How to Write a Leadership Statement (With 40 Examples)

A leadership statement is essential to help contribute to the organization’s success. However, it may be challenging to come up with the right words to create an impact.

What should the statement emphasize? What should be included?

According to experts, here are the key points that you need to consider when writing a leadership statement:

Loic Bellet

Loic Bellet

Business English Coach, Speak Proper English

Discuss what you will do differently due to what you’ve learned about leadership and yourself

Consider what attributes make someone an excellent leader before crafting your statement.

The ability to motivate others, moral dignity, plus placing a high value on connections with team members are all examples of leadership qualities and skills. What outstanding leadership traits do you possess?

Before you start drafting your statement:

  1. Make a list.
  2. Go over your word list again and pick one, maybe two of these attributes to emphasize.
  3. As it pertains to the trait you choose, provide your assessment of what makes somebody a great leader.

It should be no more than one to two sentences in length. This definition will serve as the foundation for your argument.

Implement a strategy

It all boils down to implementing a strategy when writing a decent statement. Your blueprint is that plan. One of the most crucial advantages of a decent outline is that your statement will be well arranged and easy to follow.

You can use the paragraph structure for a leadership statement or add more paragraphs if you want. This is what your outline might look like:

  1. Introduction. Captivate the reader’s attention by defining good leadership in terms of the attribute you’ve chosen.
  2. Paragraphs in the body. Give some history on anecdotes and explain why a leadership characteristic is essential to you and how you live your life according to this value.
  3. Conclusion. Finish with a strong declaration about your ability to lead.

Grab the reader’s attention and distinguish your assertion from the rest

The beginning of your leadership statement must be strong. This is where you grab the reader’s attention and distinguish your assertion from the rest.

Related: How to Be (more) Assertive

A personal anecdote is the greatest method to do this.

Consider the leadership quality you’ve chosen. When was the last time you showed this characteristic in your life?

Consider a period when your integrity was put to the test in a leadership role if you’re writing about it. Perhaps you were the director of your high school newspaper and felt compelled to expose the identity of a confidential source.

To draw the reader’s attention, describe the scenario in dramatic detail in one or two sentences. Explain why you believe this leadership attribute is crucial after those two phrases. This will serve as a transition into your statement’s body.

Focus on the leadership traits you possess

Focus on the leadership traits you possess in the body of your statement and how they relate to the tale you began to explain in the introduction. You can order your statement however you choose, but here’s a tried and tested method.

Provide some background information

Give some context to your narrative by providing some background information.

Give some information regarding your work as editor if you opened your statement by mentioning being forced to reveal the source of a journalistic piece.

  • What method did you use to obtain it?
  • What did you consider to be the most significant aspect of this role?

Concentrate on a leadership attribute you already have

Return the attention to leadership. Make sure you’re concentrating on a leadership attribute you already have. You must select a quality that is directly relevant to the anecdote you are presenting.

You may bring the attention back to integrity in the case of the editor being pressed to reveal sources.

  • What is the significance of integrity?
  • What makes someone an effective leader if they have integrity?

Related: 24 Best Leadership Books of All Time

Make sure your conclusion leaves a lasting impression

Another crucial component of the leadership statement is your conclusion. These are the words that will leave the most lasting impression on your reader about your leadership and writing ability. This is an important aspect of your statement, so make it count.

  1. Return to the strong leadership while personalizing it.
  2. Describe how your leadership aligns with your principles and how you displayed leadership in one or two sentences in a specific case.
  3. Discuss what you’ve learned.
  4. Finish with a powerful sentence.

What will you do differently in the future due to what you’ve learned about leadership and yourself? To make your words even more powerful, use a parallel framework.

Ty Gibson

Ty Gibson

Founder and CEO, Gibson Hill PC

A leadership statement is vital for setting out the expectations and goals of the business and laying out the core values that employees are expected to follow and respect. Also, it is all about getting employees on board so that they understand what the company aims to do for them, getting them invested in the success.

After all, a leadership statement is all about leading, and that requires gathering a team to lead.

