Why Is Journalism Important? (40+ Reasons From Experts)

Journalism has been around for centuries and has always been about shining a light on the world around us. However, there is still a lot of debate surrounding its significance.

So, what makes journalism so crucial to people’s lives, society, and government?

According to experts, the following are the reasons why journalism is important.

Celeste Headlee

Celeste Headlee

Journalist | Radio Host | Professional Speaker | Author, “We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter

It is the only industry that’s protected in the constitution in the First Amendment

In the United States, at least, journalism is the only industry that’s protected in the constitution in the First Amendment. Our industry is there. And the reason for that is a strong and independent journalistic industry is crucial to democracy. 

There’s no example in history of a democracy that can thrive without an independent news media. That’s because there have to be people asking questions. That’s how checks and balances work outside of the government buildings. 

The check and the balance are that people making these laws or deciding the constitutionality of laws will have blind spots, and if you have an independent news media, the news media will catch those mistakes. 

They will: 

  • see the cracks 
  • be asking questions 
  • be digging out the information on people giving jobs to their family members or 
  • diverting funds away from their intended purpose toward something else

Without a robust journalistic organization, you can’t make democracy work

That’s how important it is. We don’t always have a completely independent news industry throughout the United States history, but we know that when the news media has been on its own doing independent and credible, fact-checked work, it’s always been better for society.

Journalism is a skilled profession

I wish more people knew that journalism is a skilled profession. Many people assume that if they just take a recorder or notebook and write up a story about an event, that’s journalism. 

In the very broad sense, it may count, but we go through a lot of training in terms of how to approach stories fairly, not objectively but fairly, and how to use language that is not biased. 

For example, if you say, “The City Council finally passed legislation to deal with the trash problem,” even though the word “finally” is a biased word, it implies that it’s taken a long time or taken too long. So we spent a lot of time training and how to be fair. And also how to find unexpected sources. 

It’s widespread for people to do citizen journalism in which they are going out there interviewing people and are generally the most likely suspects. They’re going to be the head of the corporations or the congressperson. 

You can learn who are the people involved in inconsequential decisions

But over the years, when you’re a journalist, you start learning:

  • who are the other people behind the scenes involved in inconsequential decisions
  • who are the other voices you can seek that will flesh out a story, give it context, and help people understand

I wish that more people realize that good journalists are well trained and experiencedfollow a code of ethics, and it takes effort and discipline to become good at the job, just like any other job.

Dick Grove

Dick Grove

CEO and Founder, INK Inc Public Relations | Author, “It’s the Media, Stupid!

It’s about diligent research and skillful writing

Since the internet came to be, I think the perception of what journalism is has morphed into something that doesn’t speak to the realities. Journalism is not a manipulation tool, garnering clicks or feeding an agenda. 

Good journalism is about the truth. It’s about diligent research, skillful writing, and, much like scientists, not being as focused on the outcome as the process. 

Good journalists and editors work extremely hard to get their work right

This is why the phrase “Fake News” is one of the most disheartening components of today’s media landscape. It meant something not long ago. It was literally fake news stories written solely to manipulate

Today, for way too many, it means anything that someone doesn’t agree with. It immediately negates the tough job of being a journalist and, more importantly, dismisses the truth. 

I strongly feel that we’re in a “Golden Age” of journalism in the recent past. Perhaps it’s driven by an even greater focus on fact-checking and truth, given that it’s battling the “Fake News” cries if people choose not to acknowledge the truth. 

That’s an individual and foolish choice. But it doesn’t mean that today’s real journalists, many of whom are battling tighter deadlines and fewer resources, aren’t putting out extraordinary work. 

It serves as an anchor in the sea while manipulative waves crash around us

Some may be fine with getting their “news” as a 280-character tweet. But for those with curiosityself-respect, and desire for truth, good journalism still exists and is thriving. It serves as an anchor in the sea while manipulative waves crash around us. 

Our job as media consumers is always to consider the source of what we read and see. And with that alone, we’re better able to move past the noise intended to confuse, anger, and manipulate and get to what real journalists are driven by — the truth

Laura Herman

Laura Herman

Consultant & Writer, Seniorstrong

It is the primary information source for the general population

Journalism is important because it is the primary information source for the general population. It holds the corrupt and the bad accountable by bringing attention to their shady activities. 

It feeds the public with unbiased information and educates them. It provides transparency to the political scenariosociety, and the world. This entails collaboration among journalists in the pursuit of knowledge. 

Journalists bring out stories that had no chance of being heard

Journalists bring out stories around the world that had no chance of being heard. They are often the only ones who give those who might not otherwise have a voice an opportunity to express themselves. 

