25 Best Law of Attraction Books [Manifest Your Dream Life]

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It is said that the Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe and that it is crucial to our success.

It is the Law that uses the power of the mind to transform our thoughts into reality. In other words, it means that we are creating our future with every single thought.

This reminds me of the quote by Paulo Coelho, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

So let’s dig dipper into one of life’s biggest mysteries by reading these Law of Attraction books recommended by experts.

Dawn Burnett, CSA


Transformational Divorce Coach | Wellness Strategist in the Media |
Founder, A New Dawn Natural Solutions, Inc | Author | Radio Show Host , Wake Up And Listen | Songwriter

Mike was a featured teacher in the movie The Secret and he provides clear information on how to manifest your dreams.

It’s all about mindset, focus, belief, and feeling that you already have what you want.

Take the steps in the right direction of where you want to be and in a matter of time, what you are seeking shows up.

Jack supplies step by step solutions on how to manifest success.

It’s simple, follow the steps, don’t skip any, and within the time you will manifest success.

It truly is a foolproof plan to break past barriers so you can live the life you’ve been dreaming of.

We help readers identify the sticking points that have kept them from true love.

A proven success plan on how to detox from the past so they can attract the partner into their lives that their soul has been yearning for.

G. Brian Benson


Award-Winning & #1 Best-Selling Author | Coach | Creative | TEDx Speaker | Radio Personality | Actor | 4x Ironman Triathlete

Increase your self-awareness, visualize and manifest your goals and dreams.

Habits for Success is written in laymen’s terms but with an incredible amount of depth, which allows the reader to reach new levels of understanding and growth.

It is a wonderful mix of heart, informative ideas and entertaining journey where you can learn how to solidify your foundation, raise your vibration and live with confidence and true fulfillment.

Melissa Wolak, MS, CCC-SLP


Transformation & Mindset Coach | Speaker | Corporate trainer | Cognitive-Communication Expert

The Compound Effect provides a unique perspective regarding the Law of Attraction from the author as he shares personal revelations in addition to stories compiled from interviews he completed with SUCCESS magazine.

This book is about taking action!

It has a unique perspective about setting goals and changing habits with increasing awareness and emphasis on identifying the deeper desire or compelling reason for each goal or change you want to put into motion.

He then provides practical strategies or “shifts” to start taking action to make a sustainable change; now, but also as you invest in your future and benefit from the “compound effect” over time with focus and clarity to attract what you want in your life.

Esther and Jerry Hicks are the “gurus” of the “law of attraction.” They keep it simple and it completely makes sense to beginner “manifestors” or the more knowledgeable.

Specifically, this book identifies how we have the power to choose our emotions which create our high or low energetic vibrations that result in attracting positive or negative circumstances or experiences in our lives.

I have recommended this to friends and clients – all have appreciated this information and I even have it playing in my car in a loop.

Louise Hay is truly one of the pioneers as far as Law of Attraction as an author and created her own publishing house.

This particular book delves into the law of attraction with correlations identified between our thought patterns and our mental and physical health.

I appreciate its simplicity. First, one can read the book and her supporting research and stories which are powerful.

My favorite part of the book is the index of thought patterns and resulting health issues with an affirmation to shift and to attract healing energy, recovery and improved health or mood.

When I have experienced health challenges, I simply look up the issue and am provided with information (or at least food for thought).

Dr. Dyer provides functional strategies as he shares his philosophy regarding setting intentions and our power to create what we desire in our lives.

It feels deeper than the idea of manifesting and increases a sense of empowerment by providing action steps to move forward.

He also has a movie, The Shift, that can be a wonderful “Law of Attraction” introduction for those who are more visual.

Nashima Harvey, Ed.M


Founder, THE LITTLE GREEN HOUSE Educational Services, LLC and
Girls of Decision Youth Empowerment |
Author | Presenter | Life Coach

This book was simple and straight to the point when it comes to manifestation and the law of attraction.

I not only bought the book and the audible but recommended it to all I knew after I listened to it 27 times.

The life-changing principles not only make sense but are doable.

All I can say is, this book is the father of understanding the universal laws and how to make the laws of attraction and much more work for you.

Although the book is lofty, it is worth a read as it lays out the template of success to those who are ready to receive it.

