How to Become a Brand Ambassador

How do you become a brand ambassador? What are the benefits of becoming one?

Let’s hear it from the experts:

Rich Anand

Rich Anand

Founder & COO, Evolvez Agency, LLC

Believe in the product or service

There is no way you can be a brand ambassador for a company/organization if you don’t believe in the products/services provided. People can see right through fake messaging.

Therefore, if the brand message you share with others is based on true beliefs, it will go a lot further than if it is not (or if the message is a scripted pitch).

Connect directly with people within the organization

You decide you love a product and want to spread the word to others. Obviously, you can do it organically without any sort of a compensation structure.

However, if you want to formalize your efforts, you could scour the web and locate official referral programs/brand ambassador programs that the company might be offering.

Even though you should officially submit your “interest”, I also recommend going on LinkedIn and connecting with a few marketing folks within the company. Have a conversation with them, inform them that you have submitted your inquiry and would love to work with the company/organization.

Work on your social following

A big component of brand ambassador campaigns is digital activation. Instagram is a popular outlet for brands so engage with the platform and get your following counts up. Here is what I recommend:

Target a niche market. Engage with posts related to that market (like/comment/etc.). This will help you gain followers.

Engage with your followers by posting on your own account – stories, posts, etc. Make sure you’re posting quality content.

Keep track of your follower demographics. When you speak to companies, they will most likely ask for specifics related to your network. Ensure you have the answers ready.

Casey Hill

Casey Hill

Consultant & Brand Ambassador, Bonjoro

To be a good brand ambassador, you need to have a genuine connection and passion for a product

Not the “passion” you have for each of the 25 jobs you just applied for type of passion, but instead the type of passion you have around a new trinket or piece of technology that you are so excited about, you can’t helping posting all over your social media about it or telling all your friends.

Sit down, close your eyes and think about products you genuinely love

If one of those has an opening for a “product evangelist” or “brand ambassador,” that is awesome but 9/10 that will not be the case.

Reach out to the company and let them know why you would make a phenomenal Brand Ambassador

Give them specific, actionable steps you would take to expand their brand influence and insights on communities/blogs/podcasts you would reach out to, to get them connected.

If you have genuine passion, and a little bit of drive, you will often be able to work your way in. In terms of compensation, don’t sweat the numbers when you start. If you are passionate about the product and have the drive you will build results and with that, you will gain negotiation power.

Molly Carey

Molly Carey

Fashion Blogger, The Sunny Blonde | Personal Stylist | Influencer

Build up your social media presence

Followers are important but engagement is what companies look at. In the world of “fake” followers, many companies are looking to more authentic accounts who have true engagement.

Know your audience

If you want to pitch to a brand, make sure it is relevant to your niche and content. For example, if you want to partner with fashion brands, make sure you have the right followers that would purchase that brand’s product.

Start small

Reach out to local brands, or brands who are just starting out. It’s ok to start by promoting a free product. This can in-turn land you a paid deal once they see the return on investment.

Create amazing content

You want your social media (especially Instagram) to look cohesive and clean.


Sell yourself but also keep the brand’s goal in mind. What’s in it for them? How can you help?

Reach out to marketing agencies

They are always looking for influencers to help promote the brands they represent.

Have a stellar media kit

This is what you present to the brands, so make sure it’s professional and reflects who you are. Highlight your strengths and any other brands you’ve worked with.

Mark Armstrong

Mark Armstrong

Illustrator | Owner, Mark Armstrong Illustration

Freelance contractors like myself are in a unique position. We have to be our own brand ambassadors, and when we take on an assignment, we have to be a brand ambassador for our client. All of which requires the following:

Expertise – you have to have skills and knowledge

Your credibility depends on it. You have to be able to answer questions about a product or service, and make recommendations. It helps to be curious, to enjoy learning new things.

Being positive

Some people are blessed with a sunny personality, but we can all choose to be positive. As a brand ambassador, you have to be. Your job is to engage, draw people in, make a good impression on behalf of the brand. Negativity is always felt, and it alienates people.

Be invested in the client or brand’s success

It’s realizing that the brand’s success and your own success are linked. Freelance contractors understand this: their credibility and reputation are tied to their client’s success. The same is true for brand ambassadors.

Be proactive

It’s part of being invested, and includes learning all you can about the brand; keeping people informed (letting them know what is and isn’t working); asking questions to better understand people’s needs; going the extra mile and doing it with a smile.

Build relationships

Brand ambassadors aren’t salespeople— not directly, anyway. There’s nothing worse than being pressured at a trade show by someone anxious to make a sale. Bad mistake. Being a brand ambassador is about engagement: showing respect and wanting the best for people.

Jodie Filogomo

Jodie Filogomo

Fashion Blogger | Retired Cosmetic Dentist

The best way to become a brand ambassador is to reach out to a company that you absolutely love

It is a bonus if you already wear their items. Once you are working for them, it’s important to showcase their items many times in many different varieties of circumstances.

Keep talking about the brand

If you only talk about the company once, you’re not going to convince anyone that you really love their stuff. It’s been said that people need to hear something at least 7 times to remember it. So keep talking about the brand, although not in every post. Moderation is good for everything!

Showcase the brand’s versatility

I always like to show how something is versatile. Using/wearing something in more than one way is the key to helping others imagine themselves wearing it along with being smart with our purchases.

Let people know when there are good sales, so people can try the products for a little less than full price.

Make it easy for people to find the brand and buy the pieces

It’s always a bonus to share the love and feature others wearing the brand too. That way other’s can see how popular it is.

Alex Nerney and Lauren McManus

Alex Nerney Lauren McManus

Professional Bloggers, Create and Go

Becoming a brand ambassador comes down to a few things:

Establish a great rapport with the brand/company

It’s important to be professional and to always show up for any meetings on time, if not a little early.

Be upfront and crystal clear on all the deliverables and the scope of your brand ambassadorship

Think to yourself on what that entails. What do you have to produce to be in compliance? Are you in agreement on the compensatory package? Is there a contract signed? All of those elements are important in understanding the nature of your relationship.

Go the extra mile and make an effort to show off the brand and what you really think of them

Only partner with brands that you honestly believe in, for this reason. Share it on social media more than you might normally to show your appreciation. It’s the little things that make a company want to work with you in the future.

Shelley Grieshop

Shelley Grieshop

Public Relations Director, Totally Promotional

You must learn every unique aspect of the products or services you offer

Don’t waste your time hammering on the qualities everyone knows; promote the features and uses that aren’t as obvious to the typical consumer. Show prospective buyers about how your products and services can improve their life, even if it involves promoting related products from companies related to your field.

To develop a positive image, give away freebies during campaigns or community events

Everyone loves free stuff, especially when it includes items that can be used every day. Customize the giveaways and you’ll be placing your name and logo directly in the hands of the people you want to impress. It’s a no-brainer for affordable advertising and branding.

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