We’ve gathered some of the most worth-mentioning relationship experts, authors, and blogs that you should follow this year!
Let’s have a look at 24 of these experts, in no particular order, and see what they have to offer:

Rosalind Sedacca, CDC

Founder of Child-Centered Divorce Network | Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach | Author of “How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce?“
Child-Centered Divorce is a blog, a Network and a resource everyone should know if you’re a parent contemplating, going through or transitioning after a divorce or breakup.
Divorce is different for parents. The connection between parents doesn’t end after the divorce. It just changes form. You then move into the stage of learning how to create your parenting relationship as a: co-parent, parallel parent, shared parent or bitterly fighting parent duking out custody schedules for the rest of your life.
The Child-Centered Divorce Network, founded by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC, is focused on protecting your children through and despite the parenting drama. It provides advice, strategies, tools, and resources all parents need to truly support the wellbeing of your children. It educates parents on what to expect, how to diffuse conflict, ways to fight fairly and effectively, signs that indicate distress in children at different ages, success strategies that work and much more.
Parents feel supported, valued, understood and better prepared for the responsibilities that go with effective parenting after divorce.
Essence Cohen Fields, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor | Executive Director of First Love Yourself Counseling
As it pertains to developing a stable relationship, many people often diminish the importance of having a healthy relationship with yourself. Through my private practice, First Love Yourself Counseling, I help you understand the importance of cultivating a meaningful relationship with yourself so that you can have successful relationships in other areas of your life.
I specialize in trauma processing with an emphasis on boundary setting so that you can ultimately avoid repeating behaviors that leave can leave you susceptible to being taken advantage of which will help to increase your level of confidence in various areas of your life.
As a means of processing trauma with my clients, I use an empirically researched therapeutic technique called, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) which allows clients to identify memories that are inadequately processed and maladaptively stored causing unresolved symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
It is an eight-phase proven process that allows clients to heal from trauma and experience the emotional and psychological freedom to be whole enough individually so that I can then assist them in establishing (or re-establishing), developing, and maintaining healthy relationships across all life domains.
I also provide non-traditional forms of therapy, Telemental health (virtual therapy) and walk and talk therapy in order to “move beyond the couch” to begin to move therapy into the modern world and meet the needs of those who otherwise are uncomfortable, intimidated, or just plain old bored of the traditional office setting.
I also host The F.L.Y. Podcast and have written a book, “A Lesson on How To FLY…” as an interactive way to engage in the therapeutic process. As too often clients will be very productive and engaged while in session but will regress in progress in between sessions.
Lisa Concepcion

Certified Professional Love Life Coach | Dating and Relationship Expert | Founder of LoveQuest Coaching
We’re going to see a greater desire to communicate more effectively. There’s a divide between men and women and the only way to close that divide is through effective communication rooted in a desire to understand one another as opposed to control and manipulate.
We’re also going to see fewer marriages and more “commitment ceremonies” where people merge lives, blend families minus the societal pressures, legal anxiety and religious rules associated with traditional marriage. Unions will become more spiritual in nature with a direct connection to God, with more emphasis on celebrating the union with a keen eye on the actual marriage as a chosen path for mutual growth and betterment.
“Couples Coaching” or “Modern Marriage Counseling” will become more appealing and common as personal development becomes more accessible, trendy, acceptable and encouraged. Couples will take courses together via their mobile devices in the privacy of their own homes.
There will be a growing interest to build a thriving relationship as a team, the “power couple mindset” requiring a coach to help them along towards betterment as opposed to going at it alone only to turn to outside help when there’s a crisis in the relationship.
Single people will continue to have “dating app fatigue” and apps will meet the demands by having experts and coaches available to help singles date successfully. Singles will hire coaches once they are truly ready to commit or are going through a relationship crisis.
Ultimately, having a coach is going to get even more mainstream in 2019. Self-love and self-care will become more of a priority.
Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, MS, LCPC

Certified Imago Relationship Therapist | Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor | Founder, The Marriage Restoration Project | Facebook Group
Together with my wife Rivka, we founded The Marriage Restoration Project, a Global Initiative to help keep couples together and happy. We help couples through our private 2-day No Blame, No Shame Retreat with follow-up as well as our group Getting the Love You Want Workshop which we schedule quarterly.
While we have been working with couples for over a decade, we have noticed that the added strain and investment of owning a business was affecting marriages, and decided to create additional resources for the married business owner and CEOs, most notably the Couples Start-Up Nation Married business owner group on Facebook as well as the whitepaper, Marriage ROI, where CEO Success starts at home.
Another new offering we are launching in 2019 is our No Blame, No Shame Goodbye Retreat that allows couples who have already decided to get divorced to reach closure in a more amicable and effective way.
Instead of wasting valuable resources fighting it out with lawyers, we help couples say goodbye in a healthy way as well as provide mediation services to help reach a healthy legal resolution that best supports their family.
Christina Vazquez

A psychotherapist with advanced clinical training in heart-centered hypnotherapy | Author of “The Uncherished Wife: Recover From the Emotionally Absent Man“
“The Uncherished Wife” is a transformative guide that engages readers to reconsider how they define and find fulfillment within a relationship.
On the journey to a healthier partnership, Vazquez challenges her readers the discover their authentic selves hiding behind lies, fear, and uncertainty. Through deep reflection and self-awareness, “The Uncherished Wife” explores emotional and spiritual needs, helping to assess if those needs are being met in a relationship.
Vazquez also dissects her journey to through marriage, paralleling her relationships with her transformational insights. She combines a powerful personal narrative with over 15 years of clinical practice to foster honesty within an individual and their relationship.
“The Uncherished Wife” is the ideal companion for anyone ready to challenge their own standards for happiness. This influential work sets a precedent for honesty, helping reshape the foundations to create the satisfying, flourishing and thriving relationship of your dreams.

Clinical/Community Psychologist | Author of “Irrelationship” and “Relationship Sanity“
Relationship expertise, in my experience, happens in a mutually-beneficial collaboration between helper and helped. For nearly a decade I’ve worked with people in relationships and have discovered that many of the people who I work and have worked with (individuals, couples, families, and groups) are in relationships constructed to protect themselves—and each other—from the scarier elements of intimacy.
This subtle way of unintentionally protecting against intimacy, mutuality and collaboration, irrelationship, is a psychological defense against the anxieties associated with an intimate relationship.
It is a “social defense” in that it is developed and sustained, ironically, by people in relationship to protect against the very things that most of us believe we want from long-term love: intimacy, empathy, vulnerability and emotional investment.
It is acted out as a compulsive caretaking routine that blocks the flow of reciprocity—the dynamic of giving and receiving—in a relationship.
For over two decades I have worked in New York City as a community-clinical psychologist, and interpersonal psychoanalyst, who has been treating, investigating, researching and writing about relationships—specifically, about intimacy, and ways that people in relationship co-create, inadvertently, defenses against experiencing and sharing it together.
In 2010, Grant Brenner and Danny Berry joined me in researching the irrelationship phenomena, and thus began the project of three men exploring intimacy together. In 2014, we began writing a blog on Psychology Today, and in 2015 published our first book—both titled Irrelationship.
Funny enough, it has turned out that one of my own greatest teachers on how to develop, maintain and sustain intimate relationships has been the relationship—and the work we share—with Grant and Danny over all these years.
My expertise in the vast realm of relationship is a gift that has been given to me through the hard work of numerous people, couples and groups who have allowed me to serve as a facilitator of a healing process that each—person to person, couple by couple—has endeavored upon.
Writing, thinking, feeling and dreaming about intimacy with Grant and Danny—in a relationship dynamic that I regularly compare to a marriage—has opened a door for me into a way of experiencing a relationship that continues to open up into new territories of praxis (a combination of theory and practice).
