Do you ever feel like you’re not quite as charismatic as you’d like to be? It can be tough to know how to come across as confident and likable, especially if you’re not used to it.
But don’t worry; there are plenty of things you can do to be more engaging, start exuding more charisma, and make people want to be around you.
If you’re looking for tips to be more charismatic, here are ways to follow:
Colleen Wenner-Foy, MA. LCMHC-S, LPC, MCAP
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor | Founder and Clinical Director, New Heights Counseling and Consulting LLC
Refrain from acting like you know it all
No one likes a person who thinks they’re always right, but no one likes being around someone who is constantly wrong.
Instead of making yourself look foolish by trying to be the smartest guy in the room, make sure you listen to what others say. This will help you become more charismatic because people will feel comfortable talking with you about their problems.
Related: 50+ Reasons Why Listening Is Important
Be authentic; don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t
You can’t fake authenticity. It’s either there or not. Don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t. Your skills and abilities matter most when it comes to your charisma. If you try to act like someone else, you’ll never be able to connect with anyone on a deeper level.
Have genuine fun with others
Charisma means having fun while interacting with other people. When you interact with others, don’t take things so seriously. Smile at them, laugh with them and enjoy life.
People want to hang out with happy people. They also want to be around people interested in learning new things. So if you show interest in other people, they will naturally reciprocate.
Believe in yourself and your abilities
Confidence is contagious. If you walk into a room full of people and act as though you own the place, you’ll immediately gain the attention of everyone in the room.
Believe in yourself and your abilities. And remember, confidence is not arrogance. Arrogance is when you talk down to people. Confidence is when you speak up for yourself and your beliefs without feeling threatened.
Related: Arrogance vs Confidence – What Are the Key Differences?
Have an open mind
Open-mindedness is very important when it comes to being charismatic. Asking questions and listening to other people’s ideas is how you better understand the world around you, which will help you become more charismatic and avoid being judgemental.
Related: How to Be Open Minded
Be honest about who you are
Being yourself is one of the most essential things in becoming charismatic. You should be honest with your friends and family about who you are.
If you’re uncomfortable talking about yourself, ask them what they think about you. This can help you understand yourself better.
Encourage and thank others
When you encourage and thank others, you show empathy, which is the ability to understand another person’s feelings and emotions. Charisma is based on understanding others’ needs and desires. When you have empathy, you can relate to and care for others on a deeper level.
We’ve all been around charismatic people. Those people you meet that draw you in instantly and make you feel excited to be around them. If someone is charismatic, you may find that you just want to be in their presence constantly.
Let’s explore this:
- What is it that makes people charismatic?
- Is it a quality people are born with?
- Can charisma be taught?
These are questions I’ve been pondering recently, especially when it comes to coaching and preparing entrepreneurs for their on-camera presence and public speaking!
I’ve concluded that, yes, some people are born with a natural ability to draw people in and bring charisma to their interactions. However, after breaking this down, I also believe these qualities can be developed and taught.
It takes a lot of inner work from the individual, but it is definitely achievable.
After working with actors that are stars of Hollywood, Broadway, and The West End, and some very successful entrepreneurs over the years, here are three commonalities that nearly all of them share!
Lead from a place of genuine authenticity
They’re authentic. Charismatic people tend to know who they are and lead from a place of genuine authenticity.
They’re comfortable expressing who they are, warts and all. They have the inner confidence that instantly puts the people they meet at ease. Being so comfortable with being their authentic self, in turn, helps them to be their authentic self. This is an attractive quality.
Related: Why is Self Confidence Important?
Who wouldn’t want to be around someone who makes you feel like it’s ok to ultimately be yourself?
Make people feel like they are the most important person in the room
After interacting with a charismatic person, you leave the conversation feeling like you and your opinion really matter! And don’t we all want to feel like that?
Charismatic people are very present, generally not looking around for someone else to talk with or giving off the impression they aren’t interested in what you have to say. They are curious about you! This elicits a deep sense of trust, which again is very attractive.
They are extremely good listeners, and let’s face it, as my friend and collaborator writer Beth Granville recently said, “the most important thing anyone wants is to feel like they’re being heard!“
Be outwardly playful
People who are charismatic tend to bring a sense of play to everything they do. Whether it’s the life and soul of the party vibe or maybe a mischievous quality or a bit of humor to an interaction, there is a slight sense of breaking the rules, which relaxes people.
Bringing that playfulness to an environment without dominating the space is a special quality and, again, is about drawing you in.
