The 10 Best Books on Mental Toughness

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There are stories for children in which the protagonists are insects and other creatures that in autumn, a time of abundance, prepare for the cold long winter days; stashing food and building shelters, strong nests, dens, burrows.

Because any good story needs to have a lesson to be learned, our protagonists are faced with many obstacles and challenges in their adventures. Plus, let’s not forget the other creatures, the lazy ones, that want to have a warm bed in winter without doing nothing else but stealing from our hard-working friends.

Those stories are meant to teach children how to be resilient, how to prepare themselves for the expected and the unexpected.

Building your mental toughness is preparing you for life, for the good moments and the less happy ones.

Your journey to improve your mental toughness is not always easy. For that reason, here you have ten inspiring books that can help you on your journey, prepare you for hard times, vicissitudes of life, and the unexpected.

What is a problem that stays in your way if you become a resilient person?

Nothing more than a challenge and an opportunity to use your skills, talents, and potential.

This book has already helped millions of people overcome the worry habit; so, you can join them and discover how to free yourself from agonizing about things that never happened and, probably never will.

This book can change your life!

You see? Worrying gets you stuck into finding solutions to imaginary problems. Plus, it creates the false impression that you are in control of everything. “If I worry, I’m aware of what could happen and can be prevented.”

Dale Carnegie offers you (in this book) a set of practical formulas you can start putting in practice as soon as you finish the book.

Discover in this book:

  • Fundamental Facts You Should Know About Worry. 
  • Basic Techniques In Analyzing Worry.
  • How to Break the Worry Habit Before It Breaks You.
  • Seven Ways to Cultivate A Mental Attitude That Will
  • Bring You Peace and Happiness.
  • The Perfect Way to Conquer Worry.
  • How To Keep From Worrying About Criticism.
  • Six Ways to Prevent Fatigue and Worry and Keep Your
  • Energy and Spirits High.
  • How I Conquered Worry.

Do you want to improve your mental toughness, be more resilient, and feel stronger? Start by reading this book “How to stop worrying and start living” by Dale Carnegie and get unstuck from the clutches of worries.

In a world of fast-moving and living, sometimes is hard to stay firm on your principles and values.

Discover (reading this book) how to be mentally strong, build your character, make others like you even more, and stay true to yourself. Plus, build strong work relationships so that you enjoy every day of your life.

The content in this book will surprise you through the in-depth descriptions of 49 archetypes (personality traits) helping you to discover unexpected things about others and yourself.

The presentation of each personality profile is an easy and pleasant read providing you with many facts and stories.

This book teaches you how to brand yourself through mental strength and honoring your values.

“How the World Sees You: Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination” is one of those books you’ll love to offer as a gift to your loved ones and friends.

Sally Hogshead, the author, will delight you with this masterpiece:

  • Part 1. How the world sees you;
  • Part 2. The fascination advantage system;
  • Part 3. Your anthem: the tagline for your personality.

Most probably you’ll love Amy Morin book: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do. It contains 13 powerful lessons, great wisdom and beautiful stories of many successful leaders and entrepreneurs.

The majority of people that don’t get to become as successful as they’d like to be are afraid of success more than fear failure.

To become successful you must, first, have that deep desire that pushes you to start somewhere. However, those who fear success, resist changing no matter the cost.

Raise your mental toughness with the help of this book, learn how to look at your difficulties from different angles and expand your horizon.

Do you need a change in your life? Be more resilient, and feel stronger? Then, this book is for you.

Happy thoughts, happy life!

Karen Salmansohn gives you in this book tools to start your day on a positive note, improve your mental strength, and think more about the bright side of things.

Reading a bit from this book when you feel less inspired can help you remind yourself to live a mindful life and be grateful for what you have.

“Sometimes we are met with overwhelming challenges that knock us off our feet-but [Lizzie has] been able to embody the power of hope and compassion in everything [she does].” Michelle Obama

If you ever have seen Lizzie Velasquez, you already know she has many things to say that will inspire and lift you up.

Being kind is an essential step in developing mental toughness because temperates your sense of entitlement and allows you to “breath” positive thoughts and adopt a positive attitude towards yourself and others.

In this daring book, Lizzie Velasquez talks about the hidden forces that can make doubt yourself, feel too self-conscious, and the loss of confidence. Then, encourage you to overcome those obstacles using your empathy and kindness for others and yourself.

“Dare to Be Kind: How Extraordinary Compassion Can Transform Our World” offers the reader a path to self-acceptance, love, and tolerance. It provides a framework for leading your life with confidence, be more resilient, kind, and compassionate.

Written by positive psychology experts (a husband-and-wife team) Suzann Pileggi Pawelski and James O. Pawelski this book (“Happy Together: Using the Science of Positive Psychology to Build Love That Lasts”), it’s a window into how your relationships could look like.

Use this book to create thriving connections to others; empower yourself with the ability to be happy for their success and contribute to their well-being. In return, you’ll reward yourself with increased resilience, mental strength, and develop new habits that will change your life.

In this book, you’ll find how to deal with mistakes and become more successful. With the help of stories, Skip Prichard shares with you the wisdom of many people that succeed in spite of making mistakes.

I always say “life happens even when you stay still”, and, by the same logic, making mistakes is inevitable. Therefore, is not a question if you can avoid taking (sometimes) the wrong path; it’s a question if you have the mental toughness to turn things around.

Get inspired by this book and increase your mental strength, become more resilient and adaptable. “Life happens even when you stay still,” don’t leave yourself behind.

This book was first published in the 70’s. It was an enlightening book for many then, and it still is. Hugh Prather, started by writing a novel and at the end, the result was this fantastic book that helps you build your mental toughness and accept yourself as you are.

The author is provoking you through this book to have those meaningful conversations with your deeper self and discover your unused (so far) wisdom.

We can’t talk about mental toughness and not include the necessity of taking responsibility for your life.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 gives you a step-by-step program to increase your EQ by learning how to master the following four skills and achieve your fullest potential:

  • Self-Awareness;
  • Self-Management;
  • Social Awareness;
  • Relationship Management.

As you can see, you find in this book the tools you might need to be able to take responsibility for your life and live your emotions the intelligent way.

We all have emotions, but not all of us know what to do with them, how to take advantage of your best guide in life. Join, with this book, the club of smart people that are not afraid to feel and emote because they know how to train their emotions to work for them not against oneself.

Related: 23 Best Books on Emotional Intelligence

Your core beliefs are determining the most your behaviors. For example:

  • Set your mind on positive or negative;
  • Push you to become successful or below average;
  • Make you strong mentally or a feather in the wind.

Most beliefs you have are childhood inheritance. Now, that you’re an adult, maybe is time to reevaluate your core beliefs, separate the faulty ones from the positive ones.

This book helps you to do just that! Bonnie Kelly teaches you how to get rid of the old (and outdated) programming of your mind and build your new set of beliefs that increase your mental toughness, resilience, and confidence.

That might sound like a daunting task. Yet, it’s easier than it sounds. You don’t need a huge change all at once but little by little, and before you know it, you become the master of You.

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