Most bosses, managers, and leaders agree that setting goals and objectives can highly motivate employees. These factors could also provide valuable information to help guide their workflow and increase productivity.
According to experts, here are examples of employee performance goals and objectives:
Be punctual at meetings, work, and events
Punctuality is critical to success at work, meetings, and events. As you plan through the day’s work and start early at work, meetings, and events, your mind will be calm, concentrated, and organized.
Punctuality also conveys positive signals about you to your coworkers, superiors, and even clients. Consistently arriving on time indicates foresight, expertise, and dependability.
It demonstrates to everyone around you that you are in charge of your life; you can predict potential roadblocks and adjust your plans to suit them. Remember to set a goal to be on time, and it will, in turn, help boost your performance and reputation.
Verify that the objectives are attainable
You should set goals that are both achievable and challenging. It’s all about striking the right balance:
- make it too complicated, and employees will give up
- make it too easy, and employees will get unmotivated
Give your employees attainable goals while also giving them a chance to shine. Keep in mind that goals can be a great motivator, and meeting challenging objectives can provide employees with a great sense of accomplishment.
Finding this ideal middle ground may not be possible right away, but by tracking the development and reviewing an employee’s ultimate performance, you may make any necessary adjustments.
Create a timeline
When writing employee goals, you’ll need to include a timeline for each goal’s completion. Employees will be clear on what needs to be accomplished by what date if a timeline is established (along with milestones along the way).
Without a timeline, the goal may become an ongoing task that cannot be accurately measured and has no impact.
When creating each goal, make sure you’re clear on what can be accomplished in a certain amount of time. Again, this may need to be tweaked.
Still, by including marker points within the goal, such as mini objectives within shorter time frames, you can track progress and determine whether the original timeline is realistic.
Improve your organizational visibility
Decide to attend and participate actively in formal and informal meetings within your organization and speak up when critical topics are discussed.
This will offer you access to key advancements within the company that regular employees may not have access to. You might be able to organize your actions and work accordingly if you have this information.
Get in sync with the business
SMART goals are most effective when linked with the organization’s overarching goals.
So, before you start setting staff goals, look at your current business objectives: do you need to reduce customer turnover, satisfy the rising demand for popular products, or has a competitor gotten ahead of you?
As a starting point, consider what goals you can make that are aligned with the company’s objectives.
Individual performance tracking
Your first 100 days
At our company, we know that the key to building and retaining a delighted and innovative team is to invest in our employees’ growth and development from day one.
Our employees are supported in pursuing their passions and offered flexible career pathing options, with their managers serving as mentors throughout the process.
This builds trust, competency, loyalty, and a company-wide passion for continuous growth.
Each new employee goes through what we call their “First 100 Days”, which is a structured onboarding process aimed at ensuring each employee has the resources they need and introducing them to our growth-oriented culture.
As part of this process, employees and managers have several meetings with our Onboarding Specialist to provide 360 feedback and discuss goals the manager has set for each new hire’s First 100 Days.
Setting and tracking goals immediately underscore the importance of our data-driven approach and help to provide tangible wins for new hires to celebrate early on.
The First 100 Days culminates in a meeting with each employee and their direct manager to discuss their desired career path and how we can facilitate their growth and development to achieve their goals.
Gap analysis
We recently created the new role of Learning and Development Manager in the HR department to provide dedicated support to our employees as they move through our “Gap analysis” process.
This process provides a structured but flexible method for employees and their managers to collaboratively identify areas of expertise and skills to develop from taking the next step in their career path.
Each gap analysis document is tailored to the individual employee’s desired career path, which can be an already established path or a new, unique path that aligns the employee’s skills with a company’s need.
Instead of specific goals and objectives, the gap analysis process breaks down what areas of competency are required for a particular role and, within those competencies, what the employee has already mastered versus what they should still develop.
These competency areas are created using input from employees of all levels within a team, facilitating more buy-in and ensuring that the competencies are genuinely aligned with the day-to-day work of those utilizing the tool.
These areas of competency vary by department and include topics such as “business knowledge,” “relationship building,” “SQL,” and “cultural competency.” Within these competencies, a baseline of expected skill and knowledge is outlined.
One area that remains a constant across the company is our Core values. It is essential that our employees, particularly our leaders, embody our values in their daily work.