An offer of “come let’s play” is hard to resist, right? It’s why charismatic people or those who consciously work on their charisma are good leaders. People want to follow them, be where they are, and feed off that energy.
People who exude charisma convince those around them to pay attention and act on what they say. Their conversational style is infectiously positive, making others eager to spend time in their company.
In almost every aspect of life, the presence of charisma increases the odds of success; so this is of vital importance. With that being said, I will share some tips on how to be more charismatic:
Facilitate the happiness of others
People who radiate charisma leave a positive impression on those around them. They are less concerned with their own advancement and more concerned with that of those around them.
By lending a hand to those around them, they generate an upbeat vibe that attracts like-minded people. Being genuine goes a long way toward building charisma.
If you’re just “going through the motions” or giving out insincere compliments, people will catch on, so be genuine as you hone your skills.
Start with your body language
Charismatic people know how to use their bodies to their advantage. The right body language can convey power, warmth, and likeability even without words.
First, ensure you’re standing up straight with your shoulders back and your head high. This will help you project an air of authority and confidence. Do your best to keep a positive outlook on life, as this is a common trait among charismatic people.
Related: What are the Benefits of Positive Thinking?
Improve your presence
An individual’s presence is distinct from their body language. This is related to how attentive you are.
When you have presence, you give the other person your full attention and don’t let your thoughts wander. You focus all of your attention and energy on the other person.
Develop techniques that reveal yourself as desirable
Charisma is a quality that makes it easy to identify with someone positively. If I identify with someone, I not only want to be like them, but in a way, I want to be them, enjoying their life rewards, their advantages, and their success.
So to develop charisma, a person has to develop the techniques that reveal themselves as desirable.
Interpersonal impressions come to us through physically observable characteristics:
Your voice has to suggest power and confidence. It has to be loud enough to be heard easily.
It can’t seem to continually “ask permission” with an uptick in sentence endings; it has to seem like a collection of statements. Statements tend to come down at the endings.
Facial expression
A person’s face is a crucial indicator of their level of control. For example, smiling—a smile is a successful indicator of being in control since someone who is not in control can’t do it authentically.
Body orientation
Easy control of one’s body is another indicator of charisma. More than merely “good posture,” how is the body put into action? Smooth and economical?
Susanne M. Alexander
Relationship and Marriage Coach & Character Specialist, CharacterYAQ | Author, “Couple Vitality“
Smile at more people and practice interacting with energy
Many people have an almost irresistible attraction about them. They might be born with winning personalities, but most of them have cultivated aspects of themselves to be more appealing.
What is the value of charisma?
A person with charisma draws people toward them. Their smile, mannerisms, voice, and words are attractive to others. Charismatic people tend to wield influence over others, even inspiring devotion in them.
The two faces of charisma
Charisma can have both a positive and a dark side. If the charismatic person has a good character and influences others towards positive activities, the outcome can be beneficial.
However, many charismatic people do not have good intentions and draw others toward harm. People seem to partially lose their full free will to make choices because they are blind to the motives of the charismatic person.
Increasing your charisma
Aspects of charisma can be beneficial for those who interact with the public, such as entertainers, customer service employees, and some religious leaders.
Having an attractive smile, pleasing voice, lively manner, and positive words lifts people’s spirits. It’s warming to be around someone who is friendly and outgoing.
Each day you can smile at more people and practice interacting with others with energy. Each day you will feel more magnetic and draw people to you.
If you’ve had negative interactions in the past, it’s easy to get hung up on those. You can’t think about this if you want a new beginning. Putting your best foot forward is important if you want to change your future interactions.
Here are some tips:
Think positive thoughts about people you meet
People can sense when you like them. Think of someone as already a friend when you first meet them.
- Expect people to like you. People can feel when you are comfortable and expect others to like you. This also helps take away some nervousness.
- Be more interested in them than you are in yourself. Ask questions about them and their interests before you start talking about yourself. From there, you can find any common interests to bond over. People love talking about themselves and will like you more for being a good listener.
- A warm smile and confident eye contact go a long way. This makes you seem approachable and likable. You will appear happier and more positive. This is important if you want others to talk to you.
- If you are joining a conversation, listen for a minute or two first. Don’t interrupt. You don’t want to be someone who shows up and breaks up an enjoyable conversation. Listen and watch what others are talking about before speaking yourself. If others enjoy the topic, stay on that topic.
Maintain slight detachment instead of being clingy
Trying too hard is the enemy of coolness. You want to make a good impression, but give them their space. Let them meet you halfway sometimes.
After an initial couple of meetings, you don’t always have to be the one to reach out first or to keep the conversation going. You don’t want to come across as desperate or needy.
