the people that we inspire to grow and prosper within the company that fuels the economy.
Without entrepreneurship, there would be nothing in front of us
Entrepreneurs are problem solvers, risk-takers who dare to be different. They accelerate growth, promote innovation, and are the backbone of the American economy.
Without entrepreneurship, there would be nothing in front of us. Dreams of wealth, combined with a nagging desire to fix the world’s inefficiencies, are the root of the salaries and comfort we all appreciate.
I launched my company in 2016, at the age of 20, and have worked for myself ever since. It all started with a voracious desire to help the businesses around me understand basic marketing.
We are standing on the shoulders of giants, meaning we are using the understanding, and technological advancements, given to us by major thinkers (entrepreneurs) who came before us.
For instance, if it weren’t for my conversation with business owners back in 2016 would have been far less fruitful, and it’s unlikely that I would have a business today.
Successful entrepreneurs always have their heads in a book. Learning benefits business:
- It makes happier customers, who stay and share their successes with colleagues.
- Overrun with new business, the entrepreneur makes additional hires and increases salaries to avoid turnover.
Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be a totally new product or idea. Modernizing production processes, implementing new technologies, and finding unique ways to have a comparative advantage are all examples of entrepreneurship.
These actions bring down the cost of goods. The savings (once competition arrives) are passed onto the people.
Tech entrepreneurs and inventors, in particular, can create entirely new sectors of work and income generation.
Think about it — did you imagine 25 years ago what we would use smartphones for today? The same goes for video streaming services.
Without entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, we wouldn’t have these two huge industries that drive markets and create jobs, creating innovations.
Entrepreneurship’s new business models reinforce the goals of capitalism
Even if you are not offering world-changing tech with your start-up, you may have a service that can fuel economic growth.
Again, look back over the past 25 years and what happened with Amazon. That website started as an online bookstore. Now, it’s one of the largest companies on earth and produces not only its own books through a publishing platform but also television and film.
Nothing was particularly innovative about the tech. The business model, though, has generated growth not only for Amazon but for lots of other similar companies.
Entrepreneurship pushes people to take risks
Big companies are unwilling to take the risks that many entrepreneurs regularly do. Amazon and Netflix are big players now, but they didn’t start that way.
We don’t have an Amazon-like Borders.com or Blockbuster.com because the entrepreneurs are more risk-averse.
Big companies are unlikely to dump a bunch of money into a new idea when they are doing fine on their old business models. It takes a gutsy company or a new entrepreneur to shake things up.
Entrepreneurship brings change in an ever-evolving marketplace of ideas
I launched my business in 2020 during a time when the pandemic disrupted the work environment and systems.
We’ve grown and found relevance by introducing a unique way of rewarding employees, emphasizing the importance of employee recognition and engagement to drive productivity in remote work settings.
In this way, we found digital relevance in rewarding perks to expand employees’ personal development. This means being an entrepreneur is about being disruptive through innovative solutions to bring change in an ever-evolving marketplace of ideas.
The obvious benefit is being a social change agent inspiring solutions in the workplace to raise productivity levels. Being self-employed and being a CEO is a journey of self-actualization.
It is rewarding beyond the opportunity of writing your own paycheque. But yes, the amount of money you make is a significant reminder of the relevance of your business in the global space by offering market-related solutions.
In doing so, you have the ability to bring a team of skilled professionals together to leverage their expertise to contribute to your business solution.
Ideas and business solutions are always about people and being in service to each other. In this way, we empower each other as economic players share economic success and financial rewards.
Its successes and failures keep the economy progressing
I view the role of the entrepreneur in an economy similar to variations and mutations in the evolution of species. Due to this, I view entrepreneurship as one of the most important roles in society and economies.
In the same way that the success or failure of variations contributes to the success of a species, I think that entrepreneurs play that role in the actions they take for economies.
Through the success or failures of entrepreneurs, our economy keeps building and progressing to make things better, cheaper, deliver to customers faster, and improve the quality of life for people.
With each subsequent iteration of a business, new entrepreneurs learn from previous entrepreneurs and formulate ideas about how something can be done better.
They can examine the failures (similar species who died off) to avoid those mistakes, make things more cost-efficient and deliver more end value to the customer. This concept causes economies to grow and improve the lives of a population over time.
The fundamentals of entrepreneurship are the evolutionary drivers that drive our society forward. Whether that is product entrepreneurship, science, or medicine entrepreneurship, we evolve and grow our economy through these processes of successes and failures.
