How to Accept a Job Offer Over the Phone (With 50+ Examples)

You’ve received an offer of employment and are unsure how to proceed? Accepting an offer over the phone might be intimidating, but we’ve got some recommendations to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible for both parties.

Here are ways to accept a job offer over the phone, as recommended by professionals:

Sanya Nagpal

Sanya Nagpal

Head of Human Resources, Leena AI

Ask questions about the company and request for the offer letter via email

There are various ways to accept a job offer, and one of them is through messaging or over a phone call.

After informing about the selection and presenting the offer verbally, the call went like this:

“Thank you for the call. I am excited for this new opportunity and can not wait to join the company.”

“We, too, are looking forward to having you onboard.”

“I am looking forward to meeting with the team and interacting with everyone. But before that, I had a few questions about my work and the work culture in mind.”

“Yes, go ahead.”

And then, there were a few questions that the candidate wanted to be answered.

A few of them were as follows:

  • “Tell me a bit about the structure of the team that I will be working with.”
  • “Who will be my reporting manager? When can I get in touch with them for a pre-onboarding call?”
  • “What will be my typical work hour during the day?”
  • “Is there any other formality that I need to complete before I join?”
  • “Could you also send me the written offer letter by mail at the earliest?”

This was a telephonic conversation, but when it comes to messages, we often get well-drafted messages from candidates that they are looking forward to joining the company.

A recent message that we received was:

“Thank you Sanya, for the opportunity. I am excited about the job offer and working with you and the team at Leena. I look forward to meeting my teammates and my manager.

Meanwhile, I would be glad to know more about the pre-onboarding process and how my day-to-day would look like at the company. So, let me know, and I would appreciate it if you could send across the offer letter via email so that I can take a final look.”

So, when I talk about various ways to accept a job offer, the best practice that comes to mind is a signed document that seals the deal.

However, as in present times, we have transitioned to a remote working environment, the physical document signings have also shifted to an online mode.

To ensure a quick and fast response from candidates, many HRs have started calling or messaging candidates to know their response to the offer. This call or message acts as a pre-offer standing negotiation with the candidate.

During this, they are informed about the compensation, perks and benefits, and any additional information needed to confirm the candidate’s joining.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Remote Employee Perks and Benefits

Also, there can be a scenario when a candidate is not satisfied with the compensation quoted and wants to get into a negotiation. In such a situation, it’s always better to get on a call with them and avoid back and forth on the emails/messages.

These pre-offer negotiation calls or messages act as a bridge between the company and the candidate before the final offer letter is dispatched. It also eliminates the requirement of multiple follow-ups from the candidate or the company.

Any additional clauses can also be settled via the call, thus saving the time spent on changing and updating the original paperwork.

Michael Moran

Michael Moran

Owner, Green Lion Search Group

It would be best if you still made a good impression

When you receive the news about the offer, excited as you may be, be careful how you express this. Don’t blurt out cuss or slang words that might offend the caller. Also, don’t scream on the phone; you want to remain as professional as possible.

Once the caller presents the news, show enthusiasm by saying something like:

“This is great news, thank you! I am happy for the honor of working for XYZ company.”

Ask any relevant questions

The caller will likely give you a chance to ask any questions you may have. It is better to ask even two questions than say you have no questions.

You could ask:

  • “Sure, I have a few questions. When should I expect to start?”
  • “Is there anything, in particular, I should bring on my first day?”
  • “Who should I contact if I have other questions before my start date?” “Who will receive me at the office?”
  • “Should I ask for anyone in particular when I get to the office building?”
  • “What are the next steps?”

Remember to practice good phone etiquette

Wait for the caller to answer a question before you can jump to the next one. Pausing a bit before moving to the next question is always a good idea—it shows you are a good listener.

Related: 25 Great Phone Interview Tips

Confirm they will send the offer letter via email

Legitimate employers will follow their verbal job offer with a written one. Still, you should confirm that they will indeed send you a written offer letter. The letter will usually indicate your start date and any pre-employment requirements.

You could say:

“This sounds fantastic. Please send me the written offer letter by email to go over the details and see if I have any further questions before I get started. When can I expect the letter?”

Wind up the call

Once they confirm when you should expect the letter and have no further questions, you can wind up the call. Remember to maintain professionalism and phone etiquette but also to exude confidence.

You could say:

“Thank you so much for this wonderful news and for your time. I look forward to getting started.”

Leigh McAlpin

Leigh McAlpin

Director, Classic Architectural Group

When you receive a job offer over the phone, it’s essential to respond in a way that shows your excitement and appreciation for the opportunity. Here are some tips for accepting a job offer over the phone:

Thank the person who offered you the job

Thanking the person who offered you the job is a simple but effective way to show appreciation. You can say something like, “Thank you for allowing me to join your team. I’m really excited about it.

Express your enthusiasm for the job

When you accept a job offer, it’s important to express your enthusiasm for the position. You can say something like, “I’m excited about this opportunity, and I can’t wait to see what we accomplish together.