Expectations within these competencies can range from stepping out of your comfort zone at a junior level to driving a company culture where others feel welcomed and engaged at a more senior level.
Utilizing this approach promotes one of our core values of teaching each other to fish. It allows us to foster an environment where our employees learn to think and act independently and in the best interest of their team and the business.
This process has been met with overwhelmingly positive feedback, with 31% of our eligible employees currently working through a Gap Analysis with their manager.
Company-wide performance tracking
Weekly, quarterly, and end of the year tracking
In addition to our performance process, we also created a structure for company-wide performance tracking, called our Quarterly Review Meetings (QRM). Our QRM process allows us to keep close track of our goals and the results, operationalizing them for our end-of-year decision-making.
Keeping a close eye on the goal and team progress and tracking the history of each allows us to make more strategic decisions and design more innovative plans for the future.
The QRM process begins by bringing together team leads and department heads to discuss their potential goals for the quarter and identify how they will benefit the business.
Together they assess the resources they already have or additional resources they may need to achieve these goals. All goals are framed as “opportunities,” which are broken down into measurable objectives with specific employees identified as the “owners” of these objectives.
Cross-team collaboration is encouraged, with multiple teams weighing in on the anticipated return on investment (ROI) and estimations for completion. ROI does not have to be strictly financial, though.
Opportunities can include:
- Lowering the risk for the company
- Improving our user experience
- Enhancing our company culture
After goals are fully developed, stakeholders get together for a “Debate meeting” to talk through the opportunities to assess and prioritize goals. Stakeholders include the executive team and department heads.
While priorities are established at the executive level, input is received from all levels within the company. Each team member is made aware of final decisions to help contribute.
As the final step in the process, all employees are kept up to date on progress and upcoming goals through our bi-weekly company-wide Sales, Ales, and Product Tales (SAPT) meetings.
In summary:
In the information industry, changes occur rapidly, so it’s essential to have this check-in every couple of months to ensure we are on track and can pivot if necessary.
We pride ourselves on being an agile company, so we’re constantly assessing and building on this process to make improvements and adjustments as we grow. In conjunction with our 360 individual review process, we’ve found this process builds ownership, accountability, and buy-in at all levels across the company.
Flexibility and the ability to adapt
Since we work with clients within the legal world, we must be able to react and adapt whenever changes appear quickly or new evidence is provided.
We aim for our employees to improve their flexibility in this regard, and I find this an important objective to have within the company policy to improve upon consistently.
Understanding between departments
This is more of a recent performance goal that we set for our employees, with the aim of improving communication and collaboration across different departments and teams.
In my experience, the more workers know about each other’s roles, the smoother cooperation goes, and the quicker interdepartmental tasks and duties get done.
To meet this objective, you can even have shadowing days in which employees spend some time in another department, learning about what they do!
Good decision making
This is a consistent objective within my company and something that I recommend for all businesses. The more able your employees to make decisions, the less they will have to rely on the management team, which frees up time for other management tasks and duties.
Of course, there should still be a clear chain of command when it comes to major decisions, but it’s good to train independent work.
We also implement other performance goals and objectives, depending on specific clients that we have or times of the year. We like to be flexible so that the objectives are on par with the direction of the business at each given time.
Employ real-time assessment and analytical tools
Employee development and retention are very intrinsically linked to setting clear performance goals.
Employees who know that they are hitting all their targets feel a vital cog in the company machine and will consistently deliver better results to help the organization create better business outcomes.
Additionally, they will feel motivated to stay because they know they’re making a difference. Actual employee development and retention is a task much easier said than done.
A “one size fits all” approach will be counterproductive, and the strategy needs to be tailored to fit each industry. Although, of course, some general practices need to be adopted at a foundational level.
- Create an orientation program
Creating an orientation program that effectively spells out the employer’s expectations and what each employee is expected to do during work is essential for employee engagement.
- Employing real-time assessment and analytical tools
Employing real-time assessment and analytical tools to gauge how the employees respond. Only with this data can the engagement strategy be taken forward and improved to facilitate employee retention.
- Create clear communication lines
Paying ample attention to creating clear communication lines is essential to creating a system of constructive criticism and helpful feedback.