Entrepreneurship allows businesses to move with agility
When it comes to building the economy on a local or national scale, entrepreneurship is a key part of the equation. Entrepreneurship allows businesses to move with agility in markets, helping to fill the holes needed by a community before they become apparent.
Often, corporations and other businesses operate at a level much too high to address the needs of a community. For example, large businesses in small communities may not be able to anticipate the community’s needs due to competitive bidding or outsourcing trouble.
This means that it’s up to small businesses to fill in those gaps. Entrepreneurship allows business owners to work quickly to make sure they’re filling the needs of those within their communities so that people can continue to thrive.
It allows entrepreneurs to see opportunities where larger businesses see risk
Even more importantly, entrepreneurs often see opportunity where larger businesses see risk. Some of the best entrepreneurs set up their businesses in locations or communities that larger businesses would pass over.
For example, small towns are often so small that they can’t support larger businesses like Walmart or Amazon. However, small startups or community businesses can thrive in those areas, growing rapidly and providing resources and jobs that can invigorate a community.
Entrepreneurship can be the answer to the increasing job crisis
It’s impossible to talk about why entrepreneurship is important without mentioning the fact that it’s creating new jobs for people. Entry-level jobs are getting more difficult to find, and the number of people looking for a job vs. the number of jobs available is far from being on the same level.
Related: Why Do Entry-Level Jobs Require Experience?
The gap between these two is only getting bigger and bigger, which can affect the economy.
This is where entrepreneurship can be the answer to the increasing job crisis. Moreover, if a new business manages to strike success with innovation, there are chances of more people following the same steps and opening similar businesses.
Entrepreneurship leads to more high-paying jobs
Besides generating new jobs, these enterprises are also generating new wealth. While all the existing businesses are probably hitting their limits, new businesses can lead to more research and innovation, which means the possibility of a new market.
As these companies get bigger and better, there will be more high-paying jobs which means higher tax revenue for the government. Some of the underdeveloped countries are even trying to lure in entrepreneurs by offering them self-employed visas and low-income tax facilities.
Entrepreneurship leads to more innovation and research
There are indirect advantages for the economy as well. Entrepreneurs are often trying to develop new technologies and ideas, which leads to more innovation and research.
Some of these innovations can have social impacts like cheap ways to filter water or produce electricity which ultimately adds to the economy.
When I was looking for a job right after graduation, the job market forced me to think of entrepreneurship. As I saw how my friends struggled to get a job, I managed to almost get my first business up and running.
Entrepreneurship changes how we live and work
I believe that the definition of an entrepreneur should be “one who creates opportunities and solves problems.” They can picture a life they want to live and complete the necessary steps to get there.
Having an entrepreneurial mindset truly can change how we live and work. In the words of President Barack Obama, “Change doesn’t come from Washington, it comes to Washington.”
What he means here is that it is the people, the general population, who are capable of conceptualizing ideas that can make a difference. It has always been radical thinkers who promote social change and drive innovation.
It reduces the national unemployment rate
Additionally, entrepreneurship grows the economy. It creates the need for employees, which reduces the national unemployment rate.
Businesses create products and services and bring them to the marketplace. Consider Steve Jobs, who released the iPhone in 2008. Almost overnight, an entirely new industry, phone applications, was born.
It challenges the status quo
Finally, entrepreneurs create new ways of thinking by challenging the status quo. They see the world differently.
Rather than just thinking about entrepreneurs as a person who starts a new business, it is essential to acknowledge that they, too, create opportunities and solve problems for the betterment of the world.
Entrepreneurship changed our professional and personal lives
People underappreciate how much the startup ecosystem has changed our lives. Because we transitioned so quickly from an analog world to a digital world, it’s easy to overlook how our professional (and personal) lives have drastically been affected during the past 10-20 years.
If you removed the venture ecosystem from our lives, you’d be amazed at how different our world would be.
We are able to work remotely in the midst of a pandemic because we have a wide range of digital tools and hardware that make that possible — and it’s all possible because of entrepreneurship and business leaders’ desire to enter new frontiers.
Shopping online is the norm for millions of people, and now direct-to-consumer businesses are growing and challenging traditional brick-and-mortar retailers. And look at how it’s changed people socially.
How often do people find love and friendships by swiping right on their phones? Tinder, Bumble, and other online dating platforms have changed millions of lives.
Entrepreneurship is vital to our economy for many reasons, but two stick out to me more than others.
It fuels the exchange of many different products
First, the marketplace of ideas is a theory popularized by John Stuart Mill that claims in a free market, the better ideas or products will be the ones that survive.