I must mention that I have listened to this book over twenty times as I took notes in the paper copy.

If your ready for achieving personal success then this book is the roadmap to get you there with a highlighter.

The Tao of Pooh is an old time favorite go-to book for the past twenty years.

It basically shows you that if you keep your eyes on the prize you will attract what you seek, sort of like Pooh attracts his honey through many of the daily interactions that try to sidetrack him.

I love how he focuses only on honey. Why? Well, it’s the ultimate goal for him, so no matter how many distractions come his way he somehow always achieves and attracts his personal goal of achieving honey.

Pooh the real Law of attraction guru!!! Honey=Your personal goals!

Alexa Fischer


TV/Film Actress | Public Speaking Coach | Author | Founder, Wishbeads

This book is the companion piece of the collection of Wishbeads bracelets that have been featured on both Good Morning America and The View.

The idea is quite simple… By seeing your wish (as if it has already come true!), writing it down, and taking small action steps toward your wish, you are attracting your ideal life. By looking at your Wishbeads bracelet and following the 21 days of Wishwork, you stay inspired to take small, intentional steps.

It’s not enough to place images on a dream board… It’s a start, but the real magic happens when you take ACTION.

Psychologists agree that when you put a wish, or goal “in writing”, that’s a huge step towards making it happen. It’s like signing a contract with yourself. It’s powerful.

By doing the Wishwork, you’re signaling to yourself, “I believe in myself. I am determined to make my wishes come true. I am creating the life I want.”

Cory Tucker


Actor | Motivational Speaker | Coach

This book follows the journey of David Ponder a father and husband who has hit rock bottom. Just before he decides to end it all, a miraculous set of events changes the course of his and his family’s lives.

David finds himself traveling through time to some of the most crucial events in history with seven of our most historical figures.

Each one offering an insightful decision that will determine his future success.

“Faith has no limits. The only limit to your realization of tomorrow is the doubt you hold fast today.”

Related: 50 Inspirational Quotes About Never Giving Up

David uses these words from his final visit to create boundless amounts of success in this truly inspiring story.

“START with WHY,” stories some of the greatest leaders of the 21st Century and how they came to be.

It’s true, we all love to follow leaders. They give us inspiration, hope, and influence us to inspire others.

“WHAT” is their secret? Sinek points out that the secret to success doesn’t start with the solution or the “WHAT,” but rather with the “WHY.”

Throughout this book we find that each of these great leaders has one simple rule to their success, they didn’t ever forget “WHY” they wanted it.

Read this book and see why Steve Jobs was the only one who could save a collapsing Apple Corporation and how Gordon Bethune brought Continental Airlines back from the dead. A must read!

Related: 24 Best Leadership Books of All Time

One dark, cold, winter night in Boston, Mel Robbins’ life changed after watching a space shuttle launch liftoff. She was in debt, marriage a disaster, and had completely lost all faith.

Until five numbers changed the course of her life and millions of others. “Five, four, three, two, one.” These five simple numbers used to rewire the brain to take action, motivate, and inspire.

In this book, she offers scientific evidence that you must physically move within 5 seconds of having an impulse to act on a goal or your brain will kill the idea.

“Five, four, three, two, one – “GO” has become part of my everyday life after reading this book.

Dana Pharant


Author | Speaker

I swear I have read ALL the books on Law of Attraction and most of them are copycats of previous books that tell you to visualize or get your vibration up, which does very little if you are not addressing what is actually stopping you from allowing money in.

I love Bonny for putting this book together in a way that calls it like it is and gives you tools for dealing with the core blocks to abundance.

I have been doing this work and helping clients for 25 years and I can assure you that the map she lays out is the real deal.

I found this book roughly 20 years ago and still find myself recommending it to friends and clients.

She calls it like it is, gives you straight talk about the Law of attraction in a way that allows it to sink in.

Lynn will teach you the tricks to getting into a playful space when it comes to money, which is exactly what you need in order to invite more of it into your life or business.

No need to chant or light candles (unless that is fun for you), just apply the practical advice in this book to enjoy the rewards.

At first glance this may not appear to be your go-to resource for Law of Attraction, however, the more you study Law of Attraction the more you realize it is all about shifting out of the fear-driven emotional states to be able to operate in that desired “high-vibration” state that pulls in like a magnet what you have been asking for.