Here are some of the things that you should remember when writing a leadership statement:

Talk about core values of your business

Your business should have clear core values that are implemented within the work methodology, and it is essential that, as a leader, you talk about them so that they can be in effect.

Talk about the reason for the company and what it aims to do, and talk about the values and ideals that you uphold and that you expect everyone to respect.

Outline concrete goals

As a leader, it is your job to create guidelines and direct your employees. Having concrete goals is necessary, not only so that the business can grow but also so that employees have a direction to develop and grow.

Set out expectations, and then provide the tools to make them achievable.

Introduce ways of measuring progress

Measuring progress should be about monitoring that things are on track so that you can implement solutions or extra support where needed.

You must address this early on so that it isn’t something for your employees to dread.

Make it relevant to the employees

I’ve read a few leadership statements that are all about the company’s aims and how the leader will be going about things, with no mention as to how it will all affect the employees, and that is a huge mistake.

You want your employees to feel involved and become invested, and this means making sure that the goals you set in place are related to them in some way.

Be your company’s “hype-man”

This is my top recommendation for leadership statements; they should be positive and full of motivation, almost as if you’re selling the idea of the business to your employees to get them excited about the overall success that can be achieved.

Martin Lassen

Martin Lassen

Founder & CEO, GrammarHow

A “leadership statement” is a written statement outlining your leadership philosophy and the qualities you believe are necessary to lead effectively.

  • Your leadership statement must be brief and easy to understand.
  • It’s important to express your thoughts on the theory of leadership, and the traits and abilities you believe are necessary for success.
  • Discuss your personal leadership experiences and how you’ve developed your own unique management style.

Here are some suggestions for writing a leadership statement that represents your values:

Share your experiences to help them understand your leadership style

Your leadership statement should contain your own leadership experiences.

  • What obstacles have you overcome?
  • What victories have you had?
  • What have you learned?

Sharing your experiences can assist readers in understanding your leadership style and why you think it works.


“Leaders in the military and business have taught me that success involves vision, planning, and execution. I am continuously looking for new challenges and methods to strengthen my leadership skills. This attitude has aided my career and personal success.”

Share concrete examples that demonstrate your leadership ideas

Remember to be genuine and honest in your leadership statement. If you don’t agree with someone’s ideas or ideals, don’t write or avoid clichés and generalizations; instead, share concrete examples that demonstrate your leadership ideas.


“Leaders must constantly put their followers first. They should be open to hearing and understanding their problems. A smart leader knows that success requires a team dedicated to the same goal.”

Analyze the characteristics that differentiate a successful leader

Prepare your leadership statement by analyzing the characteristics that differentiate a successful leader before you sit down and write.

Among these leadership traits and talents are:

  • The willingness to encourage others
  • Personal integrity
  • The ability to place a high emphasis on interpersonal connections with team members

Are there any outstanding leadership characteristics you possess?

Here is one helpful tip on how to write a leadership statement:

A solid opening to a leadership statement is critical

This is where you grab the reader’s attention and set your writing out from the others— a personal narrative is the most significant way to go about this.

Consider the quality of leadership you’ve decided to emphasize. Is there a time when you displayed this trait in your life?

For instance, when writing on personal integrity, imagine a period when your integrity was put to the test while serving in a leadership position. For maximum effect, explain the incident in one or two sentences in dramatic detail to capture the reader’s attention.

Afterward, explain why this leadership quality is so crucial to you—this will serve as a bridge from the introduction to the body of your statement.

Jonathan R. Brockman

Jonathan Brockman

Trial Attorney, Jonathan R. Brockman, P.C.

Include your attitude and the attitude that you expect from your team

A vision or leadership statement is one that allows you to define yourself and your role when leading your team—it’s something that you can always look back to if you find yourself going through the motions and in need of reminding why you’re doing what you’re doing.

It is also something that I think is useful to provide for new or potential employees so that they can get a feel for your priorities.

The way you need to craft a leadership statement depends on you and your values: do you want to exemplify your goals or your values more?

Either way, you need to keep your statement concise, don’t mince your words, even if you’re trying to be poetic. You’ll want to include your attitude and the attitude that you expect from your team and how you’ll promote and encourage that attitude.