Open entrepreneurship is important because fueling the exchange of many different products means that we continue to make progress in the long run.
It causes you to take pride in your work
Second, entrepreneurship causes you to take pride in your work. Others may agree with me that I never truly felt a part of the companies I worked with in the past.
I was always aware that I was working for somebody else. When I started working for myself, I developed deep ownership of my work that I would never have learned without entrepreneurship, and that has been invaluable.
Our economy thrives when we take ownership of our work, and I have felt the effects of entrepreneurship on my accountability.
It can address niche needs
Large corporations can meet widespread, general demands, but entrepreneurs can cater to individuals.
Often, the needs of the few are drowned out by the many. Corporations have to make assumptions about their target market and navigate numerous boards to make decisions.
Entrepreneurs can personalize their products and their marketing approaches. They can adapt according to customer feedback, improving the quality of their service.
When entrepreneurs thrive, community members and their needs are recognized.
Entrepreneurship breeds innovation
Creativity is the foundation of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs discover more efficient methods for production and implement new business models that support employees. They develop technologies and products that support infrastructure and provide job opportunities to the community.
When entrepreneurship reigns, consumers have the power to choose, encouraging the production of necessary goods and services.
Entrepreneurship boosts the local economy
Small businesses are the economic engine of America, as they employ 47.1% of the US workforce. Every time a new small business is formed and grows to the point that the founders can’t handle every operational task, it creates new jobs and opportunities for others.
Small businesses also bring a ton of money back into local communities. Whenever people choose to give their money to local small businesses rather than national food franchises, big-box store chains, and other major corporations, they are making a concerted effort to boost their local economy.
Entrepreneurship constantly innovate industries
In addition, innovation is key to economic activity and stability, and that’s where entrepreneurs come in. Entrepreneurial folks are constantly innovating entire industries with their business ventures.
There can be strict guidelines on how projects should be done in established corporations and a lot of red tape surrounding trying out big new ideas — there could be very little wiggle room for major changes.
On the other hand, small business founders often launch their companies solely to disrupt an entire industry. Small business owners see problems not being addressed and set out to solve them rather than hoping that others do it. These industry innovations can be pivotal for economic growth.
Entrepreneurship brings radical change to consumers’ life
Entrepreneurship takes part in the economy’s growth by creating new products and services that produce new employment. It will create job opportunities for new and skilled workers, increasing the country’s employment rate.
The need is the mother of invention. Entrepreneurs notice these needs and aim to provide solutions to them. Their goal is to answer the issues faced by the community that the current technology and existing products did not address.
This results in new and innovative products and services being introduced to the market and radically changing consumers’ lives.
Entrepreneurship encourages competition wherein the consumer benefits from lower prices and product assortment. It also made manufacturers improve their products to boost customer retention.
Entrepreneurs wanting to provide innovation by manufacturing new products have promoted research and development. They made their ideas into business models and later strived successfully and grew exponentially.
It pushes entrepreneurs to develop new processes
Although entrepreneurs create new products, they can also affect existing firms by inventing new ways to develop their current processes.
It will intensify the urge of current businesses to be equivalent, if not surpass, the innovation the entrepreneurship offers. It will encourage them to be better or otherwise go under.
Entrepreneurship is critical to national self-sufficiency
Entrepreneurship is a critical component of a country’s economic progress. As a small business owner or by starting a small venture, every entrepreneur works hard to develop a firm that will offer butter and bread to their family.
They are benefiting not only the family but also the society, area, local community, state, and nation.
Industrialists are constantly striving to manufacture a plethora of substitutes for previously imported commodities, hence reducing reliance on other countries for goods.
Furthermore, these commodities are exported to other countries, assisting those countries in maximizing their foreign exchange reserves. Export promotion on the one hand and import substitution on the other ensure that reliance on other countries is reduced.
Infrastructure development is also essential for a country’s economic success. Entrepreneurs are always in favor of developing backward and rural areas to better utilize resources and provide job possibilities.
They demand that the government develop the area’s infrastructure to build businesses in such locations.
It increases the number of businesses actively competing for customers
An increase in business competition is one of the major ways that entrepreneurship contributes to the economy and consumer welfare.
In such competitive environments, the quality of goods and services dramatically improves. More importantly, the cost of goods and services remains affordable in markets with several competing firms.
Lower prices and high-quality goods increase the flow of money in the economy, fuelling its growth and expansion while ensuring employment levels are at their peak.
