Why Does He Text Me Everyday if He Only Wants Friendship—What’s Going On?

Sometimes, it can be confusing when a guy texts you every day but insists he only wants to be friends. You might wonder why he’s constantly reaching out if there’s no romantic interest.

After all, daily communication feels more like something you’d expect in a relationship, right? But here’s the thing—people show friendship in different ways, and for some, texting a lot is just part of that.

Still, it’s hard not to overthink when the lines between friendship and something more start to blur. You may find yourself asking if he’s sending mixed signals or if there’s a chance this could develop into something deeper. It’s totally normal to feel unsure in situations like this.

So, what’s really going on here? Is he just being friendly, or could there be more to it? Let’s see what are the possible reasons according to our experts.

Dr. Holly Schiff, Psy.D.

Holly Schiff

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Jewish Family Services of Greenwich

He Might Be Confused About What He Wants

He feels that passion for reaching out and communicating with you, but he isn’t sure what he wants at the moment. As an aside, he may enjoy messaging you even though he isn’t sure what he desires out of it.

Related: How to Tell if a Guy Is Confused About His Feelings for You

He Is Keeping You as a Fallback

Another option is that perhaps he is keeping you as a secondary option or a fallback, just in case whoever he is currently pursuing doesn’t work out. He wants to keep you in the mix in his rotation and on the roster.

He Enjoys the Attention

Sometimes, guys can be emotionally narcissistic, and they enjoy the attention they get from you texting them back. They may also be lonely, and this is a simple way to make contact with another human being, even if it is only virtual.

It can also function as an ego boost since he can feel like he is attractive, cool, or smart enough to chat with someone of your caliber. He may find you interesting and intriguing and genuinely enjoy your friendly text conversations.

Dr. Renetta Weaver, LCSW

Renetta Weaver

Neuroscience Coach | Clinical Social Worker

You Misinterpret His Actions

Whenever we have a vision for how we want things to go, we tend to interpret everything through the lens of our vision.

So if someone we desire a relationship with texts us daily, it can result in experiencing something called cognitive dissonance. This means that we are confused because there is a disconnect between words and actions.

In the emotional part of our brain, we have a picture of the behaviors that go along with an idea. In terms of what someone does when they like you, those images might be attached to the behavior of someone who texts every day.

If he is texting every day and you believe this is an indicator of someone who is into you, it might be hard to hear him when he says he just wants to be friends.

This underscores the saying, “We hear what we want to hear.” It’s not that we’re choosing to ignore what we hear; it’s that we listen to what we believe and see.

Take him at his word.

Regardless of his actions, I encourage you to take him at his word. Because while his behaviors might be confusing to you, his words flow from his heart.

Have you ever heard the saying, “You knew what this was when you signed up?” Listen, if you question him, he will always eventually say, “I told you upfront what I wanted.”

So when he friend zones you, if you decide to take it further, aka “friends with benefits,” understand that you will be a solo passenger after the ride is over. You have to ask yourself, “Is this a trip that I want to take?”

Related: Signs He’s Not into You

Remember the TEXT Formula

Whenever you get confused about his text, and his words, remember this TEXT formula:

  • Thoughts can cause feelings that aren’t facts
  • Expectations lead to disappointment
  • Xoxo yourself
  • Take him at his word

Lauren Cook-McKay

Lauren Cook-McKay

Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy | Director of Marketing & Content, Divorce Answers

He’s Not Emotionally Available… Yet

He’s not emotionally available but may want to be open about getting to know you. If you clearly expressed your feelings, and he said that a relationship is not what he wants at the moment, then there could be a reason for it.

For reasons unknown, it could be because:

  • He just got out of a relationship
  • He’s not over his ex
  • He has other priorities in mind

There are many reasons that may come to mind, but if he isn’t completely closing you off, then that could mean that he isn’t rejecting the idea of developing feelings for you. He just doesn’t want to rush himself.

He’s Not Aware About His Actions

Admittedly, some guys may be clueless about how their actions may impact others unless you say it to their faces.