If you can squeeze all of this into 3-4 sentences, you’ll have a great vision statement.

Gerald Lombardo 

Gerald Lombardo

Co-Founder, The Word Counter

Your daily actions should reflect the qualities you added in your leadership statement

A powerful leadership statement highlights your internal understanding of why you’re doing what you’re doing. It’s intricately tied to your values, hopes, and worldview and is important because it’s what matters to you.

As the leader of an organization, your daily actions should reflect the qualities that you have included in a leadership statement.

The best way to begin crafting a leadership statement stems from a deep look into yourself as a leader. You need to think back on your own career as though you are retired and ask yourself questions such as:

  • What do you want your peers to have said about you?
  • How did you make your coworkers and subordinates feel on a daily basis?
  • What are some goals you wish you accomplished?
  • How would you have led your organization differently?

Ultimately, a leadership statement guides you during times of rapid change within your organization because it provides you with a course of action. It’s your roadmap to understanding how you define yourself as a leader.

By understanding why you’re doing what you’re doing as a leader, your team will take notice and feel confident in supporting your vision.

Travis Lindemoen

Travis Lindemoen

Managing Director, Nexus IT Group

Figure out how to be the best leader possible

One of the most critical aspects of leadership is establishing a group dynamic where everyone is working toward the same goal.

Self-reflection and divergent thinking are essential components of effective leadership. Every step of the way, a leader should keep an eye on the big picture while also acknowledging the small victories along the way.

Leadership does not equate to power, and the two are not synonymous. Leaders challenge themselves to take on the role of a change agent, challenge the status quo of business and society, and act as role models for others.


Aspiring to be that leader who can inspire and motivate others to lead healthy and balanced lives is something I strive for. In my presence, I hope to convey the impression that I care about establishing relationships with others and unquestionably lift them up, and inspire self-direction.

I intend to lead from the ground up to promote a positive work environment and establish my authority as a leader. Personal and socially responsible leadership is something I believe in, and I will constantly evaluate my attitude and actions to see if they are in line with this belief and ignite positive social change.

Leadership means valuing the contributions of others, including their perspectives, as well as what they can offer toward our common goal.

I will lead with concrete goals and clear communication among my followers as we work together to achieve our shared vision and leave a lasting impression on every person we come into contact with.”

Related: Top 7 Leading Traits of Good Leaders

Austin J. Franklin

Austin Franklin

CEO and Co-founder, Good-Natured Life

The statement should positively impact you and everyone you lead

A leadership statement is a personal mantra created to guide one’s leadership philosophy. This idea is similar to a company mission statement, except it abides only by you and your leadership style.

A leadership statement is essential because it holds you accountable and guides your decision-making.

For example, my leadership statement revolves around a few words:

“Make a positive difference & remain good-natured.”

These are core ideas that have helped me produce a successful enterprise. Focusing on making a positive difference and remaining good-natured affects how I lead staff, interact with customers, and develop services/products.

Regardless of the decisions needed to be made or conflicts that can arise, I can choose the right course of action by reflecting upon my personal leadership statement.

A leadership statement should be:

  1. Clear and concise
    • The leadership statement should be easy to memorize.
  2. Reflective on the qualities needed to be successful in your leadership position
    • Understand what is needed to help you effectively lead your employees and organization.
  3. All-encompassing
    • The leadership statement should guide you in every circumstance you face as a leader.

By following the three guidelines, you will be able to develop a strong leadership statement. This statement will positively impact you and everyone you lead, so create thoughtfully.

Daniel Cook

Daniel Cook

Director HR, Mullen and Mullen

Link your values and beliefs to the plans that you are proposing

You should brainstorm what you have to write about in your leadership statement.

Firstly, you need to note down your beliefs and values that shape your personality and can appeal to your audience as well. You need to think of characteristics that you might have that would encourage other people.

Secondly, to make your audience understand your personality, you can name your role models and what is their most inspiring trait that appeals to you.

Thirdly, try linking your values and beliefs to the plans or actions that you are proposing. Ensure that it is a direct link that people can easily understand.

Lastly, after explaining your expectations, you can discuss the expectations that you might have from your audience or the general public.


