180+ Journal Prompts for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of big changes and strong feelings. Your body is growing a new life, and every day brings something different. It can be exciting, a little scary, and full of new experiences.

Sometimes, it can feel like there’s so much happening all at once. Writing in a journal can be a great way to slow down and think about everything you’re going through. But where do you start? These journal prompts will guide you through your pregnancy experience!

Celebrating Pregnancy

  1. What were your first thoughts when you found out you were pregnant?
  2. What are three things you’re most grateful for during your pregnancy journey so far?
  3. Write a letter to your future child about the moment you found out you were pregnant.
  4. Describe the moment you shared the news with your partner or family.
  5. What does the idea of bringing new life into the world mean to you?
  6. How do you imagine your life will change after the baby’s arrival?
  7. List five things you are most grateful for during this pregnancy.
  8. If your baby could understand you right now, what would you say to them about the world they’re coming into?
  9. What traditions or values are you excited to pass down to your child?
  10. “The most surprising thing about pregnancy so far has been ____.”
  11. Write a list of all the ways you’ve celebrated small victories during your pregnancy.
  12. What do you want to remember most about how you feel right now?
  13. List five small joys you’ve experienced during pregnancy that you didn’t expect.
  14. How has your relationship with your partner changed during pregnancy in positive ways?
  15. Describe a time during pregnancy when you felt truly happy and at peace.
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Celebrating It 1. What were your first thoughts when you found out you were pregnant? 2. What are three things you’re most grateful for during your pregnancy journey so far? 3. Write a letter to your future child about the moment you found out you were pregnant. 4. Describe the moment you shared the news with your partner or family. 5. What does the idea of bringing new life into the world mean to you? 6. How do you imagine your life will change a...

First Trimester Reflections

  1. What were your initial feelings in the first few weeks after finding out you were pregnant?
  2. How has your daily routine changed since becoming pregnant?
  3. What has been the most challenging aspect of the first trimester?
  4. How did you share the news of your pregnancy with loved ones, and how did they react?
  5. List three things you learned about pregnancy that you didn’t know before.
  6. How have your priorities shifted since discovering you are pregnant?
  7. How have your eating habits changed in the first trimester, and how do you feel about those changes?
  8. What fears or concerns have you faced about your pregnancy, and how are you managing them?
  9. What self-care practices have you found most beneficial?
  10. Reflect on a moment of unexpected joy or surprise during these early weeks.
  11. How do you feel physically and emotionally at this stage?
  12. Write a letter to your baby about your hopes and dreams for them as you navigate this new phase of life.
  13. What advice would you give to someone else who’s just found out they’re in their first trimester?
  14. “I hope my baby inherits my ____.”
  15. Write down three things you want to remember about the first trimester and why they are important to you.
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: First Trimester Reflections 1. What were your initial feelings in the first few weeks after finding out you were pregnant? 2. How has your daily routine changed since becoming pregnant? 3. What has been the most challenging aspect of the first trimester? 4. How did you share the news of your pregnancy with loved ones, and how did they react? 5. List three things you learned about pregnancy that you didn’t know before. 6. How have your priorities s...

Second Trimester Preparations

  1. What milestones are you looking forward to in the second trimester?
  2. Describe how you are preparing your home for the arrival of your new baby.
  3. Write about a moment in the second trimester that made you feel especially bonded to your baby.
  4. What preparations have you started for labor and delivery now that you’re in the second trimester?
  5. How has your experience with prenatal care been so far? What have you found helpful or challenging?
  6. What new pregnancy symptoms are you experiencing, and how are you handling them?
  7. What are three things you want to do in the second trimester to feel more prepared for the baby’s arrival?
  8. Write about a day you spent doing something special just for yourself.
  9. What advice or tips have you received that you find most helpful?
  10. Describe your ideal birth plan. What are the most important elements for you?
  11. How have your thoughts on parenting evolved as you’ve moved into the second trimester?
  12. What changes have you noticed in your body, and how do you feel about these changes?
  13. What are the most significant challenges you face currently?
  14. What are you doing to stay healthy and fit during this trimester?
  15. What’s one thing you’re most looking forward to in the second trimester?
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Second Trimester Preparations 1. What milestones are you looking forward to in the second trimester? 2. Describe how you are preparing your home for the arrival of your new baby. 3. Write about a moment in the second trimester that made you feel especially bonded to your baby. 4. What preparations have you started for labor and delivery now that you’re in the second trimester? 5. How has your experience with prenatal care been so far? What have you...