The Irrelationship Group explores a very specific way of being in (and being out) of relationship. We have put ourselves into regular contact—relationship—with our readers.
We read, listen, and we respond to questions and concerns posed by our readers. In fact, the interactions between us and our readers—the numerous questions, and need for more specific instructions on how to work through the irrelationship defense—has resulted in the writing and publication of the next book in the series, Relationship Sanity.
As part of the larger (Irrelationship) project, I am shown again and again, that relationship expertise itself is a mutually-developed experience that is an outgrowth of the collaboration between helper and helped. In collaboration, both helper and helped are accepting, taking in and making use of what the other has to give.
That process is anti-irrelationship; it restores the balance of giving and taking in a relationship—we call that balance relationship sanity.
Laura Petiford PMHNP, LMFT

Marriage and Family Therapist | Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner-BC | Co-owner of Collaborative Counseling Group | Twitter
Relationships are at the very heart of what makes us happy as humans.
Recent research by the insurance company Cigna shows that half of Americans consider themselves lonely and that the youngest generation of adults is the loneliest of all. The research also indicates that people who feel lonely are more likely to suffer in other aspects of their well-being including mental and physical health.
We crave relationships, yet it eludes us. How did we get here and more importantly, what can we do to change this?
We are all impacted initially by the interactions of our early lives. If these human connections were strong and healthy, that’s a very good start. Then we learn how to relate to others through the interactions we experience within our families and to some extent, the broader arenas of life. These emotional exchanges become our definitions of love and caring even if, by some objective standard, they weren’t.
These hard-wired emotional experiences become how we relate in the world. They are our normal. And whether they are healthy or not, we pass these lived definitions to our children and they, in turn, pass them to theirs. Unless there is an intentional effort to break the cycle of unhealthy interaction, it continues on and on.
ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences study) is research conducted by the CDC that reveals the extent of the problem of these negative interactions and their lifelong implications. The good news is we can all learn to relate more healthfully improving our own experiences of life and insulating generations to come.
I am dedicating 2019 as the year of relating healthfully.
Dr. Jess O’Reilly (Ph.D.) is a sexologist and relationship expert whose practical advice is rooted in science and applicable in everyday life.
She knows how to take data and research and break it down in a way that is manageable for regular imperfect folks — like herself. Happily married, she’s still madly in love and admits that their relationship is both deeply fulfilling and, of course, challenging at times.
The author of four books, Dr. Jess travels the world and has delivered over one thousand retreats and workshops to sold-out audiences across the globe. Highlights of her recent speaking tours include India, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Spain, Croatia, France and Thailand.
Jess releases a new podcast on everything from communication and intimacy to sex parties and lessons from porn stars — every Friday morning. Her husband Brandon joins her as co-host to offer a down-to-earth layperson’s perspective and keep her honest in her personal revelations.
As Astroglide’s Resident sexologist, Jess shares her insights in international media outlets weekly and her new video courses on Mindful Sex & Sexual Skills have already reached thousands of eager learners who understand that fulfilling relationships require investment and an open mind.
Love brings couples together and conflict divides couples.
Dr. Laura Louis is truly the Marriage Architect. With over 10 years of experience providing relationship blueprints to couples. As a result of working with Dr. Louis or participating in one of her retreats, seminars or workshops couples learn how to heal after infidelity, cultivate better intimacy and enhance communication.
She definitely knows how to keep your relationship healthy, happy and strong. She shares tips, insights and a much-needed perspective on relationships on her blog and weekly on her vlog Relationship Talk with Dr. Laura Louis.
Between being CEO of Atlanta Couple Therapy and conducting seminars worldwide including in Brazil, Mexico, Asia, Europe, Africa and Haiti she has also penned a book entitled Marital Peace. Marital Peace is a valuable resource to uplift distant couples out of marital challenges so they can start experiencing love like you couldn’t imagine.
2019 promises to be an even bigger year for Dr. Louis as she has several live events throughout the country focused on helping people have more intimacy and better communication.