Discuss the next steps in the hiring process

When you receive a job offer, it’s essential to talk about the next steps of the hiring process and any important deadlines that need to be met. You can say something like, “Now that I’ve accepted the position, what are the next steps in the hiring process?

Schedule a time to speak with your new employer again

Schedule a time for you and your new employer to speak again. You can say something like:

  • What would be a good time to touch base and introduce myself in more detail?
  • When should we talk again?

Express your enthusiasm for the position one more time

Once you’ve expressed your gratitude and talked about the next steps, it’s a good idea to say that you’re excited one final time before ending the call.

You can finish off by saying something like:

  • I look forward to working with you.”
  • It sounds like a great opportunity.

Stacey Kane

Stacey Kane

Business Development Lead, EasyMerchant

Ask for the company handbook

Given that this could potentially be your next job, it is equally important to review the company’s documents and handbook to know what policies are in place.

This could save you the time of asking questions that you would have been able to read up on the handbook. Recruiters are more than welcome to send you the company documents and necessary information most of the time.

You can then ask for clarification about the handbook provisions in the next phone call. Simply ask if there is an available copy of the employee handbook they can send over along with the written offer so you can look them over.

Ask for any adjustments in the job offer

Recruiters call candidates first before sending over the written offer to make sure you agree with the salary and if you have other requests like changes in the shift schedule or renegotiations in your salary.

The phone call is the opportunity to set expectations over the job offer and to make sure your requests are addressed before the formal written offer is finalized.

Recruiters would appreciate straightforward requests in increasing the salary offer or change in shift schedule right away as long as it’s done in a polite manner.

You can ask along the lines of:

  • “Is it possible for the company to reconsider the salary offer to [specify the amount]?”
  • “I would like to ask if it was possible for my shift to change to [specify the time] because [state the reason for the change you’re proposing].”

CJ Xia

CJ Xia

VP of Marketing and Sales, Boster Biological Technology

Check out the details of the job before accepting

A candidate should check out the details of the job offer before accepting. Make sure you understand the terms of the offer before accepting it, even if you get it over the phone.

Ask the basic questions to your potential employer such as:

  • salary,
  • working hours,
  • benefits,
  • when you can join,
  • etc.

You may want to hold off accepting any of this information if any of it comes as a surprise to you.

Related: 25+ Best Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer

Ask questions about your role

If you are not clear about your role or responsibilities, ask more questions until you are satisfied. Make sure you know your day-to-day role and who will supervise you.

For example:

  • “May I know a bit more about my responsibilities in the company and how does my position interacts with others?”
  • “Does your company offer remote work opportunities?”

Request information about the advancement

Ask about the job title and advancement because negotiating a higher position may be more challenging if you start off at a lower position. Check how and when you can advance after accepting the job.

Once you accept, it will be more difficult to change.

For example:

  • “May I ask about if my initial title can be changed?”
  • “Will I get advancement opportunities?”

Magdalena Wojdat

Magdalena Wojdat

HR Business Partner, Spacelift

Accepting a job offer over the phone or video chat is a common practice in many companies, especially nowadays when most daily processes have been moved to a remote model.

It’s important to know the etiquette of accepting a job offer over the phone, as the verbal offer is often extended from what you were aware of.

Practice gratitude at the beginning and end of the call

First and foremost, practice gratitude at the beginning and end of the call. Giving thanks is a sign of professionalism that can help you establish a good relationship with your new supervisor from the start.

A sentence such as “Thank you for the offer! I’m excited about the opportunity to work with you.” is an appropriate way to show enthusiasm and give thanks.

Ask questions about the job

Once the niceties have been exchanged, asking questions about the job is an excellent way to find out what the company looks like daily. By then, you have already established the scope of work and will get to know more once you start.

However, it’s important to dip your toes into the water and find answers to questions like this:

  • “Is there a dress code in the office?”
  • “Who is my primary supervisor?”
  • “Do you have options for remote work?”
  • “Where can I park my car?”

Request a written offer

Before saying your goodbyes and giving thanks once again, make sure to request a written offer. Most companies store digital copies of their contracts, there are tools to sign documents remotely, and having a binding agreement solidifies the deal.

In the middle of the conversation, you may say: “All of this is very exciting! Could you send me the offer in writing so that I can review the details before I get started?

Once the main aspects of the offer have been established, you may proceed further. Finish the call by saying, “Thanks again for your time; I appreciate your time and am looking forward to working with you.

Tina Hawk

Tina Hawk

SVP Human Resources, GoodHire

Be polite and professional

Some folk can feel overwhelmed when offered a job over the phone, and it can sometimes feel hard to stay calm and focused. However, most hiring managers will be used to that, so you don’t really need to worry as long as you can follow the conversation.

Even if you forget to ask any questions you might have, there’ll be plenty of opportunities to ask them during your onboarding.

Politely ask for some time to think about the offer and get your thoughts together

However, if you really feel so overwhelmed that you can’t think straight, then you can always politely ask for some time to think about the offer and get your thoughts together.

This goes for just generally feeling unsure about whether or not you want to take the job, too.

In such an event, ask if you can call the person back on the same number within 30 minutes, one hour, etc. And make sure you do call them back, or leave a message, once you’ve made your final decision.

