In this article, you’ll discover How to Build Strong and Positive Work Relationships so that you can be better at your job, enjoy going to work, and mingle with your co-workers after business hours.
Do you believe that life is much more about connection and building long-lasting relationships rather than career and financial success?
Even though most people prioritize one or the other, they are not mutually exclusive. You can have them both: great relationships and a successful career:
- You can feed one from the other.
- You can build up both at the same time without compromise, loss of love, or loss of passion.
When it comes to a successful career, things are pretty straightforward. Your career tells you almost everything you need to do to advance it. By comparison, personal relationships are not like that because each person that comes into your life is different. Each relationship you have is different. Yet, there are a few tips you can apply to any relationship (private or work relationship) to make it meaningful, stronger and positive.
Loneliness is a big concern in our modern times. For that reason, now more than ever before, it’s imperative to build positive work relationships because you spend most of the day at work.
Here you have 9 Tips to Build Strong and Positive Work Relationships:
1. Express your gratitude and appreciation
It is rather weird how easy it comes sometime to say “thank you” to a stranger but harder to say it to someone you know. Why is that happening?
- First, you might be afraid that if you show your gratitude and appreciation to others, next time they will not try as hard to please you.
- Second, perhaps, you don’t want them to know how essential they can become to you because then, there is a possibility to take you for granted or take advantage of you.
- Third, maybe, you’ve been disappointed in the past by some people and now, out of self-preservation, keep your feeling to yourself.
Listen, some people disappoint you, others might take advantage of you, but most of them cherish you, even more, when you allow yourself to be vulnerable and express your gratitude and appreciation. Plus, in time, saying what you mean and mean what you say, naturally cleans up your circle of work friends.
2. Offer sincere compliments
Every person has something positive, something of value, something precious and unique about them. Be honest with your compliments and talk about those things that you like and leave out what you don’t.
Listen, your co-workers rarely (if never) want your honesty about their shortcomings, but appreciate a lot honest compliments.
3. Be positive
A positive mindset and attitude are helping you to attract positive and cheerful people in your life. As misery loves company, happiness loves company as well.
Showing that you’re able to jump to find solutions rather than faults can win you admiration and the trust of your colleagues.
4. Act assertively
Some people regard assertiveness as being a bit harsh or even aggressive. However, assertiveness is not only a must but a duty. People need to know where you stand, what you’re willing and not willing to do, how you want things to be.
At the beginning, some people might not like you for it, but in time they respect you even more and see you as an honest person, an example to follow.
5. Acknowledge your mistakes and rectify them
Wrong, are not those people who make mistakes but those who linger on them.
You know? Most people like you more when you ask for help rather than when they need your help. We like to be useful and needed. Thus, when you make mistakes don’t be afraid to ask for help. Plus, a fresh perspective makes things easier for you too.
6. Offer support
The best predictor of a long-lasting relationship is how supportive are both parties of each other’s difficulties, passions, endeavors, challenges, dreams.
When you want to be supportive remember:
- It is not about you,
- Don’t judge the other person for what she/he likes,
- Educate yourself (a bit) about the subject.
7. Have compassion
Having compassion for others (to be honest), helps you more than it helps the other person. It helps you to come from a place of understanding, forgiveness, and tolerance; and ultimately, gives you the power to influence the outcome of an unfortunate event or situation positively.
Know that people are doing, always, what they know and believe to be the best that they can do. After the fact, we are all wiser, we all know better. Is it not?
8. Forgive mistakes and help the other person improve
Presumably, you don’t keep in your life people that don’t deserve a place around you. Therefore, in a sense, your friends are somewhat entitled to be forgiven. Right?
Almost twenty years ago I told my best friend: “I’ll never get mad at you no matter what you’ll do”, I meant it, and I still hold that promise.
When you find those special people to share your life, passions, dreams, sadness, happiness, success and failures, keep them close.
Know that whatever bad thing they might do, it comes from ignorance, misunderstanding, lack of focus and some other things, but rarely with the intention to hurt you. Don’t take it personally; they don’t do it against you.
When someone makes mistakes is not about you, it is about their capacity of understanding and processing, skills and personal respect.
Set boundaries for your relationships and weigh the gravity of each mistake before jumping to judgment or getting mad/angry/unforgiving. For example, being unfaithful in a marriage or undermining your merits at work could constitute a capital mistake.
Forgiveness, in the workplace, comes down to the question: “Can the other person give back what their mistake robbed from you?”
If there is a way to restore your trust and willingness to move forward, help the other person improve and make things better.
9. Mutual respect
If being supportive is the best predictor of the longevity of a relationship, mutual respect is the foundation.
Mutual respect means to:
- accept each other as you are,
- admire and acknowledge skills, abilities, qualities, and achievements,
- take into account the other party’s feelings, wishes, rights, and views before acting on personal desires and interests.
Now, as I said at the beginning, every relationship is different, and every relationship you have has a different function in your life.
Remember that is your prerogative and freedom to gather around yourself those people who deserve you, those individuals who appreciate, and respect you. Life is about love and being loved, about being successful and have quality people around to share your success.