Susan Youngsteadt QP, MSW, LCSW-A

Family-Centered Treatment Therapist | Family Coach and Intake Supervisor | Instagram
Momma Suz is a place to connect and inspire others. To share laughs, sass, and tears. Until recently, I had convinced myself I could never be like any of the other amazing women who blog and share their lives with others, so I’ve decided to give it a shot. Change is scary. But if I’ve realized anything in my 26 years, its that change is constant and can also be so so amazing.
I want to redefine what strengths mean, what it means to be resilient, and what it truly takes to manage all that life throws at us. That you don’t have to stand tall and strong, alone. That sometimes, it truly does take a village.
My passion is working alongside others, instilling hope. In addition to some light-hearted topics, I write about tough, vulnerable topics that have been so long buried in us.
I hope to continue opening the doors to conversations on topics such as grief, love, loss, faith, resiliency, and overcoming adversity in all forms in the coming year. One of my recent posts was a personal account of my experience in being diagnosed with the BRCA2 mutation at the age of 25, shortly before losing my father to cancer.
A highly sensitive person (HSP) has big feelings about life, and relationships are no exception!
When Dr. Alyssa Adams was dating, she worried that being so emotionally close to someone would be stressful, that it would feel too raw and vulnerable, that she would feel overwhelmed by her intense emotions, and that she would lose herself in someone else’s needs. It just felt easier to be alone!
But, she realized that she needed both closeness and space, both intimacy and boundaries, and a balance between supporting her partner but also being true to herself. This all happened by doing inner work, embracing intense emotions, and then communicating her needs to her partner. It worked! She realized how important understanding herself as an HSP was in creating a fulfilling relationship, and she helps others realize it too.
Alyssa dedicated herself to helping HSPs create relationships of joy, ease, and purpose, and her coaching business and social media feeds offer tons of value.
If you are an HSP you very likely approach relationships and intimacy differently that non-HSPs, and we need specific ways of addressing relationships so that we can build a loving relationship without feeling overwhelmed or losing ourselves in the process.
She loves working with other HSPs to create relationships and lives where they thrive, and it is powerful to support an HSP in embracing their unique strengths.
Alyssa Adams, PsyD, a clinical psychologist, and relationship coach, specializes in helping high achieving, sensitive men and women create relationships of joy, ease, and purpose.
She supports the highly sensitive person in doing the inner work to address negative beliefs, to reinvent new relationship patterns, and to wrangle their inner critic in order to create meaningful relationships.
Jason Whiting, Ph.D.

Professor at Brigham Young University | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist | Facebook
His dedication to providing accurate information for mainstream consumption compelled him to author a blog and paperback book about the research-backed patterns he often sees in relationships.
Dr. Whiting’s blog, “Love, Lies, and Conflict” is found on PsychologyToday and provides brief insights on topics ranging from lies to depression to violence. Each brief article is short enough to be read in a matter of minutes; however, the quantity of writing does not supplant the quality as each blog post is packed with relatable examples, simple terminology, and research-driven information. Blog entries are posted in such a way that they can be easily shared with others and easily accessed.
In addition to his blog, Dr. Whiting also penned Love Me True. This book is written to a general audience and explores how deception can sneak its way into relationships and reap havoc.
Additionally, it provides readers with information that allows them to overcome the deception and grow closer as friends and companions, respond and converse in a positive way, and build passion and compassion for one another.
Today’s Millennial generation faces enormous amounts of pressure – from education to debt, to personal relationships and career prospects that simply aren’t panning out the way in which young adults expected. This blog is all about getting you to take action in your life and stop letting life happen to you!
This blog is specifically geared towards young adults and addresses the unique challenges of being a young person in a world where every moment is captured, shared and commented on. Young adults are not only trying to figure out who they are and what they want; they’re doing it in front of an audience of harsh critics.
This blog will help you start to break through your imposter syndrome, understand and manage your overwhelming fears, and discover you have all the confidence you need to go for your dreams.