Jonathan Tian

Jonathan Tian

Co-Founder, Mobitrix

In most cases, an employer who offers a job over the phone does not expect an immediate response. You will then have some time to think about it so that you can make an informed decision. Here is how to go about accepting the offer:

Recognize the offer by appreciating the employer

The first step is to make the employer feel appreciated. It is important that you express your joy and excitement at receiving the offer so that they understand you are sincere.

Say, for example, “Thank you for the opportunity. I am excited to work for your company.”

Request for basic information

If the employer offers the job without further details, politely request more information. You will want to know about roles, benefits, and other basic information in particular.

Ask, for example, “What are some of the roles I am expected to take right away?”

Give a tentative acceptance

After you have received satisfactory answers to your questions:

  • Confirm that you accept the offer. Say, for example, “Yes, I accept the job and will be willing to start anytime from now.”
  • Confirm with the employer that you’ll sign all the documents and return them as soon as possible to accept the position formally.
  • Close the conversation by saying, “Thank you again; I value your time and am eager to begin taking my roles.”

Harriet Chan

Harriet Chan

Co-Founder and Marketing Director, CocoFinder

While accepting the job offer over the phone, it is good to include your excitement in your tone. You must follow a few steps in fulfilling the acceptance of the verbal offer.

Show your gratitude to the caller

Soon after the verbal offer, immediately thank the caller for hiring you to serve the firm for better business growth. Express and extend your gratitude that impresses the caller, and be able to feel your enthusiasm in accepting this job offer.

Clarify queries about your job

It is the best time to ask your questions related to the job offer—queries like work timings, individual or teamwork, and options to work remotely.

Request for written confirmation letter via mail

You must request a written format of the job offer for confirmation to avoid future confusion. You can write up to the respective person insisting on the written appointment letter to aid you at the time of joining.

Learn about the next move in the hiring process

Ask the caller about the next step in their employee recruitment procedure. Get some idea of the employee onboarding process and inquire about the employee pre-requirement necessities.

Thank them again

Before quitting your call, thank the caller and say it is nice to talk with them. Add on by inserting appreciation words in spending their valuable time with you. A nice ending inspires the employers, and therefore do not forget to use the right words while leaving the call.

These are the fruitful steps to stand unique while accepting the job offer on a phone call.

Andrew Fennell

Andrew Fennell

Former Recruiter | Director, StandOut CV

You’ll probably feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness on taking a phone call from a prospective employer. And the temptation will be to say yes straight away once they present you with a job offer.

However, you’ll ideally be prepared with a set of questions and a clear idea of what you want and need if you’re to make the commitment.

Set the right impression by thanking the recruiter for their offer

You should begin by thanking the potential recruiter for their offer, setting the right impression, and building a sense of rapport.

You might then go on to ask questions such as:

  • What benefits are included in this offer?” This is especially important if you have been negotiating prior to this call.
  • When is your ideal start date?” You can add some time off for yourself before starting if you wish.
  • What does onboarding look like— what can I expect?” Here, you can inquire about equipment too if you are working remotely and need a computer.

The responses should be considered as you decide whether or not to say yes. And if you do accept, then you should request the offer in writing. Ideally, you will get an email with an attachment to keep on file in case you need it.

Take the time to review it before signing in order to make the agreement legally binding. You can discuss changes to your contract should you wish.

Ask about any next steps to be taken

It would be worth asking about any next steps that should be taken in order to ease your transition into the role. Take a note of such requirements before thanking the caller once more for their offer and time.

Corey Tyner

Corey Tyner

Founder and President, Buy Yo Dirt

Before verbally accepting, ask as many questions as you need

I went through this. Here are some tips that I can give you from my experience when I had a job offer on the phone.

Getting a job offer on the spot might be challenging, and you may not receive what you desire. Before verbally accepting, ask as many questions as you need. In fact, before taking the offer, you might want to request written specifics. With the offer I was offered, I did this.

They should be aware that you require time to consider your options. I told them that I would get back to them after discussing the offer with my family.

My recommendations:

  • Get the details of their offer.
  • Ask any questions you might have.
  • Ask for a day or two to consider it.

If you wish, you can even take the weekend. That’s quite common and even anticipated for a phone deal.

Related: How to Ask for More Time to Consider a Job Offer

Prepare your counteroffer and call them back when you’re ready

Take your time putting together your counteroffer and call them back when you’re ready (but don’t wait any longer than you said you’d wait). It’s usual for the offer to go back and forth before it’s finalized.

Do not inform your present employer that you are leaving until the new employer has made you a signed, accepted offer.

This indicates that both you and the company have agreed to the terms of the offer. You’ll almost certainly accept the offer electronically, and the employer will do the same and tell you of their decision.

Don’t be taken off guard if you don’t have a written offer and only have two weeks remaining on your present job. They may cancel the offer before it’s written down.

They should fax or e-mail you a formal written offer with everything on it once you’ve agreed on the pay and everything else. Do not think you have 100% ownership of the task until you have signed it and returned it to them.