“In order to ensure your leadership is effective, you need to have open communication with everyone. Due to this, I would like to hear honest feedback from my employees.”

James Chapman

James Chapman

Operations Manager, BELLA Bathrooms

It should mention the leader’s actual game plan to materialize the goal

In a modern business setup, with more importance given to teamwork, the concept of leadership is seen as one of the most important aspects of business success.

Business owners and managers are expected to be strong leaders where they have a clear goal and accurate pathways to achieve them. In these situations, a leadership statement can help a business leader in proving his case to business success among his subordinates.

A leadership statement should clearly mention the leader’s vision, his role in the organization, his purpose to achieve his vision, and his actual game plan to materialize the goal.

At our company, we have a mission as a team to serve our customers with high-quality bathroom solutions through the e-commerce platform.

I would like to mention a quote from my leadership statement as an example:

“A low-cost bathroom can look fantastic if its good quality and a designer suite can look atrocious if you are paying for the name rather than the quality of the materials”.

Yoel Gabay

Yoel Gabay

CEO and Founder, Freedom Care

Your statement must be ideal

A leadership statement is a concise and definitive description of your values and goals as a leader, both in what you want to achieve and how you want to treat the people you lead.

Before writing your leadership statement, it is important to realize that your statement is your ideal. This means that on a day-to-day basis, you might slip up and treat people in a way that is not according to your statement.

This does not make you a hypocrite; it makes you human.

The purpose of a leadership statement is to orient you, your values, and your goals as a leader.

In your leadership statement, you should include your responsibilities to the people as a leader:

  • What you believe you need to be for them,
  • The overarching values that drive you,
  • Your goals as a leader, and
  • How all these things all come together to form an overall approach, attitude, and perspective.


“As a leader, it is my responsibility to ensure that every team member has the necessary tools and environment to succeed. I need to be approachable, professional, personable, and expressive. To foster a productive team, I need to express gratitude and trust.”

Magda Klimkiewicz

Magda Klimkiewicz

Senior HR Business Partner, Zety

Capture your purpose as a leader

Writing a leadership statement isn’t easy. To capture your core values and beliefs, goals, and purpose as a leader in a few simple sentences is a challenging task that requires a fair amount of thought, time, and self-discovery.

It might still be worth it, as an effective leadership statement can help you remain focused, prioritize, stay true to your purpose, and inspire others. This serves as a reminder about who you are as a leader.

An excellent way to determine who you want to be in the leadership role is to think about influential figures that made an impact throughout the history of business and the world. Do some research on leaders who inspire you and determine what motivates them and how they lead.

While I don’t advise copying or following their personal statements, it can be a helpful exercise to identify which of their core values, beliefs, and actions resonate with you the most. Build on that by deciding how they translate into your current role.

Here are two sample leadership statement examples:

  • “I believe that innovation is what drives excellence. I will use positive feedback and encouragement to inspire my team to create revolutionary solutions to improve people’s lives.”
  • “As a leader, I am committed to making our company a place of inclusion and equality. I will create a positive and supportive environment where employees can thrive and reach their fullest potential.”

Harriet Chan

Harriet Chan

Co-founder and Marketing Director, CocoFinder

Talk about what you believe makes you an effective leader

A good leadership statement can help you stand out from the crowd in a job application or interview. It can also be a valuable tool for developing your own personal leadership style.

The following tips will help you write a strong leadership statement.

  1. Start by describing your experience and accomplishments as a leader. Be specific and include quantifiable data if possible.
    • For example, “I led a team of 10 software engineers and successfully delivered a new software product on time and under budget.”
  2. Talk about what you believe makes you an effective leader. What are your core values and beliefs? What motivates you?
    • For example, “I am passionate about delivering results, and I always put the needs of my team first. I am motivated by the challenge of solving difficult problems.”
  3. Describe how you have helped your team or organization achieve success. What challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them?
    • For example, “I led my team through a difficult merger and successfully integrated the two teams into one cohesive unit.”
  4. Discuss any awards or recognition you have received as a leader. This can help demonstrate your credibility and experience.
    • For example, “I was recently recognized as the top leader in my industry by The Wall Street Journal.”
  5. Finish with a strong statement about why you are interested in becoming a leader. What are your long-term goals and aspirations?
    • For example, “I am looking for an opportunity to lead a team and make a real impact on the world. I believe I have the potential to be an excellent leader, and I am excited to pursue my career aspirations.”