It is possible that he may not be interested in you at all, and he only truly wants friendship, but he doesn’t think that by acting the same way, he is confusing you or making it difficult for you to move on.

In some ways, it is also possible that he doesn’t understand social cues, and he’s clueless about how his messages could be flirtatious.

He’s Leading You On

This could be a narcissistic man you’re dealing with, and his actions may be deliberate. Communicate with him that you’re receiving mixed signals from him, and if he doesn’t tone it down or stop texting you still, he could just be toying with you and leading you on.

If he isn’t listening despite constant reminders not to be flirtatious, then it’s time to move on because it simply means he’s inconsiderate of your feelings. He does not want a relationship or a genuine friendship.

Doreen Blake

Doreen Blake

Inspirational Speaker | Wellness Consultant

He’s Lonely or Needy

If he is messaging you daily, it might be an innocent exchange, and he may well hold your friendship in high regard, which you may feel honored about, especially since he has taken great interest in you. But what sorts of things is he messaging?

Other considerations could be that he is lonely or needy. On the other hand, he may say “friendship” is what he wants but secretly hopes it may develop into something more.

Important Questions to Ask Yourself:

As you cannot control what another does, it may be necessary to ask yourself some critical questions to ascertain whether or not this is something you are genuinely receptive to. Your self-inquiry needs to be an unbiased one.

  • How do you actually feel about it: Ok, uncomfortable or uneasy?
  • Do you want to devote this amount of time to him?
  • What do you want to do about what you’re feeling?

Whatever you feel empowered to do, act on it. It’s essential to set your own boundaries regardless of another. After all, it is your life, your choice, your decision.

Maya Levi

Maya Levi

Marketing Manager, ReturnGO

He Really Wants to Be Your Friend

Based on my experience, if a person texts you every day, it might just mean they really want to be your friend. However, if you have this gut feeling, it could be something more. Be upfront about it with that person.

I have one male friend in my social group who seemed friendly to everyone. He was very sociable and charismatic. He would make everyone feel at ease. He was the definition of “Mr. Congeniality.” He was physically attractive but what made him magnetic was his social skills.

We went out with friends to play tennis, and after a few games, we got introduced to each other. We started texting. It began as simple exchanges over tennis. Tennis was the only thing we talked about at least three times a week.

It started with questions on how to serve correctly and other hobbies; then, it got personal. He would ask about my interests outside tennis. It was like he wanted to know me more. He would message me each day. No day would pass without a message from him.

If you were in my place, you would think he’s emotionally invested. I did, too, but I didn’t want to be embarrassed and come off as assuming.

I confronted him and said:

“Hey, we’ve been talking a lot for a while, and I just wanted to know if friendship is just what you really want. Just messaging to make things clear for the both of us”.

He replied:

“Oh. I really just wanted to be friends. You seemed to be such an interesting person. Sorry if I made you feel there was much more.”

Our exchange was simple, and mind you, all these things I quoted are verbatim! I was lucky to have been in this situation with a guy who was clear with his intentions.

I wasn’t looking for a romantic relationship, so I was just cool with it. He’s now one of my most incredible friends, and we laugh about the incident now.

Greg Flemming

Greg Flemming

Founder and Author, MintDate

He Enjoys Your Company

There could be a few reasons why he texts you every day, even though he says he only wants friendship. Perhaps he enjoys your company and feels comfortable texting you frequently. Maybe he’s not sure what he wants and is trying to keep the lines of communication open in case his feelings change.

He Is Afraid to Make a Move

It’s possible that he likes you more than just as a friend but is afraid to admit it or make a move, so instead settles for friendly texts as a way to stay close to you.

Related: 30+ Subtle Signs He Likes You More Than a Friend

If you’re interested in him romantically, there’s no harm in expressing your feelings and seeing where things go from there. The worst-case scenario is that he milks the friendship for texted conversation and attention without ever intending to take things further.

In any case, it’s best to communicate openly with him about your own feelings and intentions to avoid misunderstandings down the road.

Sameera Sullivan

Sameera Sullivan

Relationship Expert, Sameera Sullivan Matchmakers

Getting a text from someone you have just met is a great feeling—there is always the excitement of the mystery it holds. And when that someone is a guy you are interested in, it’s even better.