Ryan Yount

Ryan Yount

Founder, LuckLuckGo

Accepting a job offer marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life; therefore, maneuvering the process with grace and cautious optimism is encouraged and earns you the recruiter’s respect.

The following is how to accept a job offer over the phone with examples:

Clarify your doubts

If you make the call, ensure you understand what you are getting into. In case it’s the recruiter calling you with a job offer, get answers regarding details such as your:

  • role and responsibilities,
  • salary,
  • benefits,
  • and time off

Better still, request additional information in writing so you can follow up with questions and clarifications.

For example:

  • “Please tell me more about my role in the company.”
  • “What exactly am I responsible for?”
  • “How does my work intersect with other employees’ work?”

Express enthusiasm and gratitude

Being grateful means you appreciate the consideration, and expressing enthusiasm shows that you are ready and willing to work. That way, you leave no doubt about making the right choice in the employer’s mind.

Gratefulness and enthusiasm are also expressions of emotional maturity, a willingness to learn, and possession of interpersonal skills.

For example:

Thank you very much for considering me! I’m excited about joining your organization and working together.

Sai Blackbyrn

Sai Blackbyrn

CEO, Coach Foundation

Here are two things you should always do when accepting a job offer over the phone:

Thank the caller for the offer

Showing gratitude to your potential employer should always be the first step to take when accepting a job offer, regardless of the medium.

You could say something like: “Thank you so much for extending this offer! I’m very excited to start working at this company.”

It demonstrates that you are grateful for the opportunity to fill the position. Furthermore, this gesture also helps you establish a strong rapport with a senior member of your future company right from the start.

They’ll surely appreciate your enthusiasm about starting your new position.

Ask about the next steps

You will find it helpful to ask the caller about the next steps in the employment process. Depending on the type of job you accept, you may have to complete specific pre-employment requirements, for instance:

  • Personality tests
  • Physical assessments
  • Medical screenings
  • Drug tests

Although companies usually provide all this information via email once employment has been confirmed, it’s still a good idea to know what to expect ahead of time.

David Farkas

David Farkas

CEO and Founder, theupperranks

Be thorough

Nowadays, the hiring process is grueling, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. Even if you believe you are the greatest person for the job, they may make you feel like you have no chance. It’s like a breath of fresh air when you get that call.

An offer in writing will be delivered to you when you accept the offer from the company representative. Offers made in writing require the signatures of both parties, making them more legally enforceable than equivalent offers made over the phone.

You’ll learn about things like non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and other firm regulations as well. A written offer can be requested even if you aren’t promised you’ll get one. Acceptance often necessitates some tinkering with the conditions of the offer.

Use the time before they produce your official offer letter to discuss specifics of compensation and perks if they provide them in the initial, more informal stage of the offer process.

Show gratitude

Thank the firm representative for the chance if it has been extended to you. Be sure to thank your recruiter for their time and work if you received the offer through them.

Thank them for their trust in you one more time and reiterate that you are looking forward to getting the written offer at the end of the phone call.

If you have any more queries, don’t forget to write down any contact information you’ll need. Let the hiring manager know that you have answered all of their questions and are ready to go forward with the interview process.

A take it or leave it ultimatum in a verbal job offer is not normal. Ask for some time to examine the offer if you need it. You also need to inquire about when you will receive a formal offer letter outlining everything you discussed over the phone with the recruiting manager.

Christopher Liew, CFA

Christopher Liew

Creator, Wealth Awesome

Approximately 89% of active jobseekers firmly believe that access to a mobile phone is crucial in the hiring process of a company. This is why we need to teach how to accept a job offer on the phone consequently.

Thank the hiring officer immediately as a sign of professional courtesy

You should thank the hiring officer immediately if you got the job surprisingly. Respond enthusiastically. You can say that you are thankful for the opportunity and express your willingness to create a long-term partnership with the company.

This is one way to show the hiring officer that you are thinking like a business partner of the company and not just as an ordinary employee only. It’s also a way to extend professional courtesy.

Ask for two business days to think over the job opportunity

You need to make sure that you understand all of the terms and conditions of your employment before you accept the job offer. This means that you need to ask additional questions such as work schedule flexibility and fringe benefits that can be acquired while working for the company.

You also have to confirm the hourly and daily rates of your salary. On top of that, you also have to ask the nature of the tasks that will be assigned to you regularly.

Once you get all of this information, ask for two business days from the company to confirm your decision concerning the job opportunity.

Steven Walker

Steven Walker

CEO, Spylix

Attending a job offer over a phone call has become common these days. When someone calls to convey this message to you, you want to build up your confidence and create a positive impression on them at first.

It will signal that you are ready to take the offer and carry out the job well with the employer. Here are some steps that one should follow when accepting a job request over a phone call:

Begin the conversation by thanking them for this opportunity after greeting them properly

Showing gratitude towards them means that you would remain grateful for them because of this chance. It will help you build a strong rapport with the supervisor right from the beginning.

For instance, say, “Thank you for giving me this great chance! I’m so excited to work in your organization.