This is vital to employee retention as this ensures that managers can talk to team members and vice versa as soon as an issue pops up. Employees will feel less apprehensive about pointing out troubles they face or areas where they think the strategy should be tweaked.
And additionally, this will also let the employer check on each employee, how they’re doing, and if they’re facing any difficulties in carrying out the task assigned.
- Identify gaps in skills between employees
Trying to identify gaps in skills between employees is one aspect of employee engagement that does not get enough attention. Everyone will work differently, especially in this online/hybrid work age.
Some may display improved efficiency, whereas some might slack off a bit.
Make sure to talk to the employees who have improved, figure out what steps they have undertaken to achieve it, and effectively relay these suggestions to employees who find remote work a bit harder to do. Employees who feel that management has made an extra effort to make them comfortable are much easier to retain.
- Try to make the work self-paced
When the work is not highly urgent and wherever it is possible, try to make the work self-paced. Employee engagement is also about giving your employees a relative degree of flexibility and freedom.
If your strategy comes across as micromanagement, employees will interpret that as a sign of you not having trust in them. Give employees an overall completion date and let them choose when to work through it to suit their schedule.
Related: How to Deal With Micromanagers
This will encourage employees to block out time in their respective calendars to dedicate to the assigned work. Employees will feel that they are being treated with respect and will convey the same feelings back to you.
- Effective communication and feedback should be a two-way street
And finally, actually, pay attention to how the employees are doing and always respect their time. Effective communication and feedback should be a two-way street. Feeling demotivated is a prevalent place and should not be stigmatized.
Employers need to show that they support their employees through every step of the process. Provide ample flexibility in both training programs as well as the work assigned.
Employee performance goals and objectives are key to creating a workplace culture of accountability and continuous improvement.
When team members know what is expected of them, they can work more effectively and efficiently towards common objectives.
The following examples will give you a better idea of how to set effective employee performance goals.
Define a clear performance goal for each role you have
Define a clear performance goal for each role you have. It is essential to know what each role within your organization should be responsible for and how they will be measured.
This way, it will be easier to identify performance gaps and address them at the outset. This process should also include a specific timeline for each goal, including both quantitative and qualitative measures.
This gives team members a clear idea of how much time is devoted to the project and enables both you and the team to track progress. For example: “By X date, we will have completed the new system by Y method.”
Select a specific measure of performance
Select a specific measure of performance. Once you know what you want to measure, you should select a particular performance measure. This is similar to a yardstick used to measure length.
For example, if you want to measure the percentage of time spent on a particular project, you want to select the percentage of time spent working on that project.
You can measure the average percentage of time spent working on the project over a whole year or measure the percentage of time spent working on the project during a month.
You may want to measure time, quantity, quality, cost, or outcome. Your performance measure should be specific to the role you want your team member to have in the project.
Monitor performance and adjust the plan as appropriate
Monitor performance and adjust the plan as appropriate. You will also want to monitor progress and adjust the performance goal as necessary. If the goal is set too high, you may find that your team member is working far beyond what is reasonable.
On the other hand, if the goal is set too low, you risk not developing a clear path to success. In both cases, it is essential to adjust the goal accordingly.
For example, if an employee is working 10% over the goal, you should first ask yourself whether this is the right performance goal and whether it’s realistic. If the answer is no, you can adjust the performance goal to be 20% over target.
Below are examples of employees’ performance goals and objectives:
Sales Representatives
- By March 30, I will have met my monthly quota by having 50% of my team’s new sales signed up by the end of the month, with all of them being in final negotiations.
- By March 30, I will have made all new monthly sales payments without any outstanding invoices.
- By March 30, I will have sent a monthly sales report to our account manager with a copy to my customer, and he will have emailed a response to my customer.
When employees get hired in a company, they are all expected to deliver. There are standards or metrics to maintain the quality of employee performance.
Employers set performance goals that the employees need to achieve to hit these targets, which can work on the employees’ approach and attitude towards work. Here are some performance goals that every company should consider.
Professional development
To stay relevant and competitive in a fast-changing industry, staying updated with the trends and new learnings is essential. Completing training, seminars, and courses is crucial for an employee’s growth.
This performance goal is tricky because not every person can collaborate very well.
However, this is an unavoidable part of the organization, so employees must learn how to work through it. Collaboration also includes helping other team members achieve their goals.