Optimum levels of employment and an increased number of operational businesses result in greater tax revenues for the government. This, in turn, translates to better public services for the citizens within the country.
Moreover, there are more incentives for firms to innovate and invent when the competition is high, increasing a country’s competitiveness in international markets while improving consumer welfare within its borders.
Entrepreneurship creates platforms for social change
Entrepreneurs are often groundbreakers, creating waves wherever they go and looking for ways to advance and improve for the better.
Entrepreneurship creates a platform for social change in their communities and on a wider stage, thanks to social media.
- Young content creators can use platforms such as TikTok to catapult into spaces of influence and use that to create new businesses, such as Addison Rae and her makeup line. She was hailed as the highest-paid TikTok personality in the world in 2020 with $5 million in pre-tax earnings.
- Entrepreneurial businesses often have a personality and a background story, whether it be an Asian bakery standing up to Asian hate during COVID or a new business that especially hires people with disabilities as employees.
- Entrepreneurial businesses that hire locally can lift whole families and communities out of poverty and provide them with an opportunity to be productive members of society and change their lives.
It creates an entire economic cycle of benefits
As an entrepreneur, I am driven by providing creative solutions for my clients and embracing a growth outlook to life in general.
I started my business two years ago, and it’s been phenomenal, a dream come true for a business graduate. I’m inspired about investing and turning lucrative business ideas into tangible, profitable businesses that create first-class work teams encouraged to bring in revenue and drive change.
My latest venture is phenomenal in terms of what we’ve achieved over the last two years. This is what really drives me:
- Enjoying the advantages of being the creator of a new business
- Coming up with real marketable solutions by innovating
- Not giving up on the possibility of scaling those solutions long-term for thousands of people to enjoy
In the process, we build teams, hire professionals, and bring tangible results to our customers, who grow their own marketing campaigns and bottom line.
This is the nature of being in business, creating an entire economic cycle of benefits to a large number of people.
It brings new consumers to the market
Entrepreneurs often focus on a population segment that existing companies may not pursue. Entrepreneurs develop and create new customers, giving them an impact on the economy in ways they have not had before.
When new consumers are added to the buying population, they help the economy grow and get stronger.
It does not rely on outdated ways of doing business
Entrepreneurs are the leaders who leave the classic trade methods behind and don’t rely on outdated ways of doing business.
They embrace new technology and believe in the quality of life, morality in business, and better economic freedom.
Since they are innovators, entrepreneurs are more likely to be forward-thinking and work towards making the world a better place for everyone, not just themselves.
Dan Belcher

CEO, Mortgage Relief
Entrepreneurship benefits both the people and resources
As a business owner, I believe every one of us works as one and grows like one. It goes the same with entrepreneurship and economy duo.
Without one, there’s no other, and vice versa. It is a give-and-take situation wherein society needs to consider.
The reason why entrepreneurship is vital to the economy is due to the opportunities given. When entrepreneurship provides work, it benefits both the people and resources, whether for expansion or consumption usage.
- Supply of investments. Entrepreneurship gives away more opportunities that the economic benefit from through the resources.
- Employment factors. Entrepreneurship offers a job to the people, which means the economy will take advantage of more tax reform and inflation, beneficial to various uses.
- Balance the tradition. Entrepreneurship supports both automation and personalization that improve the understanding and practice of both technology and the human workforce.
It brings foreign currency into the country
Entrepreneurs are assets for bringing foreign currency into the country. This benefit became even more prevalent during the last two years.
Hospitals, for example, had been flooded with out-patients and emergency cases owing to the pandemic and life in general. Travel nurses and those who opened private clinics were lifesavers for tourists who couldn’t get assistance at the main healthcare centers.
When hospital professionals suffered burnout, entrepreneurs were around the corner to help ease the workload by offering services through their independent practices.
We all know the kind of bad press poor healthcare generates for our cities. The work of healthcare self-starters helped sustain tourism affairs and keep the economy from plummeting completely.
There is no economy without entrepreneurship
Every company that’s a household name today — Coca-Cola, Walmart, Ford, Nike, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter, to name a few — was at one time a startup, and all new technologies were once an innovation.
Entrepreneurs envisioned, invented, and realized these companies, industries, and markets, which are keystones in our economy. There is no economy without entrepreneurship, and there’s nothing more important to our economy than entrepreneurship.
Nearly all businesses are:
- A lightly disguised reinvention of the wheel
- Doing the same thing that other companies have done before with a handful of tweaks
- Adjustments to value propositions
- Minor points of differentiation
But what drives us forward is when entrepreneurs have the courage to try things fundamentally new that over time develop into these market-defining companies that are so important to our modern lives.