Ask any questions you have to know answers for about the firm

Further, ask any questions you have to know answers for about the firm. Make sure that you get familiar with:

  • the culture of the company,
  • salary given,
  • what you are working for, and
  • entirely about the company’s policies

This also includes:

  • who your immediate seniors would be,
  • availability of parking facilities within the firm’s campus,
  • flexibility in the schedule,
  • availability of remote work mode

Abe Breuer

Abe Breuer

CEO and Owner, VIP To Go

Thank the caller for the offer on the phone

Showing gratitude for the offer shows your possible employer that you appreciate the chance to fill the position. It’s a professional gesture that can help you build a positive working relationship with your new boss right away.

You can also convey how happy you are to have been offered the job. They’ll notice how eager you are about the task.

You can inform the employer by saying: “Thank you for making this offer available! This company excites me, and I’m looking forward to working with you to help the company grow as a whole.

Ask any job-related questions you have during the conversation

If you have any job-related questions that you’d like them to answer before you accept the offer, you can do so during the call. Knowing what to expect before you start will help you feel confident in your new career.

You might have the following questions:

  • “Who will be my direct supervisor?”
  • “Will I be working largely alone or in a group?”
  • “Does the office have a dress code?”
  • “Can you tell me where I should park?”
  • “Do I have any flexibility in my schedule?”
  • “Do you allow employees to work from home?”

Request the offer in writing

Even if you accept the offer right away, you should always request it in writing. That way, you’ll have all the information you need. Furthermore, written offers are more legally binding than verbal offers.

You could say:

Thank you once more for your offer. Is it possible for me to get the details in writing so that I can go over them more thoroughly?

Karl Hughes

Karl Hughes


Thank the company for the opportunity

When offered a job over the phone, the first thing you should do is thank the company for the opportunity. Saying thank you is not only polite, but it’s also just good business. If a recruiter is the one sending you the offer, offer thanks for the time they put into working with you.

Ask about a formal written offer

While getting offered a job over the phone is exciting, it is technically not a “formal” offer until it is written. Asking the employer when you can expect to receive a formal written offer signals that you need more time to review and that you understand the process.

Ask any questions about the position

If you have any questions about what the position implies, this is your last chance, so do not hesitate. Asking questions not only helps you in deciding whether or not you will accept but also shows the company that you are someone who cares deeply.

Be honest about what you are thinking

If you don’t know whether or not you will accept the offer, let them know how long you need. It is important to be fully transparent about where you stand in regards to the offer so that the company isn’t left sitting around, waiting for an acceptance that will never come.

At the end of the call, make sure you thank the employer once again and tell them that you look forward to the formal offer. Offer to give them any additional contact information that they may need.

Paul Baterina

Paul Baterina

COO, Sleep Advisor

Use the 3 Cs’: Courtesy, Clarity, and Confirmation

With more people working remotely during the pandemic, it’s a good idea to hone your skills by accepting job offers over the phone or even via email.

My three tips surrounding the acceptance of telephonic job offers involve ‘The 3 Cs’: courtesy, clarity, and confirmation.


I was actually offered my current position at Sleep Advisor over the phone. I can’t remember all my responses verbatim during that conversation (I was very excited at the time), but I did remember to express my gratitude for the job offer.

You should always thank the caller for the verbal offer, even if you don’t ultimately accept it. It’s always a good idea to be courteous in all professional interactions.

You never know when your paths might cross again; you definitely don’t want to be remembered as that “rude guy on the phone.


As excited as I was to receive my last job offer phone, I also remembered to ask basic and complex questions about what my new job as COO at Sleep Advisor would entail. As the saying goes, “knowledge is power.


And once those preliminaries were over, I asked Sleep Advisor’s HR rep to send me a written version of their job offer to my personal email address as well.

This is a good way of confirming that a job offer actually happened in case any problems arise during the pending negotiations over salary, leave days, and the like.

That way, you have a written agreement to refer to in all your future discussions with your prospective employer.

Jen Wells

Jen Wells

Founder and President, TalentID Group

Companies often make job offers over the phone. We refer to this as the verbal offer.

A verbal offer is used to let a candidate know the employer is committed to making them a formal offer and to ensure the candidate is excited about the opportunity and will accept a formal job offer.

Make sure the job is right for you before you say yes

There is a lot of work involved in putting an official offer together, in addition to the work that quickly follows from drug testing, background checks, and even reference calls if those weren’t done earlier in the process.

Related: When Do Employers Call References

This means you want to make sure the job is right for you before you say yes. This is also the time to negotiate an offer.

When an offer is made:

Thank them

Thank the company for their time and for the opportunity, regardless of whether you say yes or no. Show your appreciation for their time. It shows you are thoughtful and considerate.

Ask questions

Ask any outstanding questions you need to be answered in order to make a decision, such as:

  • “What are the health benefits?”
  • “How much PTO do I have?”
  • “What would the start date be?”
  • “What are the working hours?”
  • “To whom do I report?”

You want to make sure you have the information you need to make the right decision.

Official offer

Ask when you can expect a formal written offer? You want to know when the official offer will be delivered, and you want to review it in detail before signing and returning.