But one of the most unnerving and irritating things is when they text you every day but show no signs of moving forward from a friendship.

He’s Shy and Confused

Firstly it could be that he’s confused about what he wants; he could be shy or even just taking his time to figure out what he wants out of it. Another reason could be, and this may not sound the best, but you could be their plan B.

Some guys think strategically about their relationships and can be good at doing that through texting. Another common reason is they enjoy talking to you because they like you, and interacting with you is a great way to spend time with you.

He Is Bored

Last but not least, one needs to look at all sides and understand that sometimes we might not understand certain things, such as the guy texting just for the sake of it but because he’s bored. It sounds awful but understands that there are all types of guys you can come across.

Christy Piper

Christy Piper

Coach and Speaker | Author, “Girl, You Deserve More

What Might the Text Be All About?

1. Meeting up or taking you on dates.

A man who’s romantically interested in you wants to see you often. He will text you about meeting up or taking you on dates. If he’s romantically interested, he’ll also want to seem cool and impress you.

He won’t say much to embarrass himself unless it’s funny and makes you like him more. He won’t overdo it by texting you all the time. Romantically interested men don’t want to come across as clingy or desperate.

2. His personal problems.

If a man texts you about his problems every day, he’s not trying to impress you. A man who texts you about his problems just wants an emotional babysitter. And if you put up with his whining, he will lay it on thick.

He is using you as a free therapist, and he knows it. In return, he knows he has to give you something you want. If you have a crush on him, he knows he has to throw you a bone once in a while. So he gives you hope in exchange for your attention.

Ladies, don’t fall for this! A man knows if he’s interested or not from the get-go. And if he doesn’t make moves to go out with you, forget any romantic future with this man.

Do you like being used as a free therapist? If not, time to cut off ties with this guy. This type of guy can lead you on indefinitely — if you allow him to. Unless you want to practice your therapy skills for free, steer clear! You’ll probably end up resentful and feeling angry with yourself and him.

3. Inappropriate pictures and perverted messages.

If he is sending you inappropriate pics or messages from the get-go, he is also not romantically interested in you. He is not interested in being a real friend either. He is interested in being a “friend with benefits.”

He may say he’s looking for a friend, but he’s just looking for no strings attached sex. So don’t confuse this type of attention with someone interested in you as a friend or romantically.

Does This Happen to You Often?

If this happens to you often, know that you aren’t alone. Plenty of women are in the same situation. It also doesn’t mean you aren’t valuable. You are valuable — but putting up with this behavior means you probably don’t value yourself enough.

  • Consider reading dating books or audiobooks for women.
  • For even faster results, work with a counselor or relationship coach. They can pinpoint your problem areas and help you find a relationship with a man who wants and values you.

Related: 20 Best Relationship Books

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I ask him if he has feelings for me?

If you’re confused or feeling uncertain, it’s okay to ask for clarity. Just make sure to approach it in a calm and friendly way. Something like, “I’ve noticed we text a lot, and I’m curious how you see our relationship” can help open up the conversation.

Could this daily texting lead to something more?

It’s possible, but there’s no guarantee. Some friendships naturally evolve into more over time, while others remain platonic. The key is to communicate openly and not assume that frequent texting automatically means romantic interest.

What should I do if I start developing feelings for him?

If you start liking him romantically, it’s best to be honest with yourself and him. Let him know how you feel, but also be prepared for the possibility that he might only want to stay friends. Clear communication can save both of you from confusion later.

Final Thoughts

In the end, understanding why he texts you every day comes down to recognizing his intentions. He might genuinely value your friendship, or he could be unsure about his own feelings. Either way, it’s important to trust your instincts and communicate openly if you feel confused.

If you’re starting to develop feelings or feel unsure about the relationship, it’s always a good idea to have an honest conversation. Clear communication can help avoid misunderstandings and bring you both onto the same page.

Remember, friendships and relationships are unique, and everyone shows connection differently. It’s all about finding what works best for both of you.

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