Third Trimester Countdown

  1. What are your top three priorities as you enter the third trimester?
  2. How do you envision the final weeks of pregnancy unfolding?
  3. Describe your ideal birth experience in detail.
  4. Write a letter to your baby about your excitement and anticipation as the due date nears.
  5. What’s one thing you are doing to prepare emotionally for labor and delivery?
  6. Reflect on how you’re preparing your home for the baby. What changes are you making?
  7. Describe your favorite moment from the third trimester so far.
  8. What are your plans for postpartum recovery, and how do you feel about them?
  9. How are you and your partner preparing together for the final weeks of pregnancy?
  10. Reflect on any fears or anxieties you have about labor and delivery. How are you addressing them?
  11. What support do you feel you need in these final weeks of pregnancy?
  12. Write about a self-care practice you want to maintain in the third trimester and why it’s important to you.
  13. What are you most looking forward to in the days leading up to your baby’s birth?
  14. How has your relationship with your partner evolved during this final trimester?
  15. Describe a moment when you felt a strong connection with your baby.
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Third Trimester Countdown 1. What are your top three priorities as you enter the third trimester? 2. How do you envision the final weeks of pregnancy unfolding? 3. Describe your ideal birth experience in detail. 4. Write a letter to your baby about your excitement and anticipation as the due date nears. 5. What’s one thing you are doing to prepare emotionally for labor and delivery? 6. Reflect on how you’re preparing your home for the baby. What c...

Pregnancy Milestones and Memories

  1. Describe the moment you first heard your baby’s heartbeat. How did it make you feel?
  2. What was your reaction to the first ultrasound image of your baby?
  3. “One pregnancy milestone I’ll never forget is…”
  4. Write a letter to your future child describing the day you found out their gender (if known) or the day you decided not to find out.
  5. Reflect on the first time you felt your baby move. What emotions did it bring up?
  6. What are some unique cravings you’ve experienced during pregnancy, and what do you think they might mean?
  7. Describe a funny or unexpected moment from your pregnancy so far.
  8. Write about a time when you felt particularly connected to your baby during a prenatal appointment or ultrasound.
  9. What are the most memorable pieces of advice or well-wishes you’ve received during your pregnancy?
  10. Reflect on how your style or wardrobe has changed to accommodate your growing belly.
  11. What are the most meaningful gifts or items you’ve received for your baby, and why do they stand out?
  12. Describe a moment when you felt overwhelmed by joy during your pregnancy.
  13. What is one song or lullaby you’ve found yourself singing or playing for your baby?
  14. How do you plan to celebrate your baby’s birth and the end of your pregnancy journey?
  15. What keepsakes or mementos have you collected or plan to collect?
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Pregnancy Milestones and Memories 1. Describe the moment you first heard your baby’s heartbeat. How did it make you feel? 2. What was your reaction to the first ultrasound image of your baby? 3. “One pregnancy milestone I’ll never forget is…” 4. Write a letter to your future child describing the day you found out their gender (if known) or the day you decided not to find out. 5. Reflect on the first time you felt your baby move. What emotions did i...

Physical Changes and Symptoms

  1. How has your body surprised you during pregnancy?
  2. How are you adapting to the new demands on your body?
  3. Write about a physical change you didn’t expect to experience and how it has impacted your daily life.
  4. List the symptoms that have been most challenging and how you’ve managed them.
  5. Reflect on how you’re taking care of your body during pregnancy. What’s working well, and what could be better?
  6. How have your feelings about your body changed throughout pregnancy?
  7. What physical change are you most looking forward to after the baby is born?
  8. Reflect on a time when a pregnancy symptom caught you off guard. How did you handle it?
  9. How have you adjusted your exercise routine to accommodate your pregnancy?
  10. Describe how you feel about the changes in your skin, hair, and nails during pregnancy.
  11. How are you navigating pregnancy discomforts like nausea, fatigue, or back pain?
  12. What are some ways you’re embracing your changing body during this time?
  13. Write about an activity or exercise that has helped you feel better.
  14. What misconceptions did you have about pregnancy that have been debunked?
  15. Describe how you prepare for physical comfort each day.
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Physical Changes and Symptoms 1. How has your body surprised you during pregnancy? 2. How are you adapting to the new demands on your body? 3. Write about a physical change you didn’t expect to experience and how it has impacted your daily life. 4. List the symptoms that have been most challenging and how you’ve managed them. 5. Reflect on how you’re taking care of your body during pregnancy. What’s working well, and what could be better? 6. How h...

