In light of the recent riots in our nation’s capitol building, 2021 kicked-off with an ugly hostility that the United States hadn’t seen since the Civil War.
With the new year just a few weeks old, companies are eager to get back to being productive and profitable. With COVID-19 continue to ravage all parts of the world, 2020 was a year many would like to soon forget.
But this pandemic was just one of many dominoes to tumble.
Other wrinkles in our nation’s fabric began to reveal themselves as well—racial violence, gender inequality, age discrimination, skyrocketing unemployment, and lack of bi-partisan governmental collaboration.
So, how do we resurrect happiness? Clearly, it’s going to take all of us working together. Yet, it all begins with self-reflection.
It’s up to you
The first step starts with each of us individually. If you’re not happy with where your life is headed — change direction.
In the immortal words of baseball legend and linguist “expert” Yogi Berra, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Words to live by. Until you’re content with yourself, you can’t help others. Only you know what you’re truly capable of. It’s up to you.
Face it; the world is made up of leaders and followers.
There’s nothing wrong with following others. Just remember to ol’ saying, “if you’re not the lead dog, the view will never change.” So, if you’re not happy with following another person’s lead — don’t.
Go big or Go home
“Live small!” said nobody ever. Either give it everything you got or don’t do it at all. Be willing to put in that extra effort it takes.
You may have heard the story of a 10-year-old girl who dreamed of being an Olympic gold medalist in swimming. Her coach told her that it would take eight or more years of dedication and hard work. “8 years? I’ll be 18!” Exclaimed the flabbergasted youngster, “that’s a long time!”
The coach nodded and calmly asked, “That’s true. But, how old will you be in 8 years if you don’t?”
The moral of that story: If you want something bad enough, be willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
Arguably the greatest hockey player of all time, Wayne Gretzky once said, he missed 100% of the shots he never took. Words are worthless unless they are backed by actions; and action beats contemplation every time.
So, the choice is yours — you can be happy, or you can be miserable.
Don’t look back
For years, psychiatrists have proclaimed one of the best ways to be happy is to appreciate the little things in everyday life.
Whether it’s making a meal together, enjoying a movie again that you’ve countless times before, laying out a blanket and gazing at the stars, shopping for antiques, or whatever else makes you smile.
Life is what you make of it.
Very few get second chances, so make each moment count. Take the phrase “what if” out of your vocabulary. Love and laugh often. Whatever you do, however you do it, whoever you do it with, wherever you do it, whenever you do it, just be happy.
The choice is yours, so live life to the fullest.