Life’s always tossing changes our way, isn’t it? Sometimes it feels like just as you get comfortable, something shifts. Of course, change can be exciting, but it can also feel overwhelming—and that’s where journaling comes in. It can help you keep your cool no matter what life throws your way.
I’ll share with you some of my go-to journal prompts that will help you start journaling your way through life’s changes. Whether you’re dealing with major life changes or just trying to set better goals, these prompts are something you can surely count on!
Table of Contents
Discovering Who You Are
- What are three core values that define who you are today, and why?
- Write about a moment when you felt most like yourself.
- List the traits that make you unique from your friends.
- What is the biggest misconception people have about you?
- How have your past experiences shaped your identity?
- What activities or hobbies make you feel most alive? Why do you think they have this effect on you?
- “If I could spend a day doing absolutely anything, I would…”
- How do you handle success and failure? Reflect on a time you experienced each.
- Describe a moment when you felt extremely proud of yourself.
- If you could have a conversation with your younger self, what advice would you give?

Personal Growth
- What are some ways you’ve grown in the last year? List specific examples.
- Reflect on a past mistake. What did you learn from it, and how has it helped you grow?
- “One area in my life that I would like to improve in is…”
- Describe a challenge you’ve overcome. How did you change as a result?
- What new skill or hobby would you like to learn, and why?
- What habits or behaviors would you like to change or develop to become a better version of yourself?
- “To me, personal growth means…”
- Write about a time when you stepped out of your comfort zone. How did it help you grow?
- Describe an area in your life where you’ve seen the most growth in the past five years.
- Identify a belief you once held that you’ve now outgrown.

Dealing with Feelings
- What emotion has been taking up most of your headspace recently, and why?
- Describe the last time you felt overwhelmed and how you handled it.
- List out what activities or rituals comfort you when dealing with difficult emotions.
- What are some healthy ways you can express anger or frustration?
- “When I feel sad, I like to…”
- Reflect on a situation where your emotions got the better of you.
- How do you want to improve your emotional intelligence?
- “I feel most at peace when…”
- How do you express your emotions? Describe the ways you communicate your feelings.
- Write about a moment when you felt truly content. What contributed to that feeling?

Facing Uncertainty
- Describe how you feel about change and why it scares or excites you.
- What worries you most about the future?
- What is a current situation in your life that feels uncertain? How are you dealing with it?
- How does fear of the unknown affect your decision-making?
- How do you typically react to changes in your plans? Reflect on a recent example.
- Write about a time when an unexpected event led to a positive outcome.
- “When I don’t have all the answers, I usually…”
- What are your biggest fears when facing the unknown, and why?
- What are some strategies you use to cope with uncertainty? Are there new strategies you’d like to try?
- “When I don’t know what’s coming next, I…”

Shifting Your Mindset
- What beliefs or thought patterns are holding you back? How can you start changing them?
- “A positive mindset helps me…”
- Think about a recent negative thought you had. How could you reframe it positively?
- Describe a situation where changing your perspective made a big difference. What did you learn?
- How do you define a growth mindset? How can you use it in your daily life?
- “One way I can approach challenges differently is…”
- How do you handle self-doubt? Reflect on strategies that have worked for you in the past.
- Reflect on an opinion you have that has changed recently and what influenced this change.
- How do you challenge limiting beliefs about yourself?
- Write a mantra that you would like to adopt for a healthier mindset.

Moving Through Life Changes
- What are the changes you are currently experiencing, and how do you feel about them?
- “When life changes unexpectedly, I typically…”
- What are your biggest fears about change, and why?
- Recall a time when you resisted change. What happened, and what did you learn?
- Write about a change you’re currently experiencing. How can you navigate it successfully?
- What role do your support systems play during life changes? Reflect on how you can lean on them more.
- How do you adapt to new environments or situations?
- What is the hardest part of going through life changes, and how do you deal with it?
- Write about something you’ve let go of recently and how it has benefited you.
- How do you keep yourself motivated when facing a new chapter in life?