Yosun Allen

Yousun Allen

CEO, Yosun UV Printer

Statements made by leaders should have meaning

An organization’s activity should have a clear sense of direction if its mission statement is to accomplish that goal. In order to attract and encourage employees, an organization’s purpose statement must be clear and concise.

It’s easier for people to be motivated, devoted, and pleased if they have a purpose in their work.

A statement of leadership must be unambiguous

People in an organization will not be motivated unless they have a clear understanding of the goal. It’s best to keep it short and sweet.

Only the most important aspects of the organization should be highlighted, and nothing else should be. It’s easier for individuals to grasp how they can help when the goal is clear.


“Our vision is to be the earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.” — Amazon

Brandon Li

 Brandon Li

Co-founder and CEO, Power

Be concise with the wording

The statement shouldn’t be too long, and the sentences should be short and crisp so that they are easy to understand.

So, for example, “I will create a casual working environment in which employees are allowed to conduct themselves in a fun manner so as to strengthen the team bonds and create a better culture for the company, all while encouraging efficiency in the performance of duties.”

You can say something like, “I aim to create a fun yet efficient working environment, with a strong focus on teamwork.”

It’s a lot simpler, and it will get the point across better.

Choose words that motivate and engage

You want your statement to inspire your employees in some way so that they are motivated and engaged, and the best way to do this is through the correct wording.

I recommend using words such as “potential,” “success,” “development,” “growth,” and similar. Basically, you want to give everything an air of positivity and career advancement.

Make sure you talk about things your employees care about

Talking about the company’s goals is all good, but you need to make it relevant to your employees. How are your goals and plans going to affect them? You must get them invested in success because a business only thrives through teamwork.

Related: 30+ Real Life Examples of Teamwork

Adam Crossling

Adam Crossling

Marketing Manager, Zenzero

Get to know the why of the company

To write your leadership vision statement, the first thing you need to do is figure out why a company is there. Overall, the answer to this question will help a leader see the future they want for their business.

It’s hard for people and businesses to say why they do what they do. Simon Sinek says this in his best-selling book, Start with Why. I mean your goal, cause, or belief when I say “why,” but you can also say “what.”

We like leaders and groups that are good at telling us what they believe. One way they can inspire us is by making us feel like we belong, are safe, and not alone. When a leader explains why they do what they do, they get people who are loyal and want to help make their vision for the future come true.

Find out why you do what you do:

  • How did you start the business or become a manager in the first place?
  • Consider what kind of movement you want to start that leads to a better future.
  • Getting to the heart of why your business should support your chosen cause or project.
  • Reflecting on how your business can make people feel like they belong and are part of a group.
  • Ideating about how your company’s purpose and your customers’ purpose might work together.

Theola Tinny

Theola Tinny

Co-Founder, VinPit

Be sure people understand what your organization stands for

Here are some tips that I keep in mind while drafting a compelling leadership statement.

  • Be clear and straightforward. You want to be sure people understand what your organization stands for exactly.
  • Make it personal. Your leadership statement should reflect who you are as a leader.
  • Build off of what has come before. As this is a time-limited opportunity, you probably don’t have much time to craft a new message for all ages.
    • Instead, use what you have already established in your organization, whether the values or mission statements.
  • Make it creative. Consider including elements like to-dos, specials, or other helpful information that goes beyond just being about your business.
  • Use action verbs. When writing your leadership statement, avoid using negative words like “don’t,” “don’t change,” and “don’t do this.”


“We will take the time to listen and understand one another, appreciate each other’s diverse backgrounds and beliefs, form friendships, and nurture them wherever they are found.”

Robin Antill

Robin Antill

Director, Leisure Buildings

Outline objectives – they should be realistic and achievable within a given time frame

When a leader is crafting a statement, they should consider what goals they tend to achieve in the long run. Your goals as a leader should be specific, which means that they should be realistic and easy to achieve within a given time frame.