If you’re ready to take 2019 by storm with the confidence, clarity, and assurance that the next step is the right one for you, then you’re in the right place.
Tina B. Tessina, PhD, (aka “Dr. Romance”)

Psychotherapist | Dr. Romance Blog | Author of “Dr. Romance’s Guide to Finding Love Today“
Interested in Relationships?
Have questions you want to be answered by a licensed professional counselor?
Or you just want to read about other people’s relationship issues?
The Dr. Romance Blog is exactly what you are looking for.
Dr. Romance is Tina B. Tessina, a licensed psychotherapist in S. California, with 30 years’ experience in counseling individuals and couples. She answers reader questions in an entertaining and informative format. She links to informative and helpful free articles, and as the author of 15 books published in 17 languages, she recommends appropriate books to help the reader.
Dr. Romance’s musings on love, relationships, culture and life in general. If anyone can call herself “Dr. Romance,” it’s REDBOOK Love Expert Tina Tessina. With a Ph.D., eight books and 30 years counseling experiencing under her belt, Tina has a lot to say about the everydays of life and love. Get to know the Doc.
The average wedding costs $20k. The average divorce costs upwards of $300k. The average relationship lasts for 3 years. The Emotional Reset Technique™ is your insurance policy to ensure your relationship will work.
Most anxious thoughts are caused by imagined outcomes and focusing on what you don’t want.
Depression is a condition caused by over-thinking, negative thoughts, and generally not knowing how to deal with one’s problems. It’s also the result of not knowing how to allow an emotional response to pass without becoming entangled in the reason for it being triggered.
Many people end up in a depressed and anxious state because they are out of sync with the natural rhythms of the body. This is caused by a lack of relevant education which explains how the emotional and sexual programs need to work. Emotional responses are a normal part of life and can be triggered 40+ times per day.
This is what keeps so many people locked in a cage of their own making. The emotional suppression results in further negative thoughts which trigger more emotional responses as a person contemplate what may be wrong with them. Depression often results from this endless mental and emotional loop.
Most sexual “malfunction” issues such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and problems achieving orgasm stem from a miscommunication between your brain and your body.
These problems are generally caused by focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time. Sex is much like driving a car, you just need to know how to move through the gears with the right action and the right timing to arrive at your preferred destination.
There is no emotional resistance or sexual “malfunction” issue which fazes me in the least. In the past 7 years, I’ve helped over 1,000 men, women and couples restore a relaxed, happy and fulfilling sex life and enhance their overall connection.

Dating Energy Expert | Radio Host | Founder of The Secret Vibe | Author of “Blind Spot, Who’s Chasing Who?” and “She’s Got That Vibe“
Valerie is an advocate for women with low self-esteem, helping them to project the right vibe (energy) to attract a plethora of potential dating partners, giving her choice as they beg for exclusivity!
Read Related Article: Why is Self Esteem Important?
Having worked as the only female in an all-male dominated environment managing in excess of 120 men for over 10 years, she gained huge insight into how men think and the power of feminine energy, which proved a huge advantage over the male managers, as she was able to get ‘the boy’s, as she fondly calls them, to get work done that otherwise would have led to failed targets.
She became clear on the qualities she possessed that compelled these men to meet her needs, in effect allowing her to lead them effectively. She now imparts these same qualities to women, to give off an allure to attract their ideal partner who in turn meet her criteria.
She’s the daughter of an absent father, lived nearly twenty years in a sexless marriage, and is a rape survivor.
Ann Ball is a life coach, who has a unique perspective and openness that make you feel at ease, and her coaching will transform you.
With a life coaching certification from the Robbins/Madanes Training Center, Ann uses strategic intervention techniques made famous by Tony Robbins. Her proficiency in these techniques has allowed her to transform clients lives in short periods of time.
Ann’s blog offers her readers many of the same strategies she uses when coaching clients. She also co-hosts a podcast with fellow coach Tony Farmer which is a discussion about life, the challenges they each face, and how they use their experiences to better the lives of others.