This can include those who have experienced abuse or violence, those who are poor, and others who have been subjected to discrimination. They are the primary weapons against injustice or mistreatment when other officials or government bodies fail. 

They frequently influence how people see certain circumstances

Journalists contribute to the humanization of people who could otherwise be viewed as statistics or faceless figures. The work of journalists has the potential to impact our society over time positively.

The media can revolutionize and motivate people to take action. 

Journalists frequently influence how people see certain circumstances, whether it’s through drawing attention to a particular issue or opening the door for novel reporting and narrative techniques. This triggers significant change throughout communities or even entire nations.

Leonard A. Sipes, Jr.

Leonard A. Sipes, Jr.

Former Senior Specialist for Crime Prevention | Former Director of Information Services | Author, “Success With The Media

Journalists asked the right questions about the topic

I never lied and provided false information, but savvy journalists fed me information that didn’t fit well with (or contradicted) my pronouncements. That requires an extensive conversation where both parties lay their facts on the table for examination.

Experienced journalists asked the right questions and knew enough about the topic to understand that my version of the story needed follow-up. 

Most do not know that the spokespeople and reporters co-produce stories that correctly inform the public. When there is trust between spokespeople and reporters, the public gets the facts and context needed

We both were dedicated to the truth regardless of where the chips may fall. I never asked for favors and positive coverage. All I wanted was fairness and context, and accuracy

I remember inviting a reporter to my home for breakfast, where I proactively turned over a damaging report regarding our operations. I only asked that our statement be in the first four paragraphs, that he understood the context, and that we proactively offered the study.

They are dedicated to accuracy and context

There was a day years ago when experienced reporters and spokespeople were dedicated to accuracy and context. It served my agencies and me well because reporters understood that we told the truth. 

We didn’t shy away from negative stories. But if I said that the event didn’t happen (regardless of their sources), they believed me (sometimes it took a quick site visit with the reporter to confirm). 

An AP reporter once told me that if I stated that the Chesapeake Bay Bridge fell into the bay, he wouldn’t ask for additional confirmation.

However, sadly, the days of experienced, savvy reporters co-producing stories with knowledgeable spokespeople seem to be at an end. 

We’ve lost a ton of great reporters, and spokespeople seem willing to hide behind an email exchange. The public deserves better. Journalism via truly good reporters is vital to the truth and our democracy. Journalism keeps the rest of us honest.

AJ Silberman-Moffitt

AJ Silberman-Moffitt

Senior Editor, Tandem

Journalists were around to record what was happening

In days past, when notable things occurred — such as warsassassinations, and diseases — disseminating this information across the globe took time. There was no internet to pass on information virtually in an instant. 

But even then, journalists were around to record what was happening. They put into their own words what they saw and heard and passed it on to others.

Not everyone can be like the title of the movie “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” That is the biggest reason that journalism is essential. Though people can’t be in the presence of things as they happen, they must know about what transpired. 

It is one way to ensure that notable occurrences are recorded for history and posterity

Not all news is bad news, and it’s also integral to record the good things. Having a journalistic accounting from multiple perspectives is a great way to understand what went on.

Though some journalists are prone to put their own spin on stories or interject their personal feelings, some with the highest integrity understand how important it is to be impartial. And it’s these recounting and these stories that people will rely on for years to come.

James “Jimmy” Watts

James “Jimmy” Watts

Former Journalist | CEO, Own The Grill

Journalism is the shield that protects us from those who wish to divide us 

In a world of conflicting facts, where any ridiculous idea can find purchase and enter the mainstream consciousness via the information super way, the truth matters more than ever

Journalism is the last bastion of truth that holds back the tide of alternative facts and half-baked conspiracies that the politics of hate want us to believe so that we all turn on and blame each other for the ills of modern society instead of holding the people who are responsible for accounting. 

It’s the voice of eternal truth that fights for the rights of every one of us

Journalism has been responsible for: 

  • bringing down corrupt governments
  • arming people with the knowledge that they need to be free
  • keeping the dream that one day we can all be united under a common banner alive

It was, is, and always will be the voice of eternal truth that fights for the rights of every one of us to live the lives that we deserve to live. The truth might hurt, but it’s a necessary pain that we need to collectively feel if we wish to move forward as a species, and that’s why journalism matters. 

Marc Shuman

Marc Shuman

Personal Injury Lawyer & Founder, Shuman Legal

It provides individuals with the knowledge they need to make decisions

Journalism’s function in modern society is multifaceted, covering various elements of people’s lives. 

As more sources sprout up throughout the world, many more stories might evolve in numerous venues, implying that journalism plays an increasingly vital part in modern society. 

It provides individuals with the knowledge they need to make the most significant possible decisions regarding their livescommunitiessocieties, and governments

Most of the time, being a part of any community entails being aware of what is going on inside it and being prepared to act when something needs to change for the better. 