Thank them again

Thank them again and reiterate your excitement. You want them to know you are excited to join their team!

William Cohen

William Cohen

Founder, My GRE Exam Prep

Express your gratitude for the offer and delight for receiving it

When extending a job offer over the phone, the potential employer will usually not expect you to respond right away and will instead want you to think about it. First, express your gratitude for the offer and your delight in getting it.

Gently request further details

If the employer is imprecise, gently request further details like salary, benefits, and other fundamental details. This information should be included in a verbal offer.

If you wish to consider the offer, just request further time

If you wish to think over the offer, simply request some time to do so. Request time, but don’t put it off. When you ask for time to consider the offer, it should be between 24 and 48 hours.

Do not keep a potential employer waiting, especially if you’re not going to accept the job.

Do not mention another offer to the employer

If you’re waiting for another offer, in particular, it’s likely that you’re more interested in that offer than the one you just got. Do not mention it to the employer.

If you do so, you are effectively telling this employer that you are more interested in working for someone else. This will likely create a sour connection with this company, and if you do end up taking the job, you will be off to a bad start.

They’ll be skeptical of you and may perceive you as someone who won’t stick around for long.

Encourage the other prospective employer to respond in this situation

Notifying an employer that you have got a better offer is perfectly acceptable.

Inform them gently that you have received an offer from another company, but that you are really interested in the position they have available. This will usually prompt the company to make a quicker decision on whether or not to offer you a job.

Lark Allen

Lark Allen

Content Marketing Specialist, driveresearch

I accepted my first full-time job as a copywriter over the phone. It’s an exciting moment, but it’s also easy for certain things to go over your head.

Below are a few tips you can use to make sure you catch all the information coming at you.

Take notes

This may seem “extra,” but it makes all the difference. When you get that call, make sure to have you have a notepad or computer available to jot down what’s being said.

Related: Should You Take Notes During an Interview? (As a Candidate)

You can never ask too many questions

Not only will you learn your salary, but you’ll also likely be told information about health insurance and a retirement plan, along with your schedule. If you’re not told about insurance or retirement plan policies, make sure you ask.

Check and see what you need to bring in on your first day

Companies may supply you with items like a laptop and additional products, so make sure you’re prepared to carry it around.

Sara Johansson

Sara Johansson

Customer Success Manager, Onsiter

It’s important that you show your joy and enthusiasm at obtaining the offer, so they know you’re serious.

Inquire about specifics

If the employer is imprecise (i.e., they just state they wish to give you a job without providing any further details), gently request further information. You’ll want to know about compensation, benefits, and other fundamental details in particular.

This information should be included in a verbal offer.

Inquire about their availability

Employers are unlikely to make a verbal offer with a “take it or leave it” ultimatum. If you wish to think over the offer, simply request some time to do so. Request time, but don’t put it off.

When you ask for time to consider the offer, it should be between 24 and 48 hours.

Daniel Cook

Daniel Cook

Head of Business Development, Mullen and Mullen

Ask questions you have about the job

From a hiring perspective, I’ve witnessed a lot of inductees accepting the job offer over the phone without clearing out queries that they might have.

Asking basic things about the job offer on the first day doesn’t leave a good impression. So, make sure that the questions you have about the position are answered before you accept the position.

Some examples of such questions would be:

  • “Will I be working primarily on my own or with a team?”
  • “Who will my immediate supervisor be?”

Ask for a written offer

Always ask for a written offer that details all the aspects related to the job. Written offers often require both parties to sign, making them more binding than verbal offers.

Also, it will give you more clarity as to what is expected of you and what you are getting in return.

Ouriel Lemmel

Ouriel Lemmel

CEO and Founder, WinIt

Ask some time to think about the offer

If you get an offer over the phone, it’s best to ask for some time to think about the offer. The value of waiting a day or two, and getting the offer in writing before accepting is that you have a bit of breathing room to consider whether or not you might be able to negotiate your salary or benefits.

Most companies will not engage in negotiations if you accept over the phone.

The way to do that is:

  1. Thank the caller for the verbal offer. When you show gratitude to your potential employer for the opportunity, it’s a professional gesture that can help you establish rapport right from the beginning. You should express your happiness at being offered the position. An example of this might be:
    • “Thank you for this offer. I’m excited about the opportunity to work for your company.”
  2. Ask questions about the job. If you have any questions about the new position, this is the time to ask. You want to ensure you are informed before you say yes. You can ask a question like:
    • “Who will my superior be?”
    • “Will I be working with a team?”
    • “Am I able to work remotely?”
  3. You should request a written offer. Written offers are more binding than an offer by phone, and you will be able to see all the other important details and company policies. You could ask:
    • “Could you send me the offer in writing, so I can review all the details before I get started?”

Kyle Risley

Kyle Risley

CEO and Founder, Lift Vault

If you’re looking for a new job, taking a lot of time off from your current job can put your employment at risk. No one wants to end up in a bad situation while they’re trying to advance their career.

It’s a lot easier to step aside for a short phone call than to make an hour-long appointment to receive a job offer. These phone calls make it easier for new hire candidates and businesses to do the job of finding new talent.