Once set, these objectives should be measured against time. This measure will help you determine your performance and identify any bottlenecks.


“I will develop a purpose-driven connection with my employees working in hybrid and remote environments. Through this measure, I aim to unlock the full potential of my team so that our business can voyage towards a journey of success.

I tend to incorporate the ideas of empathy and positivity at the workplace, which can help promote a culture of inclusivity.”

Tim Davidson

Tim Davidson

President, Car Title Loan Lenders

Make sure it has quantitative goals

It’s often good to have a list of goals you should and would like to attain as a leader when creating a leadership statement.

To get the most out of this section, use the SMART method to meet your objectives: Having defined and measurable goals makes it easier to concentrate on how to achieve them. It is impossible to attain your objectives if you cannot track your progress.

As a result, make sure your personal leadership statement has quantitative goals.

Your leadership statement will inevitably alter as you mature as a person and your goals shift. Because of this, you’ll need to update your statement over time to match your current objectives. To assist you in prioritizing your task, make sure your goal has a definite deadline.


“It is hard to reach the pinnacles of what the corporation can do without a solid team. As the leader, I will focus on establishing a good and healthy workplace culture that encourages everyone to reach their full potential.”

Annesha Basu

annesha basu 1

Chief Managing Officer, Stand Up Paddle Boards Review

You have to address what others are worried about in a leadership statement

A leadership statement has to inform and inspire equally. Self-assess and identify the core values that make you the leader you are.

Everyone has roughly the same goals; as a leader, there must have been something differently you’ve done that made you fit to lead. Identify the behaviors and traits that helped you get results.

You have to address what others are worried about in a leadership statement. This will change as your audience changes.

Understanding what your audience is worried about will help you know what to say. If you’re addressing:

  • Beginners – you have to instill confidence in them and lay any fears they may have to rest.
  • An experienced audience – your speech needs to be along the lines of growing expertise and income.

Omer Usanmaz

Omer Usanmaz

CEO and Co-Founder, Qooper Mentoring & Learning Software

Keep your statement inspiring, representing who you are as a leader

A leadership statement is a declaration of your beliefs and values as a leader. It can be used to introduce yourself to others or remind yourself of what you stand for when things get tough.

To write a leadership statement:

  1. Start by thinking about what you believe in and what values are important to you.
  2. Write down a few sentences that express your beliefs and values clearly and concisely.
  3. Keep your statement positive and inspiring, and make sure it represents who you are as a leader.

A leadership statement doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, a good example can be something as simple as the following:

“As a leader, I am always looking for ways to improve my team’s performance. Whether through coaching and mentoring or providing support and resources, I am committed to helping my team reach its goals.”

“I strive to create a positive and productive work environment where my team can thrive, so I always encourage open communication and feedback. This helps me maintain a clear understanding of my team’s needs.”

“I believe in setting clear expectations and providing regular feedback so that my team knows what is expected of them. I also recognize and reward good performance so that my team knows that their hard work is appreciated.

Kimberly Silva

Kimberly Silva

CEO, Find People First

Keep in mind what you want to convey

Effective leadership statement meets the needs of people who are reading it. It may contain elements that make the statement easy for a person to read, such as an example or personal story.

Writing a leadership statement is a job interview’s first impression. It’s essential to have a concise, compelling statement summarizing your leadership skills, interests, and accomplishments.

There are also times when a leadership statement emphasizes specific skills and abilities or provides information that is particularly relevant to the person reading it. To have a compelling statement, keep in mind what you want to convey, who you are talking to, and how you want to be perceived.


“Due to the success of my leadership at ABC Company, I have opportunities to head up new departments and lead diverse teams, from strategy and finance to customer service. I take calculated risks and work hard to ensure my team members can give 110% commitment.”

“I am a strong believer in developing my employees. I empower them to grow in their skills, take on more responsibility and contribute more broadly to the company.”

“I believe that people are the key to our success, and therefore it is my responsibility to create an environment where they can thrive. I’m a results-driven leader with a proven track record of developing and managing teams in the SaaS industry.”