Get feedback from others
If you want more individualized feedback and faster results, it can be helpful to get feedback from others. You may want to consider hiring a coach who specializes in this or getting feedback from a mentor.
Either way, just recognizing you can improve and putting in the conscious effort is over half the battle. The more you put these principles into practice, the better you will get over time.
Be willing to connect with others
What is charisma? Charisma is a difficult quality to define, but it can be loosely described as a combination of inner confidence and outward charm.
People who are charismatic are able to exude an energy that attracts others and inspires them to follow their lead. Whether making a powerful speech, leading a team through difficult challenges, or simply networking with others, individuals with charisma truly shine in any situation.
Related: How to Inspire Others
Some claim that charisma is innate and cannot be learned, while others believe anyone can develop this valuable trait if they work hard enough. Whether you have it naturally or have honed your skills over time, there is no question that charisma can make you a more influential and successful person.
So if you are looking to make your mark on the world, cultivating your own brand of charisma may just be the key to success.
How do I get more of it? If you are looking to be more charismatic, one of the best ways to start is by simply asking questions. Asking others about their opinions and feelings shows that you care about them and want to get to know them better.
Being friendly, open, and responsive will also help make you seem more charismatic, so it is important to smile, respond enthusiastically, and show interest in others’ stories and experiences.
Additionally, simply laughing can make you seem more likable and charismatic.
Learning to be more charismatic may take some practice, but with time and effort, it can become an easy and integral part of your personality.
Ultimately, being charismatic comes down to a willingness to connect with others, so if this is something you are interested in improving upon, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.
Whether at work or in your personal life, having that extra bit of shine will make a big difference in how people see you. So go ahead—let your charisma shine!
Brenda Della Casa
Relationship Expert and Coach | Founder, LoolaBee | Author, “Cinderella Was a Liar“
Show the other person they are in a safe space
Charisma is about making people feel connected, accepted, and valued. If you think about the times you have heard, “They make you feel like you’re the only person in the room,” you know what I am talking about.
It’s about being open, interested, and showing that the other person is in a safe space. You can create that by:
- Giving your full attention to the person in front of you
- Maintaining good (not scary) eye contact
- Showing active listening
- Open body language (feet facing them, smiling, unfolded arms, palms up)
Confidence in yourself is key to coming off as charismatic
Don’t be afraid to own your space and welcome people into it!
Another thing: If you see someone who looks left out, turn to them and say “we are just talking about X,” and invite them in. It shows grace, inclusivity, and emotional intelligence—all attractive qualities.
Work on your self-confidence
If there’s one thing that all charismatic people have in common is self-confidence in the field they are known for.
It doesn’t mean they are self-confident all the time and for everything, because truth be told, no one is. But how they show up and the energy that transpires out of them is why people will be attracted to them.
Believe in what you say
Charismatic people are usually great leaders, not necessarily because they speak the truth but because they totally believe in the message they are spreading.
They have a purpose. They have a vision. And, because they are so sure of their message, they can magnetize followers that will go above and beyond for them.
Take care of your looks
Last but not least, a charismatic person always has a neat look. Because to have people be magnetized by you, you need to have a certain charm, and looking polished is definitely part of it!
Many people think they are charismatic. They believe that they are charming, possibly attractive, and have a certain magnetism. But what if you are not one of these people? What can you do to be more charismatic?
Embrace your absurdities and just be yourself
The most important thing you need to do to be more charismatic is to be yourself. If you aren’t yourself, then your charisma is forced. No one wants to be near someone they believe is fake or ingenuine. So embrace your absurdities and just be yourself.
Be attentive; let them know you’re paying attention
Don’t be scared to look people in the eye when speaking with them. Especially when they are talking, and you are listening, look them in the eyes. It can let them know that you are paying attention and engaged in what they are saying.
Be a good listener
Speaking of conversations, are you always taking over conversations? Do things always become more about you and less about everyone else? Others can be quite interesting! Instead of monopolizing conversations, be a better listener.
Make sure you are truly present in a conversation
When someone is talking to you, are you constantly looking at your watch or down at your phone? Do they have your undivided attention? Make sure you are truly present in a conversation to make someone feel you are charismatic.
Be the giver more often
Many people, including you, love to receive gifts. Giving can be tangible or even intangible, like giving someone your time. You know you enjoy it when someone thinks about you and gives you a token, whether large or small. To be charismatic, be the giver more often.
Be thoughtful about your words and actions
Being thoughtful means more than doing thoughtful things. It also means thinking about how your words and actions can affect others. The more thoughtful you are, the more charismatic you will appear.