Author | Engineer | Visionary | Chief Executive Visionary of J Squared Productions | Instagram
Engineer by day with a hustle of an author and entrepreneur, Jasmine Jones helps other aspiring authors self-publish their books while they keep their day jobs.
As the author of the best-selling books, The Single Ladies’ Commandments and The Gentlemen’s Commandments, Jasmine encourages unmarried women and men. These life-changing daily devotional books engage singles on a journey of love, healing, freedom, and purpose using contemporary music.
Jasmine doesn’t just inspire through books, she has a rapidly growing Instagram following of over 13K followers and counting. She shares a healthy dose of inspirational quotes like, “If you love a man, pray for him,” “What one man is not willing to do another will,” and “Fall in love with someone who is not willing to lose you“.
She also shares humorous dating dialogues based on her own life dating chronicles. For example,
“Him: When will I see you again?
Her: By Accident.“
If you’re thinking about writing your own book in 2019, Jasmine will be sharing tips on how to become a self-published author. Whether you’re looking for some advice, inspiration or quick tips to navigate life, Jasmine has got you covered!
Boundless enthusiasm, bubbly personality, and totally unafraid to approach anyone who might be a possible “love interest” for her clients, Bonnie Winston is a modern-day matchmaker who makes connections that last.
In the current world of swiping left and inconsequential hooking up, high-end clients come to Winston when they want real relationships.
In fact, her tagline is “mates, not just dates.” A veteran of the New York City dating scene herself, she truly understands what her clients are going through in their search for love.
I’ve been around for a long time and have 100’s of thousands of men visiting my site on a yearly basis.
I’m a woman (wing girl) and I coach men on how to understand women so they can attract, date, get and keep the girl (if they wish to do so) without being jerks!
My expertise and advice are gained from over a decade of research and application. I’ve interviewed nearly 6000 women and pushed them for REAL answer to questions about men, attraction and what they REALLY want, not what they say they want.
Nacho Kids® and the Nacho Kids Academy were created after we discovered a technique to save our blended family and shared it with others, who also had great success with our technique. As we know, step/blended families do not have a high success rate. Being in a blended family, you quickly realize why this is! Thankfully, we figured out how to change the blended struggles into blended successes, for ourselves and others.
Now, keep in mind, we “prepared” for the blended struggles before we blended by reading books, articles, blogs, speaking with other blended families, etc. We wanted to make sure we knew the challenges we would face.
Well, nothing, and I mean nothing, can prepare you for the reality of trying to blend a family. The first year wasn’t bad. The second-year is when things started getting bad. The stepkids hated me, I didn’t like them, my husband and I were always arguing about the kids, the stepkids were being mean to my son, we were all miserable, heck, even the dog was miserable! We were ready to give up. We were tired. We had tried everything.
As a last-ditch effort to save my marriage, I started what we now call the Nacho Kids method, or “nachoing” my stepkids. It drastically changed our blended dynamics for the better and I was able to build great relationships with the stepkids over time.
Unfortunately, societal expectations for a stepparent, especially a stepmom, are to treat the stepkids like their own and love them like their own.
The issue is, if they parent the stepkids like their own, then you are then “being mean to them” or “picking on them” in the bio parent’s eyes. And the stepkids aren’t going to respond the same way to a stepparent as they would to a bio parent disciplining/parenting them.
Why? Because as a stepmom/stepdad, you have to build a foundation or a bond with them.
You weren’t there from their “beginning”. As a stepparent, one can’t just come in and start parenting them like you do your own kids. And it is unrealistic to think a stepparent will love the stepkids like their own because they are not. They are not legally, biologically, or in any other way “your kids”. This isn’t a jab to stepmoms/stepdads, it is a reality.
Nacho Kids teaches stepparents who are struggling in the blend to step back from the parenting role. Many times the stepparents, (stepmoms, in particular) take over many of the parenting functions of the bio parent resulting in them being overwhelmed and stressed because the stepkids don’t listen to them, or are rude to them. Of course, this stress causes problems in the marital relationship.