It is well-known that today’s new media seeks clear information and pluralism to achieve impartiality, whereas traditional media seeks it through objective means. 

It can have a variety of outcomes, but they are all predictable: either excellent or bad journalism. But it is important to note that one thing has stayed constant over the years.  

It provides society with the knowledge they need to conduct their lives

The goal and significance of journalism are to provide society with the knowledge they need to conduct their lives. They require information to make judgments on many issues. 

In many cases, journalists support this type of community idea by exposing issue areas and methods for citizens to become engaged. For example, credit reporting on the environmentally friendly impact of factory agriculture can help people reconsider their food choices.

Span Chen

Span Chen

Founder, The Karate Blog

Human history would be lost without journalism

Journalism is a powerful tool; powerful because it is through journalism that the world knows what it knows. Through this toolknowledge, and information are logically organized and disseminated to the ends of the earth.

It can be said that human history would be lost without journalism. 

The coming generations will know what the world was like before through journalism

Journalists conduct research on various subjects, document their findings, and communicate these results to the public efficiently. 

It is through research and journalism that we are aware of our history, and it’ll also be through journalism and proper documentation, that the coming generations will know what the world was like before their time. 

The content generated by journalists and communicated through various journalistic media (printtelevisionradiosocial media, and the internet) supplies relevant information and news to the public, uncovers truths, spreads awareness, and helps the population understand various complex issues. 

The world would be ignorant without journalism

The code of ethics guiding journalism compels journalists to report only truths, to act autonomously, and practice honesty. Journalism brings facts, findingstruths, information, and knowledge to the limelight; without it, the world would be ignorant.

Journalism is a building block of democracy in a society

A country’s commitment to democracy is reflected in the attitude of high regard for the media, print, or broadcast.

Political freedom and equality are the results of freedom of expression, and a well-conditioned democracy seeks fairness for its citizens and the protection of their rights.

Journalism plays a crucial role in a democratic society. By analyzing facts, setting up panels, and disseminating information that captures current events, people are informed to understand current situations, policies, and the government. 

This guides the people in their political choices and gives them the full right to participate in public processes that influence the decisions and actions of the leaders they elect.

Dan Farrant

Dan Farrant

CEO, Hello Music Theory

It is a mirror of the society

Journalism could be dubbed as one of the pillars on which a society/country stands. Objective and accurate journalism lays a bed of strong foundation for a country and its people to thrive. 

Journalism exists to act as an eye-opener, information disseminator, and knowledge provider. It is a mirror of the society in which we live as what happens around us finds a place in the news, blogs in other forms of journalism.

Watchdog of the society

Journalism or journalists are often referred to as watchdog(s). One may have come across the term watchdog journalism more than once. 

It highlights the investigative and fact-checking capability of journalism with the sole motive of presenting the masses with comprehensive information about events occurring in the present along with a detailed analysis of past occurrences to draw parallels or understand the present better in light of the past.

Acts as whistleblower

They are entrusted to perceive and project the truth even if it means exposing authorities or authoritative persons engaged in immoral activities. Journalism exists to blow the whistle to draw all eyes to whatever wrong is happening around us. 

Unlawfulillegal, and illegitimate activities are put to justice in the court of law after empowered journalists risk their lives in scouting the truth against all odds.

It draws people around the globe closer

Journalism brings people together. People from one part of the globe might feel emotionally connected to the hardships of the people residing in another part of the world after their troubles are voiced using various agentsmodes, and tools of journalism. 

From a devastating natural disaster to turbulent political elections, the plight of the people is always best highlighted through objective journalism, enabling domestic and even foreign authorities to intervene to rescue suffering people.

Kirill Sajaev

Kirill Sajaev

Executive Director & Founder, AUQ.io

Journalists have access to critical information and figures

The fact that journalists have access to critical information and figures is one metric that may be used to measure the significance of journalism. The chance to articulate oneself is the primary viewpoint, even though it serves several other functions. 

The right to be evaluated is the basis of journalism. In the modern world, people rely on the media to keep them up to date on current events. Above that, there are more plausible reasons why journalism is important.

It gives a voice to those who do not have one

Journalism is often seen as an essential component in a society that operates under the principle of majority rule. It is the medium through which the opinions of all public members may be communicated. It gives a voice to those who do not have one. 

Journalism provides citizens with several channels through which they may voice their opinions, such as: 

  • printing letters to the management on paper or 
  • displaying comments from internet readers following an article

It keeps tabs on the political process to ensure that elected officials act in accordance

It is journalism’s job to keep tabs on the political process to ensure that elected officials act in accordance with their constituents’ preferences. 