Our lifestyles change, and our expectations and standards keep increasing in no small part due to the efforts of these brave few, because entrepreneurship is the basis of not only the American economy but every economy, and it always has been, and if we’re lucky, it always will be.
It helps businesses efficiently utilize resources through streamlined processes
Thinking of entrepreneurship resonates with creating a new product that an audience has never seen before. Entrepreneurs can impact traditional business, such as streamlining a production process.
For example, if a manufacturing plant produces 100 goods a day, an entrepreneur sees this as an opportunity for innovation. Entrepreneurs put their creative and problem-solving thinking strategies into action and help existing businesses efficiently utilize their resources.
Once the process is streamlined, it can help businesses save costs while simultaneously allowing owners to scale their enterprise operations. More goods could then be produced at a fairly decreased cost, increasing consumer buying power.
As a greater number of products are sold, the reported profits of the business would increase exponentially. This measure would increase the organization’s taxes per year, which can help the economic well-being of a country.
Entrepreneurship alleviates job-search difficulties
In this country, unemployment is a big problem. And there is only one way to address this: through job creation. Entrepreneurs accomplish precisely that.
They generate jobs and contribute to the country’s overall economic prosperity. Numerous start-ups also hire new talent, alleviating job-search difficulties for recent graduates.
Over time, internship programs develop skills and professionals.
Related: How to Get an Internship
GDP increases in lockstep with productivity growth. Additionally, whether you believe it or not, unemployment is associated with criminal activity. That is to say, the lower the crime rate, the lower the unemployment rate.
Entrepreneurship allows parents to get back home with their families
I was in the grind of the everyday rat race corporate job. I was seeing my kids grow from afar while wishing one day I’d be able to leave my corporate life and spend more time with my kids.
It wasn’t easy, but I was able to build a small business relatively quickly. I took every opportunity to work on my side hustle as I could. Early in the morning and staying up late at night.
This side hustle has now turned into a full-time business of mine.
Entrepreneurship has given me the opportunity to get back home with my family, and I love it!
It is key to economic resilience
There is no certainty in this constantly changing business environment (Covid-19, the current situation in Ukraine, etc.), and thus many established businesses fail.
Entrepreneurs are key to our economic resilience. They can adapt quickly to their rapidly changing environment, launch new and improved products or services and promote innovation with new businesses ventures when opportunities arise.
Related: Real Life Examples of Resilience
When entrepreneurs create new services or products, they can improve the quality of life, increase morale and advance the financial freedom of their community.
Businesses also create job opportunities, further stimulating economic growth and enhancing the standard of living.
Entrepreneurship is the leap of faith people take to push them to higher levels
Many of our politicians and people of power begin as entrepreneurs. Through this experience, they learn how tough it is to succeed in business, and they gain this perspective on building a company so they can use that experience in running a district, city, state, or even country.
Entrepreneurship is that leap of faith many people take that begins to push them to higher levels.
After becoming an entrepreneur and doing what it takes to succeed, these people look to make a bigger difference in the world by running for a political position and (hopefully) helping other aspiring business owners.
That’s just another reason why the entrepreneurs in the world are so important and why this experience they gain as business owners are vital.
Entrepreneurship pushes people to be more creative
An entrepreneurial world is a creative world. Fostering a culture of entrepreneurship enables people to question the status quo and come up with creative solutions to problems.
This is great for the economy because they will often identify market solutions for these problems.
Entrepreneurship instills work ethics in the next generation of workers
Seeing parents and role models work hard for their dreams encourages young people to work hard for theirs. Even if they continue to work for employers, these young people will apply their work ethic to their jobs and help their employers’ company grow and stimulate the economy.
Related: What Is “Business Ethics” and Why Is It Important?
Entrepreneurship is a deep core rooted fundamentally in our evolution as humans
When one thinks of entrepreneurship, what do you think of? Do you think of the lightbulb? Do you think of the local automotive? What about the plane or the heat in your home to the food on your dinner table?
Entrepreneurship is everywhere we go. Imagine a world where no innovation exists — what kind of world would that look like? Would humanity just perish?
Evolution is entrepreneurship
We have been evolving as a society for thousands of years, and entrepreneurship is a deep core rooted fundamentally in our evolution as humans.
Entrepreneurship has not only made our economies stronger but has helped each human being with new ideas being brought to the forefront of humanity in finance, business, agriculture, technology, transportation, etc.