A productive, accountable, and dependable employee is good, but they also need to learn to work with less supervision. Employees who can do well in this area can be candidates for possible career advancement.
There are techniques that the employee can do to assess their productivity.
Setting performance goals and objectives does not only benefit the company. It also gives the employees opportunities for career advancement and boosts their morale. It can serve as motivation and enhance work quality.
This may sound like an ordinary and unimportant performance goal, but establishing a culture of punctuality translates to productivity and better work performance.
Make everyday to-do lists
The employees need to master self-management skills such as creating tight deadlines, keeping track of progress, and prioritizing responsibilities. To accomplish this goal, employees can make their everyday to-do lists to be focused and planned well for the day.
If they comply with their objectives, it will boost their productivity and encourage actions to accomplish professional goals.
Process and workflow
Employees set process and workflow goals for them to get their work done. This goal will help them focus on specific tasks such as product expertise, software use, and customer-centricity.
For example, to fulfill this goal, you can set a deadline to learn new software to streamline work-related flows and implement it for the next month’s metrics. Subsequently, employees will be able to perform critical tasks and accomplish professional development goals.
Virtual communication
Since the advent of the pandemic, virtual communication skills have taken on increased importance. New communication channels are constantly emerging in the current hybrid workplace.
As technology advances, the need to have virtual communication skills increases, so employees have to adjust their skill-set accordingly. As an employee, you must ensure you can communicate with peers, managers, and subordinates when working remotely.
Your face-to-face communication skills must translate to the remote work environment as well.
Here are some examples of goals based on virtual communication:
- Communicate the existing work processes to new hires remotely
- Have a virtual onboarding session for new hires
- Have weekly remote meetings with each employee
Track key performance indicators
Tracking key performance indicators is a big step. Once companies do it, management becomes more strategic and results-focused, based on accurate data.
The fact is that it is a win-win. There is a lot of pressure on:
- goal-reaching
- achieving higher performance levels
- ensuring that people’s work aligns with the organization’s objectives
The answer to all of these has been: the performance metrics, where managers look for complex data to tell how well an employee has performed. From this, decision-making is quick and efficient.
Some of the metrics we use in our company are:
Return on Investment (ROI)
The purpose of ROI is to evaluate the financial return obtained from the company’s investments. Calculating it is pretty simple.
ROI = (return obtained – investment made) / return obtained
Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
It measures the employees’ level of satisfaction and loyalty, which is essential for any HR professional. To do this, you should apply a single key question to your employees:
“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this company as a good place to work?”
After getting as much feedback as possible, you can rate your employees as brand promoters, neutrals, or detractors.
Follow the table below:
- 0 to 6 answers: detracting employees who would not refer the company.
- 7 to 8 answers: neutral employees, indifferent to the company.
- 9 to 10 answers: promoting employees, brand ambassadors.
Employee turnover
We consider the turnover rate is one of the most relevant performance indicators for HR. When it is high, the company loses money, time, and people. We consider only two factors for calculating the number of dismissals in a given period and the average number of employees.
Turnover = Total number of dismissals / average number of employees x 100
Calculating the retention rate requires two factors.
Retention rate = Total number of talent terminations / total number of talent x 100
Stay up-to-date with the competitive market
Professional development goals encourage the employees to focus on their careers and increase their workplace competencies. These goals help the employees stay up-to-date with the competitive market and existing skill demands.
Such goals can be:
- learning a new skill
- obtaining a new degree or certification
- moving up in the workplace
- gaining more experience within a specific area
Professional goals help you to trace a career map so that you can go towards your desired direction. By accomplishing these goals, you can improve your work skills and knowledge and be prepared to face upcoming challenges in the workplace.
However, it’s crucial to ensure that your goals match your unique career aspirations. Also, you must fix a specific timeline by which you must reach the goal. An example of a professional goal can be completing a digital marketing course within the next six months.
Implementation of effective time management
Self-management skills are abilities that let people control their feelings, thoughts, and actions. These goals help employees to improve their self-confidence and productivity.
With purposeful self-management, employees can be more effective in directing their career trajectories and seeking opportunities in line with their career goals.
Self-management skills help:
- maximize productivity
- improve workplace performance
- achieve professional goals more efficiently
Improving these skills contributes to better management of one’s career path and employability skills.