A free press is essential because, in the absence of its ability to report on recent happenings accurately, the public could be deprived of access to critical information while being prevented from making informed decisions about who should represent their interests in government.

Shawn Plummer

Shawn Plummer

Chief Executive Officer, The Annuity Expert

It provides people with information about the world outside their own experiences

We need journalists to report on our world so that we do not rely on biased opinions and misinformation spread by politicians, advertisers, and other interested parties.

Journalists who report honestly and accurately and use sources that present a range of views and ideas allow readers to make up their minds about things they might not have experienced. 

Ethical journalism ensures that readers can have better information to make wise decisions. 

Journalists report stories that might otherwise not see the light of day

For example, journalists expose corrupt government officials who have committed crimes. They investigate corporations and organizations that put profits ahead of people’s welfare. They document human rights abuses so governments will act to stop such abuses. 

Journalism is far-reaching

Journalism is a way to reach many people at once with the important issues that affect them daily. It is a great way to report on topics that people rarely read. Journalism helps people form opinions on issues they may not have thought about otherwise.

Mary Hunderson

Mary Hunderson

Professional Lifestyle Writer, Themeple

Journalism is essential because it is one of the few ways we learn about what is happening worldwide. It can be an important tool for holding governments and other powerful institutions accountable

It can also be a way for people to share their stories and experiences and to raise awareness about important issues. Journalism can play an important role in shaping public opinion and helping to create a more informed and engaged citizenry

In a democracy, people must have access to accurate and reliable information to make informed decisions about the issues that affect their lives. Journalism can be a force for good in the world, and we must support it.

Benefits of journalism

It helps to create an informed citizenry

In a democracy, it is vital for people to have access to accurate and reliable information so that they can make informed decisions about the issues that affect their lives. Journalism can provide this information and help to create a more informed citizenry.

It can be a force for good and helps to shape public opinion

By raising awareness about important issues and holding powerful institutions accountable, journalism can be a force for good in the world. It can play an important role in shaping public opinion and helping to create a more informed and engaged citizenry.

It can promote transparency and accountability

Journalism can help to promote transparency and accountability by holding powerful institutions and individuals accountable. It can be a way for people to share their stories and experiences and to raise awareness about important issues.

It can connect people and inspire change

Journalism can connect people from all over the world and help them better understand each other. By bringing attention to social injustice and other problems, journalism can inspire change and make the world a better place.

It can entertain and educate

Journalism can also entertain and inform people and provide them with an escape from the everyday grind. It can educate people about the world around them and help them to understand complex issues.

Ronald Williams

Ronald Williams

Founder, BestPeopleFinder

It keeps the population able to analyze and form their own opinions

Journalism is an area that is often questioned. Journalists were persecuted during some historical periods; in others, they were exalted. At times, they are seen as essential sources; in others, as problematic and even unnecessary

However, journalism plays a vital role in strengthening democracy, broadcasting news, and keeping the population able to analyze and form their own opinions.

Journalism brings facts among the fakes

Today, information is more accessible and free than ever before. We don’t need to open a newspaper to read the news: it arrives through various channels, such as e-mailssocial networks, and even messaging apps on our cell phones. 

In short, they can be read in seconds — unlike in the past. The problem is that we end up not checking its origins because of the speed of access to information. And likewise, we are not sure of the intentions of those who wrote them. 

Journalism enters the field, in this case, to name, look for sources, and establish what a fact is and what has not happened. By clarifying facts, journalists can help their readers and viewers develop their own opinions. 

But in general, journalism is vital to: 

  • show the facts among fakes
  • show evidence 
  • do interviews
  • not let any critical information slip

Robert Walden

Robert Walden

Founder, VehicleFreak

Journalism helps to advance democracy and human rights

Human rights and freedom of the press are supported by journalism as a democratic foundation. In this way, people can better understand their government and make more educated choices concerning their neighborhood. 

Journalism fosters democracy by giving a forum for individuals to voice their opinions. There are several social media platforms that citizens use to share news articles, frequently with links to the original news sources. 

It’s possible to swiftly communicate information with readers who may not usually have access to more traditional forms of journalism, such as newspapers or blogs written by professional journalists, owing to factors like slow internet or difficulty reading and writing.

Gerald Lombardo

Gerald Lombardo

Co-Founder, The Word Counter

It empowers individuals on a global scale

Journalism plays an integral role in contemporary society because it informs us of changing issuesevents, and individuals who shape the course of history. 

News is essential because it can be used as a tool for humanity to decide how to live on a daily basis. The process of sharing the news, or the act of producing journalism, empowers individuals on a global scale. 

Today, we live in an era where accurate journalism is more important than ever. This is due to inaccurate information that can be easily spread through social media channels worldwide. 

True journalism will always survive because passionate individuals share what is true and just.

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