The stepparent is complaining to the bio parent, the stepkids are complaining to the bio parent about the stepparent, and the bio parent feels stuck in the middle.
And let’s not forget if the in-laws are involved, the bio parent is hearing how horrible the stepparent is from them too because we know the stepkids go share the hate of the stepparent.
On top of this, many times the stepparent feels the bio parent doesn’t discipline their kid or parent them at all. The bio parent doesn’t want to upset their kids or feel like they are always be fussing at them, because of fear they will want to live with the other bio parent.
Once the stepparent steps back, it allows them to build a relationship with the stepkids. Instead of disciplining them or parenting them, treat them as a friend’s kids, because that’s what they really are. Then the stepparent is able to evolve into more of a “cool aunt” type role and build great relationships with the stepkids.
Every blended situation is different. There is no one size fits all. We, as stepparents, have to create our own “role” in the blend that works best for us and the others in our blend.
The most important thing is to not give up! Find what will work for you and your blend. It doesn’t matter if it “fits” everyone else’s definition of what your role should be. We should support other stepfamilies in whatever method works best for them. We all have the same goal to be happy and not become another blended family divorce statistic.
People should follow Stacey Greene if they want weekly nuggets of wisdom. In this fast-paced world, not many of us have the desire to read more than 500 words at a time, yet we all want to connect and feel that our problems are not unique. We want to know that others struggle too and we want short and to the point answers or suggestions.
Stacey Delivers.
As a woman married for over thirty years, she has raised children, changed careers several times and has dealt with everything from health challenges, marital troubles and more. She uses her blog to infuse her faith in ways that are not offensive to people who may not share a belief in a higher power.
She has produced two books that are written in easy to read fiction format yet are based on true experiences. Her ability to take the reader along a journey and end with being victorious is a joy.
We are all looking for positive messages that inspire and give hope.
I am an Organizational Psychologist and certified Conflict Coach, Mediator, and Restorative Justice practitioner. I run a collective of mediators who service our clients with Conflict & Communication Strategies, called “Harmony Strategies Group” (“HSG”).
My relationship coaching involves focusing on underlying needs and interests, balancing goals, and alternative perspectives on what’s happening.
Along with my team at HSG, we create breakthroughs by bringing clients to a broader understanding of the relationship, the multi-faceted influences, and opportunities for change and growth.
As mediators, our focus is on how to navigate conflicts that invariably weigh heavily on the relationship and sap people’s energy and motivation. By better handling – or even transforming – the conflict, clients become emotionally liberated and experience newfound excitement and joy in their lives.
One of our most exciting new practices is called “Harmony Circles,” where we bring together individuals into an open conversation around challenges they face.
By sharing in this facilitated circle conversation, participants experience connectedness and trust that is often lost in our modern, fast-paced world.
We bring Harmony Circles to communities, schools, and workspaces, in order to foster collaboration, engagement, and honest communication.
We also have a YouTube channel, where I share “2 Minute Conflict Coaching” soundbites. These brief episodes highlight ideas, questions, and concepts that help reframe conflicts, change perspectives, and create breakthroughs in communication dynamics. I update these episodes weekly, along with other featured content relating to conflict and communication strategies.
LifeLoveandBlog is a marriage and relationship blog devoted to helping others build strong marriages.
Through our personal good and bad experiences in marriage, we understand that building a strong marriage takes a lot of effort and commitment on the part of both spouses.
Our mission at LifeLoveandBlog is to provide marriage advice, encouragement, and practical resources to those couples looking to build a stronger marriage. A marriage that not only fulfills the needs of both the husband and the wife but ultimately stands the test of time.
Whether couples are looking to improve their marriage communication skills, create a stronger emotional connection with each other, or learn to speak their spouse’s love language; we aim to provide the tools to do just those very things.
The greatest joy from our blog is receiving feedback from readers who tell us that our advice or encouragement has helped them take steps to improve their own marriages.