Emotional Journey During Pregnancy

  1. Describe a moment during pregnancy when you felt overwhelmed with emotion. What were the circumstances?
  2. How have your emotions changed throughout each trimester?
  3. Write about a fear you have about becoming a parent and how you are working through it.
  4. Reflect on how pregnancy has impacted your mental health. What’s been most surprising?
  5. How do you feel about the support you’re receiving emotionally during your pregnancy?
  6. Reflect on any fears or anxieties you have about childbirth and becoming a parent.
  7. What’s one way you’ve found to calm your mind when feeling anxious during pregnancy?
  8. Reflect on a moment of pure joy you’ve experienced during pregnancy. What led up to it?
  9. How do you manage feelings of stress or worry about the baby’s health and well-being?
  10. What coping mechanisms have you found most helpful during emotional lows in pregnancy?
  11. Reflect on how you’re preparing emotionally for the transition to parenthood.
  12. Describe how pregnancy has changed your relationship with yourself emotionally.
  13. What’s one emotion you’ve experienced that you didn’t expect during pregnancy, and how are you handling it?
  14. List three emotional supports you have relied on during this period.
  15. How has your emotional connection with your partner or family changed during this time?
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Emotional Journey During Pregnancy 1. Describe a moment during pregnancy when you felt overwhelmed with emotion. What were the circumstances? 2. How have your emotions changed throughout each trimester? 3. Write about a fear you have about becoming a parent and how you are working through it. 4. Reflect on how pregnancy has impacted your mental health. What’s been most surprising? 5. How do you feel about the support you’re receiving emotionally during...

Self-Care and Well-being During Pregnancy

  1. What are three self-care practices that have been most beneficial for you during pregnancy?
  2. Write about a day when you took extra good care of yourself and how it made you feel.
  3. What’s one thing you wish you could do more often for your well-being during pregnancy?
  4. How are you ensuring you get enough rest and relaxation during pregnancy?
  5. What does a perfect self-care day look like for you while pregnant?
  6. List five ways you’ve learned to listen to your body during pregnancy.
  7. Reflect on any changes you’ve made to your diet for the sake of your health and your baby’s.
  8. How do you balance physical activity and rest to maintain your well-being?
  9. Describe how you’re managing any pregnancy-related stress. What techniques are most effective?
  10. How have your self-care routines evolved throughout the different stages of pregnancy?
  11. What’s one new self-care habit you’ve started that you want to continue after your baby is born?
  12. Write about how your nutrition has changed and what new habits you’ve embraced.
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Self-Care and Well-being 1. What are three self-care practices that have been most beneficial for you during pregnancy? 2. Write about a day when you took extra good care of yourself and how it made you feel. 3. What’s one thing you wish you could do more often for your well-being during pregnancy? 4. How are you ensuring you get enough rest and relaxation during pregnancy? 5. What does a perfect self-care day look like for you while pregnant? 6. ...

Pregnancy Challenges

  1. What has been the most challenging aspect of your pregnancy so far, and how are you managing it?
  2. How do you maintain a positive outlook when dealing with pregnancy-related hardships?
  3. Reflect on a challenging day you had during pregnancy. How did you overcome it?
  4. What’s one thing that has surprised you about the difficulties of pregnancy?
  5. List three coping strategies that have helped you through difficult moments in your pregnancy.
  6. Reflect on a time when you had to make a tough decision during pregnancy. What was it, and how did you decide?
  7. Describe a challenge you’re currently facing and how you plan to address it.
  8. How have you found support from others when navigating pregnancy challenges?
  9. Write about an unexpected challenge that came up and how you adapted.
  10. How do you balance the need for information with the need to avoid overwhelm?
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Pregnancy Challenges 1. What has been the most challenging aspect of your pregnancy so far, and how are you managing it? 2. How do you maintain a positive outlook when dealing with pregnancy-related hardships? 3. Reflect on a challenging day you had during pregnancy. How did you overcome it? 4. What’s one thing that has surprised you about the difficulties of pregnancy? 5. List three coping strategies that have helped you through difficult moments ...

Connecting with Your Baby

  1. Describe the first time you felt a connection with your baby. What was that moment like?
  2. Describe how you feel when you imagine your baby’s face.
  3. What qualities of yours or your partner’s do you hope your baby inherits?
  4. Write a letter to your baby expressing your dreams for their future.
  5. What activities do you look forward to doing with your baby?
  6. List the songs or stories you want to share with your baby and why.
  7. Write a letter to your baby about how much you’re looking forward to meeting them.
  8. ]What are some ways you’re fostering a bond with your baby before they’re born?
  9. How do you imagine your baby’s personality based on their movements or responses?
  10. Write about a dream you’ve had about your baby and what you think it might mean.
  11. What are three things you want your baby to know about you before they’re born?
  12. Describe a time when you felt your baby react to external stimuli, like music or a voice. What was the experience like?
  13. How do you imagine your first moments with your baby will be?
  14. How has your connection with your baby grown throughout your pregnancy?
  15. What are some things you hope to teach your baby about love and connection?
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Connecting with Your Baby 1. Describe the first time you felt a connection with your baby. What was that moment like? 2. Describe how you feel when you imagine your baby’s face. 3. What qualities of yours or your partner’s do you hope your baby inherits? 4. Write a letter to your baby expressing your dreams for their future. 5. What activities do you look forward to doing with your baby? 6. List the songs or stories you want to share with your bab...