Making New Habits
- What new habit would you love to develop? Why is it important to you?
- Choose a habit you want to adopt and outline the first three steps you’ll take to start.
- “A habit I want to break is…”
- Describe a time when you successfully changed a behavior. What steps did you take?
- List the challenges that prevent you from maintaining good habits.
- Reflect on the motivations behind your desire for change. Why do you want to build this new habit?
- “To make my new habit stick, I need to…”
- Think of someone who inspires you with their good habits. What can you learn from them?
- How does your environment influence your habits, for better or worse?
- What rewards can you set for yourself to encourage the formation of a new habit?

Setting Goals
- What is one goal you hope to achieve within the next month?
- Write about a time when you achieved a difficult goal and how you pushed through the challenges.
- How does setting a deadline help you?
- What do you think holds you back from achieving your goals?
- List the steps you need to take to achieve your most ambitious goal.
- Describe a setback you experienced in goal-setting and how you overcame it.
- What does “success” look like to you?
- How do you measure success in your goal achievement?
- How do you stay motivated and focused on your goals?
- What tools or resources help you stay on track with your goals?

Solving Problems
- Think of a recent problem and describe how you resolved it.
- “When confronted with a problem, my first reaction is to…”
- List your go-to strategies for effective problem-solving.
- Describe a time when an unconventional approach solved a problem.
- What role does intuition play in your problem-solving?
- What are your strengths in problem-solving? How can you leverage them more effectively?
- How do you calm yourself down in the face of tough challenges?
- List the people, resources, and tools to assist you in your problem-solving endeavors.
- “Every problem has a solution. You just have to be creative enough to find it.” — Travis Kalanic. Reflect on this quote and write down your thoughts.
- When faced with a difficult choice, describe how you weigh the pros and cons.

Practicing Gratitude
- Write three things you’re grateful for today and why.
- Reflect on a difficult situation where finding gratitude was challenging.
- “I feel most thankful when…”
- List five people in your life who you appreciate and why.
- “Something I often take for granted but am grateful for is…”
- Share a moment when someone’s kindness made a big impact on your life.
- How does practicing gratitude change your perspective? Reflect on its effects on your mindset.
- When was the last time you felt truly appreciated?
- Reflect on a challenging time and identify any silver linings. What are you grateful for from that experience?
- How does expressing gratitude change the way you interact with people and circumstances?

Reflecting on Life
- If today were the last day of your life, what would you wish you had done differently?
- “If I could relive any day, it would be…”
- Write about a lesson you learned this year and how it’s changed you.
- “Looking back at my past, I am most proud of…”
- List the major life lessons you’ve learned and who taught them to you.
- Describe a moment that defined your current path in life.
- What advice would you give to someone else based on your life experiences?
- What surprising discoveries have you made about yourself through reflection?
- Reflect on your relationships. How have they influenced who you are today?
- If you were to write your own memoir, what key chapters or events in your life would you include?

Frequently Asked Questions
What is journaling for change?
Journaling for change involves writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to help manage personal growth and life transitions. It’s a reflective practice that aids in understanding oneself and facing changes more effectively.
What if I’m not good at writing?
Journaling is not about your writing skill; it’s about expressing yourself. Don’t worry about grammar or style. Just write freely.
Can journaling really help during life changes?
Yes, journaling can be incredibly beneficial during times of change. It provides a private space to process emotions, make plans, solve problems, and track personal growth.
How can I make journaling a habit?
Set a regular time for journaling, keep your journal in a visible place as a reminder, and start with just a few minutes at a time to make the practice manageable.
Do I need a physical journal, or can I use a digital one?
It’s your choice. Some people prefer writing by hand in a notebook, while others like the convenience of digital journaling. Choose whatever feels more comfortable and accessible for you.
Final Thoughts
Journaling is such a personal thing, and it’s all about finding what works best for you. I hope these journal prompts give you some clear and helpful ways to handle the changes in your life.
Give yourself the time and space to use these prompts whenever you feel uncertain or just need a moment to reflect. Here’s to writing your way through life’s ups and downs—I’m rooting for you!