Have questions ready

Planning to receive a job offer can result in disappointment if you don’t get the job. However, you should commit to planning for the offer so you can receive it in the right way. If you still have questions after your last interview, make sure to write them down so you can reference them if you get the offer call.

Great questions for this call can be, for example:

  • How fast do you need me?
  • What should I do to prepare for my first day?

Offer calls are emotional, and it’s easy to forget these questions, so have them ready.

Get everything in writing while you’re on the phone

Don’t accept the offer until you get everything in writing. If you feel comfortable, ask that the offer be sent over email while you’re on the phone so you can go over it with the hiring team. That way, you know for certain there’s no risk of misunderstanding.

Like any offer, take a few days to review it before signing and then make your intentions known to the company.

Dan Slocum

Dan Slocum

Founder, Best Fit Work

Don’t accept an offer over the phone

When you get the job offer call from a potential employer that you want to work for, it can be tempting to accept it on the spot. However, in general, I advise against accepting a job offer over the phone for a couple of key reasons.

  1. I recommend that you always get the offer in writing first before you accept the job. Having it in writing helps ensure that you are understanding all of the specific details of the offer, and that the offering company has approved those specifics.
  2. You don’t want to make a big decision when you’re emotional. So even if it’s a job that you’ve been wanting, once you have a bit more time to process the offer, you may realize that you want to negotiate the salary, or some other specific like the opportunity to work remotely, PTO time, etc.

Communicate your appreciation for the offer and excitement about the opportunity

Even though it may not be advisable to accept an offer over the phone formally, you still want to communicate your appreciation for the offer and excitement about the opportunity. Be sure to be thankful and upbeat during the call, ask for the offer in writing, and ask when they’ll need a formal reply.

Once you have offer terms in writing that are satisfactory to you, that’s when you accept the offer.

Maciek Kubiak

Maciek Kubiak

Head of People, PhotoAiD

Resist the temptation of accepting on the phone

If an employer calls you with a job offer, Congratulations! However, responding to a job offer is not as straightforward as it may sound.

Let’s say you’re interested in the offer a priori. You already like the company and are expecting a certain salary range which seems reasonable to you. All of this doesn’t mean you can just accept the offer on the phone.

First, you need to make sure they send the offer in writing to you. Usually, you don’t need to ask for this. They will notify you that they will send the detailed offer during the call. No offer is official without this step.

Secondly, while still on the call, you need to find a polite way to say that you’re still interested, but you just need to read the offer in writing to ensure you have all the details.

It’s best to be careful so that any change of mind will not be judged as misleading behavior from you. Even if you say yes, your word is not binding, as you haven’t signed the contract yet.

But it’s best to be on good terms with everyone and be honest about the need to review the job offer and then the contract thoroughly.

Kathleen Ahmmed

Kathleen Ahmmed

Co-Founder, USCarJunker

Remain calm but enthusiastic

Whenever you are being offered a job over the phone, it’s always best to remain calm but enthusiastic. Start by showing your appreciation for the consideration, and then formally accept the offer.

In most cases, the hiring manager will congratulate you on the position, and at that point, you should then take the time to ask any lingering questions that you may still have about the job, like the finer details on core terms like salary and start date.

A good example of how the conversation should go is something along the lines of:

I am so grateful for the consideration, and I would like to accept the offer wholeheartedly. I am very determined to make an impact at [company] and am looking forward to working with you and the rest of the team. In terms of the position, I would like some clarification on what the compensation package is and when the start date is?

At this point, make sure to give the caller the chance to respond and stick to the most important things, as they will probably have other responsibilities to attend to, and you don’t want to keep them tied up for too long.

And most importantly, always end the call with gratitude and appreciation for the offer once again.

Dan Voelker

Dan Voelker

Vice President, Aquion Energy

Ask questions if you have any ready or ask for a callback time

The first thing is always to be polite, whether you like the offer or think it needs to be crushed and thrown in a bin. The second is to be grateful to hear back from the recruiter and thank them for offering you a job.

These are the two basic etiquettes that will help you along your professional journey at any stage.

Other things to keep in mind are:

  • Ask questions if you have any ready or ask for a callback time so you can gather your thoughts and questions before making your decision.
  • If you are accepting the offer: Clarify what is expected for your first day on the job, this would include what time you need to show up, and if you need to be prepared with anything beforehand.
  • If you are accepting the offer: Find out about their onboarding process so you can get your documents in order beforehand.

For example, if you have just been offered a job that you interviewed for the previous week, you can respond to them in the following way:

“Hi there, thank you for calling and letting me know, I appreciate you taking the time and am excited to hear about the news. I’d be happy to consider the offer and would need a day to go over the details and gather any questions I may have. Is it okay with you if I get back with my questions by tomorrow afternoon?”

Julian Goldie

Julian Goldie

CEO, Goldie Agency | Author, “Link Building Mastery

Express gratitude for their time and effort they put into your case

First and foremost, express gratitude to the company representative for the opportunity. If you received the offer through a recruiter, express gratitude for the time and effort they put into your case.