Preparations for Parenthood

  1. What are your biggest hopes and dreams for your child’s future?
  2. Describe your ideal parenting style and how you plan to implement it.
  3. Reflect on how your own upbringing has shaped your views on parenting.
  4. What are three values you want to instill in your child, and why?
  5. How do you envision balancing work, personal life, and parenting?
  6. Write about a fear you have about becoming a parent and how you’re addressing it.
  7. How are you preparing financially for your new baby’s arrival?
  8. What’s one parenting tradition from your culture or family that you want to continue?
  9. What discussions have you and your partner had about parenting?
  10. How do you plan to manage sleepless nights and baby care?
  11. Describe how you imagine the first day at home with your baby.
  12. What preparations have you made for your baby’s health and safety?
  13. What kind of support system do you hope to have as you navigate parenthood?
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Preparations for Parenthood 1. What are your biggest hopes and dreams for your child’s future? 2. Describe your ideal parenting style and how you plan to implement it. 3. Reflect on how your own upbringing has shaped your views on parenting. 4. What are three values you want to instill in your child, and why? 5. How do you envision balancing work, personal life, and parenting? 6. Write about a fear you have about becoming a parent and how you’re a...

Preparation for Labor and Delivery

  1. What are your expectations for the labor and delivery process?
  2. How have you prepared yourself mentally and physically for childbirth?
  3. List the items you have packed in your hospital bag and why they are important to you.
  4. Write about your birth plan and how you decided on the details.
  5. Reflect on any birth classes or books you’ve read. What’s been most helpful in preparing you?
  6. How are you preparing your mind for the experience of labor?
  7. Describe a breathing technique or relaxation method you’re planning to use during labor.
  8. How do you feel about the support system you have in place for labor and delivery?
  9. Reflect on any fears you have about labor and delivery. How are you addressing them?
  10. What’s one mantra or affirmation you want to remember during labor?
  11. Write about a birthing technique or position you’ve learned about that you’re interested in trying.
  12. What are your plans for immediate postpartum recovery? How do you envision those first moments?
  13. Reflect on the birth stories you’ve heard from others. What have you learned from them?
  14. What role do you expect your partner or support person to play during delivery?
  15. How do you feel about the medical care and facilities where you will deliver?
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Preparation for Labor and Delivery 1. What are your expectations for the labor and delivery process? 2. How have you prepared yourself mentally and physically for childbirth? 3. List the items you have packed in your hospital bag and why they are important to you. 4. Write about your birth plan and how you decided on the details. 5. Reflect on any birth classes or books you’ve read. What’s been most helpful in preparing you? 6. How are you prepari...

Reflections on Advice and Support

  1. What is the best piece of advice you’ve received about pregnancy or parenting?
  2. List the types of support (emotional, physical, informational) you’ve found most valuable.
  3. Write about a time when support from a friend or family member made a significant difference.
  4. Reflect on a piece of advice that didn’t resonate with you. Why didn’t it feel right?
  5. How have you navigated conflicting advice about pregnancy and parenting?
  6. What is one piece of advice you wish you had received earlier in your pregnancy?
  7. How do you decide which advice to follow and which to ignore?
  8. Reflect on the role of your healthcare provider in your pregnancy journey. What support have they offered?
  9. What’s one piece of advice you plan to pass on to someone else in the future?
  10. Reflect on the most surprising or unexpected support you’ve received.
  11. What misconceptions about pregnancy and motherhood have you encountered?
  12. Describe how you’ve supported your partner during this journey.
Journal Prompts for Pregnancy: Reflections on Advice and Support 1. What is the best piece of advice you’ve received about pregnancy or parenting? 2. List the types of support (emotional, physical, informational) you’ve found most valuable. 3. Write about a time when support from a friend or family member made a significant difference. 4. Reflect on a piece of advice that didn’t resonate with you. Why didn’t it feel right? 5. How have you navigated conflicting advice about pregn...

Final Thoughts

Pregnancy is a special time that brings many new experiences and emotions. Taking a few minutes to write down your thoughts can help you connect with yourself and your baby.

Journaling is a simple way to capture the little moments and make sense of the big changes. Writing can be a powerful way to hold onto this special time. So, keep writing, keep reflecting, and look forward to all the joys of motherhood that await you.

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Clariza is a passionate writer and editor who firmly believes that words have great power. She has a degree in BS Psychology, which gives her an in-depth understanding of the complexities of human behavior. As a woman of science and art, she fused her love for both fields in crafting insightful articles on lifestyle, mental health, and social justice to inspire others and advocate for change.

In her leisure time, you can find her sitting in the corner of her favorite coffee shop downtown, deeply immersed in her bubble of thoughts. Being an art enthusiast that she is, she finds bliss in exploring the rich world of fiction writing and diverse art forms.