In a sentence, the accomplishment of self-management goals helps the employees to make the right decisions most efficiently. Self-management goals include time management, productivity, adaptability, decision-making, etc.
Examples of such goals include the implementation of effective time management to fulfill given responsibilities within a given time.
Collaborate with your boss or the HR department to build goals
You can collaborate with your boss or the HR department to build goals that are particular to your position or set your own professional development objectives.
Either way, you’ll want to look for ways to enhance your job or contribute more in some other way.
Settle on a long-term professional objective
The first thing you should do is settle on a long-term professional objective. What do you want to accomplish in the long run? In what ways do you expect to have succeeded?
When you have a clear idea of your long-term professional goals, you can work backward to create smaller goals that will help you get there.
If you’re stuck for ideas, take a peek at your most recent performance evaluation notes. What was your boss’s suggestion for you to focus on? Do you find it challenging to set priorities for your tasks?
Avoiding distractions
Avoiding distractions is an option. This knowledge can assist you in identifying some professional objectives that will lead to the outcomes you seek.
An example of such a goal may be found in the following scenario:
“I will simplify my personal brand’s online presence over the next three months by creating a LinkedIn profile, eliminating non-brand-related content from my social media profiles, and monitoring my accounts for interactions with possible customers or partners.”
Developing soft skills
Soft skills help your employees develop as team members, leaders, and human beings. Improving soft skills will enhance the professional performance of individual employees and uplift the team’s performance as a whole.
A team with strong soft skills is more engaged, cohesive, and productive. Unlike hard skills, soft skills are more intangible and harder to develop. Consider using third-party training or professional development programs.
Techniques such as behavioral science and spaced repetition can make the lessons stick until they become ingrained.
Over the next three months, seek out opportunities to practice self-awareness, empathy, and conflict management.
Your employees can be taught how to avoid knee-jerk reactions to workplace crises as follows:
- Practice active listening to gain a better understanding of the situation. Take time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings to devise a considered response that is fair and well reasoned.
- Use emotional intelligence to consider the emotions of others, not just yourself. Draw up a plan of action that will achieve the desired results.
- Soft skills can also be included in performance goal-setting. Create a system that fosters a team-focused, inclusive approach by rewarding teamwork over individual performance.
Soft skills development is a slow process as it requires a change of personality rather than a change of knowledge. So be patient with your employees and try to guide them down the right path, and be tolerant when they stray from time to time.
Focus and time management
As an employee, you want to have a complete and utter focus on all tasks at hand. Having set daily goals written out and control over your time management is key to success in your role as an employee.
Related: 22 Reasons Why Goal Setting Is Important for Success
Taking control and being self-sufficient in your role
Taking control and being self-sufficient in your role is a great objective. Your employer does not want to have to micro-manage you on a daily basis. Your employer wants someone to lead and take control of any matters.
This ultimately will be beneficial to you both as you may be able to climb up the ladder eventually and have more responsibilities with tremendous success.
Be accountable for all you do
No matter your role, you must be accountable for all you do. This is an excellent objective in the workplace. Employees should always be responsible for their actions or lack of activities.
This will show your employer you are on the same page as they are in the goals of the business as a whole. This should be the core of the workplace and the success within yourself as an employee.
The goal should be achievable and relevant to the employee’s duties
Performance goals and objectives are essential tools that allow employees to achieve success. They provide a roadmap for what is expected and how it can be accomplished. There are different types of goals, each with its own benefits.
When setting goals, it is important to keep the following in mind:
- The goal should be specific and measurable.
- The goal should be achievable and relevant to the employee’s job duties.
- The goal should be time-bound, such as SMART goals, that are deadline-driven.
The goal should be challenging and allow for productivity
Setting employee performance goals and objectives is also an important part of effective management. By establishing specific goals, employers can measure employee productivity and identify areas for improvement. This can lead to increased profitability for the company.
Having a seminar to change your perspective
Setting performance goals influences everything from employee engagement to team alignment to retention. An employer and an employee can agree upon performance objectives.
This is to surpass their work targets to increase their promotion prospects or pay rise. Setting objectives is something you can discuss with each team member individually in a one-on-one meeting.