This book is a tool packed resource paired with exercises for you to be able to integrate each tool into your day to day life.

Radesha “Desh” Dixon

Radesha Dixon

Author | Poet | Model | Actor | Life & Relationship Blogger

This book really helped me write out all my goals in a notebook. They have a very specific way to do it and I loved it.

It opens your mind up. They provide examples of how other people have utilized their advice to manifest what they want.

There is power in writing your goals down so doing it their way was unique.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

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01/17/2025 12:11 am GMT

This book is directly congruent to the actual DVD. This book helps you focus on the end result.

It really causes you to change how you look at things. It helps you realize that you have more power than you think and can bring change in your life rather quickly.

I recommend watching the DVD as well.

This book helps you retrain your mind. It incorporates LOA principles that help you cultivate a different perspective. Mindset is everything.

The concepts are broken down so well. You should be inspired to have a mindset like millionaires after reading this. And change how you do some things to manifest what you want in life.

Deborah Lucero


Author | Founder, Live Your Full Life

It helped me realize how to apply the process of forgiveness to my life and that, “Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself!”

It helped me comprehend how the benefits of forgiveness were so crucial to the process of healing my mind, body, soul, and spirit.

It showed me how to master the power of my subconscious mind in basic terms for anyone to comprehend!

Caitlin Fisher



I’ve read a lot of books on the Law of Attraction in my time as a twenty-something on a mission to hustle.

While I love the idea of attracting positive experiences and opportunities, the idea that people also attract ongoing misery and misfortune always leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, since I know so many disenfranchised people who are kept in cycles of poverty through no fault of their own.

I feel like Jen Sincero’s You Are A Badass provides a guide to the basics of the Law of Attraction without being overly victim-blaming.

She hits hard on people’s tendency to woe-is-me, and she’s certainly not perfect in her delivery at times, but this book is one of my favorites because of her sense of humor and her ability to cut through my excuses on a regular basis.

Jason Patel


Founder, Transizion

This book is a narrative of rapper 50 Cent’s life, broken up into laws of power. What makes this book so compelling is that 50 Cent’s life is an epic.

He never knew his father; his mother was murdered; he was shot nine times, dropped by his record label, and blackballed from the music industry.

It was through his self-published mixtapes that he caught the attention of musicians Dr. Dre and Eminem, who gave him a record deal and one chance to create his fate.

This is a man whose story should have ended in a jail cell or six feet underground. Instead, 50 Cent later made $100 million off a Vitamin Water stock purchase and has produced a successful TV show.

As the book progresses, the authors give breakdowns on how 50 Cent survived dire situations and willed his way into success.

So much of his prosperity hinges on attitude, that if you have a vision and want to work hard, success will come when it’s your time.

The law of attraction is everywhere in this book. 50 Cent wouldn’t be who he is without his ability to navigate live-or-die situations and vision for a brighter future. He was determined to end up in a better place than he was born.

Related: Best Robert Greene Books

Visa Shanmugam

Visa Shanmugam

Mindset & Transformation Coach

It is an incredible book for those interested in learning and applying the Law Of Attraction.

Her use of real-life stories of people who applied the Law Of Attraction to create drastic, positive changes in their life is inspiring and makes you feel “I could do that”.

It also shares super practical ways of applying the principles to everyday life as you go on about your day.

There is no need to stop and meditate or visualize for hours. In fact, there is no need to stop at all.

She’s funny and down to earth in her style of writing which makes the concepts easy to understand.

Caleb Backe


Health & Wellness Expert, Maple Holistics

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

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01/17/2025 12:11 am GMT

This book contains a compilation of testimonials and stories that show the true power of the law of attraction. It helps demonstrate the many benefits of the law of attraction that apply to modern society.

This book will be life-transforming to anyone who chooses to read it. Furthermore, it will teach you how to use the law of attraction in every aspect of your life, like money, relationships, health, and happiness.

If you have a strong desire for prosperity to come quickly and naturally, this is the book for you. It takes a scientific approach to show how using the law of attraction can help you claim any life you want to live.

This book was created with skeptics in mind. Overall, Doyle’s clear and concise explanations work to give readers a comprehensive understanding of the laws of attraction.

Best Law of Attraction Books

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