Entrepreneurship is the definition of an economy
The more we evolve as a human species, the more our economies strengthen year after year in all aspects. If you take entrepreneurship from humanity, you remove man’s existence and thus the evolution of man to continue to evolve as a species.
In conclusion, entrepreneurship is not a thing or a trend that is made popular through social media. Entrepreneurship is the ability to help the human species evolve and thrive, and thus as it flourishes, our economies thrive and grow in parallel.
Entrepreneurship is a vital component in mixed economic systems with a market-driven focus. The entrepreneurs in a diverse economy are responsible for developing various economic markets and are the primary drivers behind increased GDP and economic growth in their country.
Entrepreneurs invent and optimize products that contribute to societal growth. In their goals to increase profits and outstand their competitors, they are driven to invest in expensive research that benefits the world around them.
Entrepreneurship helps in regional development
Entrepreneurs are also essential players in regional development. Business people are very involved and knowledgeable of their communities.
They are aware of underdeveloped areas, taking advantage of the lacking market to establish themselves. Starting up markets in underdeveloped areas adds opportunity and growth to new places and encourages economic growth and expansion.
Entrepreneurship helps make a country self-reliant
By taking advantage of untapped industries and building businesses within in-demand areas, entrepreneurs provide more opportunities within a country.
They create products or provide services directly sourced from their own country, cutting down on outsourcing and adding jobs for local citizens.
Carlos Sequeira

Freelance Copywriter, Forward Copywriting
Entrepreneurship brings your idea from concept to reality
Entrepreneurship is vital to the economy because it has the potential to change people’s lives. When you start a business, you bring your ideas from concept to reality.
And in this reality, you need employees, products, and services to get started. By hiring employees and purchasing business essentials such as office supplies, software, and equipment, you are helping the economy.
Also, when you shop locally, you are helping your local businesses and their employees. Entrepreneurs provide a product or service that fills a void within their industry. The goal is to make the world a better place and make a profit.
In business, you have to work with others to keep improving your business. The whole sector and economy get a lift by interacting with companies and making transactions.
The more a business grows, the more it can add to the economy.
For instance, as your business grows, you can hire more employees, purchase additional equipment, and expand your reach. This greater reach can help strengthen your business and your local community.
Entrepreneurship creates a ripple effect that affects people’s lives
Another benefit of entrepreneurship is that it changes the person’s life who took the risk to start the business. Entrepreneurs reap the rewards of their hard work by providing a better quality of life for their families and reaching economic freedom.
Entrepreneurship creates a ripple effect that affects many people’s lives and can make a more robust economy.
Entrepreneurship helps communities to grow
Most entrepreneurs don’t work in a vacuum. Even bloggers employ teams of writers, editors, video editors, graphic designers, social media managers, and virtual assistants to handle daily tasks such as email replies.
In my business, which is still somewhat small, new, and growing, I spent over $30,000 in 2021 paying people in all of the above categories, and I expect that to double in 2022.
While some smaller entrepreneurs such as I tend to work alone and outsource tasks, many more prominent entrepreneurs hire hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of workers. These workers are sometimes remote workers but often live, work, and spend locally.
For example, Amazon, which started in Jeff Bezos’ garage, now employs 1,608,000 full- and part-time employees. (source), and Tesla has 70,757 full-time employees (source).
In both cases, those are employees living, working, and spending in their local communities. They may be buying houses, using other services such as Uber or DoorDash (which then puts money in the pockets of those employees).
As those companies grow, they hire more people. Then those employees, in turn, spend more locally, with the net result being that everyone in those local communities to grow and benefit.
Entrepreneurship helps people develop critical problem-solving capabilities
Entrepreneurs are passionate individuals improving people’s lives and, most importantly, making the world a better place. This kind of person has incredible ramifications on the economy.
Entrepreneurs can become whatever they want to be. Due to not having a mandatory career path, they have to find their way themselves. You develop critical problem-solving capabilities. Otherwise, you will fail at your endeavor.
Therefore, you think differently than others and find improved ways of helping clients and fixing issues—this way of continually improving benefits the whole industry and, consequently, the economy.
However, it is up to the entrepreneur. There are no limits to their accomplishments and failures.
It revolutionizes or creates whole industries
Thus, great entrepreneurs can revolutionize or create whole industries. This, of course, leads to increased job opportunities and revenue for an abundance of people.
In my experience, entrepreneurs are more passionate about their company than “typical“ employees. Due to their hard work, they create enormous cultural and monetary value to their economies.