In my experience, having a monthly seminar on how to position yourself for promotion creates a good impact. It motivates my employees to improve themselves.
This approach also helps them to picture what would their future looks like. I encourage them to pursue more in their career.
We are focusing on how to improve decision-making and leadership skills. To achieve this, I let my employee lead one team meeting before the end of the quarter.
Meetings are an essential component of team functionality. Having the employee take the lead on meeting management promotes their development and assists the team in attaining their goals.
Aim for Realistic, Measurable, and Relevant
When it comes to setting employee performance goals and objectives, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Firstly, you need to make sure that the goals and objectives are realistic and achievable.
Secondly, you need to ensure that they are specific and measurable. Finally, you need to make sure that they are relevant to the employee’s role.
Here are a few examples of employee performance goals and objectives:
- Increase productivity by 10% within the next quarter.
- Decrease expenses by 5% within the next fiscal year.
- Meet or exceed customer satisfaction levels as measured by surveys and other feedback mechanisms.
- Achieve a 95% attendance rate throughout the year.
- Maintain quality standards set by the company on all products or services provided to customers or clients.
- Complete all assigned tasks and projects within the specified timeframe set by management.
Cognitive flexibility
Cognitive flexibility is an important attribute when working on multiple projects. Employees often find it hard to work on challenging projects because they require different thinking approaches. Due to this reason, employees avoid working on new projects that are different from the previous ones.
Cognitive flexibility allows employees to become more aware, confident, and adaptive to new environments. It helps them adjust to the working requirements of new projects.
Here are some examples of incurring cognitive flexibility in employees:
Brain dump
Companies should organize brain dump sessions where all employees are provided with a piece of paper and a scenario to write about.
The employees can then anonymously write their thoughts, concerns, or any ideas that come to their minds regarding that scenario. This activity promotes active thinking and problem-solving.
Physical activity
Encourage your employees to walk for two to three minutes during the break. Companies can also organize planting drives or cycling activities to boost physical activity.
Physical activity releases happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin that boost happiness and confidence in employees.
People management goals
People management skills clearly show that an individual is a team player with excellent communication skills and the ability to inspire others while also promoting cross-functional skill development goals and allowing them to work collaboratively with various departments within the company.
Example: Communicate with peers from other departments to learn about their tasks and how your team might help them once a week.
Reflect on your behavior toward your colleagues/subordinates and how it affects their performance for a quarter to practice understanding.
Collaboration goals
Effective teamwork improves performance, commitment, resilience, and success. And high-performing organizations are five times more likely to promote collaborative working.
Example: Assist Jasper in completing his third-quarter sales target.
Self-management goals
Employees who exercise deliberate self-management can improve their performance, act immediately on professional goals, improve work efficiency, gain a stronger sense of well-being, and eventually direct the course of their careers.
Example: Organize and complete four customer engagement webinars by doing three Pomodoro sessions every day for the next 30 days.
Employee performance objectives are the greatest determining factors for employee performance success. They inform the employees about what they need to achieve and how much time they want to achieve it.
If an employee does not know what’s expected, it reduces productivity; hence you should keep realistic goals and remember that communication is key.
Productivity, visibility, and product quality
Productivity, visibility, and product quality are the most manageable goals one can achieve. For example, if there is 50% productivity in some business areas, a goal could be to increase it to 100%.
Punctuality complements productivity, and professional development could be attending a certain number of developmental events in a month/year to expand their knowledge.
Personal standards enable employees to develop their performance metrics. Soft skills improve employee efficacy. Time management and people management promote healthy communication and consistency.
Setting performance goals keeps you motivated, fulfilling your job, and has a positive impact in the long term.
Effective communication
Communication has played an essential part in bringing a cultural shift to today’s workplace. Setting good communication practices results in happy and engaged employees, ensuring a smooth alignment of individual objectives with business objectives.
Related: Effective Communication: How to Improve Your Communication Skills
Conduct frequent team-building activities and use appropriate and helpful business communication tools to achieve this.
Be clear and specific with each goal
Be clear and specific with each goal by using action verbs that indicate what you want your employees to do, like increase monthly web traffic or reduce sales cycle length.
While at it, make sure to include specific details or targets that will give your employees something to work towards. Remember to shelve vague goals and objectives, such as increasing customer satisfaction to a certain percentage.