Inquire when you will receive the formal written offer

Then inquire as to when you will receive the formal written offer. This helps you in two ways:

  1. It signals that you’ll need some time to evaluate the written contract.
  2. It weeds out dishonest companies who refuse to deliver you a formal offer.

Following that, if you have any last questions, now is the time to ask them. For example, you could want an approximate schedule for when they expect you to start.

Ultimately, end the call by thanking them for their trust in you and confirming that you are looking forward to getting the written offer. Make a note of any contact information you’ll need if you have any additional inquiries.

Jay Soni

Jay Soni

Marketing Director, Yorkshire Fabric Shop

Ask them to provide you an offer in writing

If you accept the offer, the company representative may tell you that you will receive a written offer as well. Written offers are more binding than phone offers since they often require signatures from both sides.

They also include any pertinent information regarding the position, benefits, and corporate regulations, such as confidentiality agreements (NDAs). You can ask for a written offer if you aren’t promised you’ll get one.

Consider the following scenario:

“This sounds fantastic! Please provide me the offer in writing so that I can evaluate all of the facts before I begin.”

The majority of businesses use electronic signature apps to communicate written offers via email. This allows both parties to easily receive and save digital copies of the document at their leisure.

If you have not received an email within two business days or the time range specified by the company, you should send an email reminder to the person who made the verbal offer to you.

Ruben Gamez

Ruben Gamez

CEO and Founder, SignWell

Ask for many details as you want

One of the primary considerations to keep in mind when accepting a job offer over the phone is to ask for as many details as you want. It might be tricky to do that over the phone, but be polite and ask if job-specific tasks can be furnished.

If you feel unsure about confirmation, ask for some time. Don’t hesitate to discuss your pay.

Take all the time you need

Remember, once you confirm, there is no going back. Since recruitment is happening via phone, it becomes hard to discern what they are thinking or expecting of you. So, take all the time that you need. Always remember to be polite in all exchanges.

Even if you want to decline, say, “As interesting as this sounds, I am afraid I’ll be able to take this up now. Thanks for your time.

Andrew Lokenauth

Andrew Lokenauth

Founder, Fluent in Finance

Thank them for the offer and negotiate additional compensation

First, you will want to thank the hiring manager who offers you the position to show your enthusiasm about the position and appreciation for the offer.

Something along those lines of:

“Thank you for the offer and for taking the time to interview me. I greatly appreciated your time. I gained so much great insight speaking with you. I’m very excited about this opportunity to utilize my skills, knowledge, and experience to contribute towards the goals and growth of the company.”

Second, you will want to negotiate right away for additional compensation.

Something along the lines of:

“I was expecting a higher offer due to the responsibilities of the role, my experience and skills, and the current market rate. I am hoping that there is flexibility on this offer because I am interested in building a career here.”

Jared Stern

Jared Stern

CEO, Uplift Legal Funding

Start all your conversations by greeting the recruiters. If you know their names, address them by their names or just say “Dear Sir” or “Dear Ma’am” accordingly.

Always schedule your calls in advance

There is every chance that you might not get complete clarity despite being shared details over the phone. Instead of asking them to repeat it all over, request for a written offer letter via mail that you can review.

Always set deadlines or ask when you should get back to them

As important as it is to discuss pay, clarify your career growth inside the company. Confirm the title you are being offered. Ask if your salary is negotiable. Once you are all set, confirm the offer presented to you by accepting it over call and via email.

Jordon Scrinko

Jordon Scrinko

Founder and Marketing Director, Precondo

Show gratitude

While accepting a job offer through the phone, first show gratitude. Mention that you are so excited and pleased to be chosen for this job. Then you can ask about the joining process and any extra queries before giving confirmation.

Ask about the terms and conditions

You can further ask about the terms and conditions to work and can also cross-check if you have been offered for the same role you have applied for and ask all the doubts that come to your mind about your job.

Then after getting clarity about your role and job confirm your job and thank him once again for giving you this opportunity.

Brian Bram

Brian Bram

CEO and Founder, Home Gym Strength

Ask the caller to put all the details and send them in email

You should not directly say yes to a job offer that’s delivered over the phone. Unless you personally know who’s calling, take precautions first. It might be just one of your friends pulling a prank or someone who has nothing to do.

One sure fire way of knowing that the offer is legit is through an email confirmation coming directly from the company’s recruitment department. Letting them put everything in writing gives you time to review their offer and ask for some revisions if necessary.

David Adler

David Adler

CEO and Founder, The Travel Secret

Do some research about the job benefits before accepting it

These are some ways how to accept a job offer over the phone:

  • It is exciting to receive a job offer in any form, but it is essential to do some research about the job benefits before accepting it.
  • If you are still interested in the position, then move forward with accepting it.
  • Confirm your interest in the position in a professional manner.
  • If you are accepting a job offer over the phone, thank the caller for the offer. Thanking your potential employer for the offer shows that you’re grateful for the chance to work for them.
  • Ask for job title information and advancement opportunities, too.
  • You should also check when and how you can advance once you accept the position.

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