“I have experience launching, managing, and marketing products, as well as designing and implementing pricing models. I have strong analytical skills, deep technical knowledge, and excellent interpersonal skills.”

Related: What are Interpersonal Skills & How to Improve Them

Steve Scott

Steve Scott

Chief Technology Officer, Spreadsheet Planet

Develop a list of your fundamental principles and prioritize them

I would advise that before you go into drafting your statement, review a few sample personal statements and observe how the writers highlighted their leadership priorities and beliefs.

Most leaders have grandiose plans but fail to articulate why they aspire to accomplish their objectives. As a result, this lack of clarity impacts the leader and instills confusion throughout the business.

It is better to develop a list of all your fundamental principles and prioritize them.

Therefore, before creating your personal leadership statement, determine your fundamental goal as a leader to steer your employers in the appropriate route.


“Without a strong team, it is impossible to accomplish the organization’s full potential. As a leader, I will focus on establishing a good and healthy work culture that encourages everyone to reach their full potential.”

Daniel Foley

Daniel Foley

Marketing & SEO Specialist, Emma Sleep

Every statement represents your current aims and values

Remember that there are no wrong answers when creating a personal leadership statement.

Every statement is unique to each individual and represents your current aims and values. Your account would evolve, depending on your development and changing perspectives on leadership.

  • Your attitude towards leadership

Another important aspect of your leadership statement is how you describe and see your role as a leader.

  • Your behavior as a leader

With their values and demeanor, a good leader can guide others. As a result, these skills are critical in your actions to achieve your leadership objectives.

Even though the work may appear complicated, there are numerous leadership statement examples to refer to if you’re having trouble figuring out how to include these elements into your statement.

  • Understanding your core purpose as a leader

Before writing your statement, look through some sample personal statements to see how other people have highlighted their leadership priorities and values.

It’s preferable to make a list that focuses on your key principles and then rank them in order of priority.

Most leaders have lofty plans, but they don’t explain why they want to achieve them. As a result, the lack of a defined purpose has an impact on the leader and confuses the business.

So, before you write your leadership statement, find out what you want to accomplish as a leader to steer your company in the right direction.

Karl Tippins

 Karl Tippins

Editor-in-Chief, Age Holdings

Allow ideas to flow freely

My advice when crafting a leadership statement is to visualize the future.

Create a list of the essential components of your vision statement. To begin, grab a piece of paper or visit a whiteboard and jot down any terms that spring to mind when you consider the company’s future.

When brainstorming, avoid tailoring your thoughts; instead, allow ideas to flow freely. Dare to fantasize about achieving challenging goals as your firm expands.

Additionally, zero in on notions that strike a chord with you and attempt to picture the details. The more precise the visualization of your dreams, the stronger the flashlight that will guide you in the proper direction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a leadership statement?

A leadership statement is a concise overview of your leadership style, values, and aspirations. It communicates your unique approach to leadership and how you inspire and guide others.

Why is a leadership statement important?

A leadership statement helps you articulate your leadership philosophy and demonstrate your commitment to effective leadership. It can be used for various purposes, such as:

Job applications: A strong leadership statement can set you apart from other candidates and showcase your leadership potential.
Performance reviews: It can help you reflect on your leadership strengths and areas for development.
Personal growth: Writing a leadership statement can help you clarify your leadership goals and values.

How often should I revise my leadership statement?

Regularly review and update: As you gain new experiences and develop your leadership skills, revisit your statement to ensure it remains relevant and reflects your current philosophy.

Seek feedback periodically: Ask trusted colleagues or mentors for their perspectives and suggestions for improvement.

Treat it as a living document: View your leadership statement as an evolving reflection of your leadership journey.

Can anyone write a leadership statement?

Yes, anyone can write a leadership statement. A leadership statement is a personal reflection of your values, beliefs, and vision as a leader. No special qualifications or training are required to write them.

However, writing an effective leadership statement that truly inspires and motivates others requires some practice and self-reflection. It’s essential to take the time to understand your values and goals and how they align with those of your organization.

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