Being charismatic isn’t one simple action. It’s a culmination and combination of considerate words and actions that let others know you think about more than just yourself.
Sure, you can be a little self-centered when it’s warranted. But when it’s not? Be charismatic, and revel in how good it feels to make others feel good.
Put others first; pay more attention to other people
Improving your charisma means simply paying more attention to other people, allowing them to feel more important. There are several tactics you can use to do this.
Begin by actively listening to them when they speak
Don’t interrupt, but offer non-verbal acknowledgment of what they are saying. Facial gestures can say much more than words, so maintain eye contact, smile, frown, or nod at appropriate times.
When it’s your turn to respond, bear in mind that they are the center of the conversation and only offer advice when it is asked for.
Listen closely to everything that is said, let them feel that they are as important to you as you are to them. Give them your full attention by focusing on them, don’t check your phone or monitor. Let them see that their connection is with you.
Give rather than receive
When dealing with other people, don’t do it just to see what you can gain. Try to give more than you receive. By attempting to get something from your interaction, you give the impression that your needs are more valid than theirs.
You won’t learn anything new by bringing yourself to the fore, but you may well pick up valuable lessons by placing others before you.
Allow others to take the spotlight and praise their achievements
Show them that you care about their successes. Never discuss other people’s failures, even if they are not there. You won’t gain any credit for talking about others, and you could lose friends by doing so.
When you do have a failure, as we all do, be prepared to admit to it and discuss what you have learned from it.
Always project a positive attitude
Turn duties into opportunities with positive phrasing, and show your willingness to participate in whatever is suggested. The attitude you espouse will rub off on others and could contribute to making your network a happier and more cooperative place to be.
Practice daily meditation to observe your own mind
You can’t force a charismatic personality; you need to let it come out.
I always recommend a daily meditation practice for people so they can start to observe their own minds. It brings a lot of things to the surface and will help to remove old blocks over time.
When people learn to be themselves, not someone they think they should be or what other people want, charisma will start to shine thru.
It seems some people are naturally more charismatic than others, but everyone has the ability to enhance their own.
If you feel relaxed, happy, and honestly comfortable with yourself, you will start to feel that charisma enhances in your communication.
It’s essential to learn to communicate feelings from impulse. Not to always be thinking about what you’re going to say next. It needs to flow out naturally, and the right things will often be communicated at the right time.
Some of the best speakers in the world don’t have a script or often don’t know what they will talk about specifically. They just let it come out; those are often the most touching and charismatic talks.
Smile more; it will make a difference
It is difficult, perhaps borderline impossible, to overhaul your entire personality.
You can’t be soft-spoken all your life and turn into a gregarious, life-of-the-party type overnight. But you can make a few adjustments that will change people’s perceptions and reactions when you enter a room, take the stage or engage someone in a conversation.
The biggest adjustment you can make is to smile more. Anytime you find yourself constantly being expressionless or coming off too dry, you can always make an effort to smile more. It will make a difference.
It takes practice and time to get used to, but remind yourself as much as possible to smile whenever the occasion calls for it. That could include:
- Being introduced to someone
- Being called on to speak
- Encountering someone you know from work while out in public
Smiling puts people at ease. It gives them the impression that you’re not always so intense all the time. It gives people a sense that you’re friendly —and charismatic.
The more charisma you radiate, the more likely you will be remembered and called upon. That little change can have a positive impact on your life.
Be confident to show you are credible and energetic
Charisma starts with your mental and physical expression towards the outer world. Charismatic people are not just extroverted but also tend to attract people around them naturally. Because charisma comes from within, one must be confident.
Feeling confident shows that you are credible and keeps you energetic and upbeat. Confidence also brings out assertiveness, which is essential to start or engage in new conversations with new people.
Remember people’s names or the things they do
Another thing I like, which gives a certain edge, is remembering people’s names or the little things they do. Using a person’s name often while speaking to them leaves a strong impression that you are being attentive.
Charismatic people are people’s people. They don’t make things about themselves but rather appreciate and listen to others. Being observant and paying attention to small details around you is a great and smart way to start conversations and stand out.
Share personal stories and anecdotes
Story-telling is an art. Those who know to tell engaging stories are artists.
Sharing personal anecdotes when talking to someone is a great way to connect with people. Sharing stories makes your conversations more engaging and fun. It also compels people to share their own stories, further engaging the conversation.
We use examples in daily life to understand things better. Stories work the same way. They help you understand the person better.
Related: How to Get Better at Storytelling?