In this article, you’ll discover how to get to know yourself better and take a step forward in building the future you desire. Find out (with the help of nine self-awareness questions) who you are today and model your tomorrow’s best.
Does it happen to you to surprise yourself? I guess it does. When it’s a positive surprise you get more confident and excited? But, what do you do, how do you feel when it’s a negative surprise?
The better you know yourself, the more in control you are over your behavior and actions, the more courageous you become and surprise yourself in positive ways.
Here you have Nine questions to know yourself better:
1. How are you spending your time, love, and energy?
Time, love, and energy are your most precious possessions in life. How you spend, use, and manage them are defining your values and what is the most important to you.
It happens to all of us to believe we value something but give little to no attention to it.
Why are time, love, and energy your most precious possessions in life? Because time and energy are limited. Love, even though, you’re capable of infinite love, the quality of your life is affected deeply by to what and to whom you give your heart.
If you’re wondering what will be your legacy, look no further than how you honor your values and how you spend your precious possessions.
How to get to know yourself better? Discover how you spend your time, love, and energy.
2. What do you feel is missing from your life right now?
Most people know, precisely what they don’t want and fail to discover what they (really, really) desire. The absence of depression, for example, doesn’t mean you’re happy. Does it?
Those who know what they want out of life and have a well-designed plan how to get it, feel mentally strong and invincible.
Yet, if you’ve been disappointed too many times in the past, now, you might be into an impasse:
- Suffering from lack of desire, dreams, and aspirations;
- Nothing seems worthy enough of your effort;
- Loss of trust that you’ll ever find something better to do with your life than what you’re doing right now.
It might surprise you how many of us are stuck into such impasse. You don’t always get what you deserve (what is rightfully yours) and get disheartened by it. Then, one too many disappointments and you could stop wanting.
Want more! Want more and know that is not greed, but self-preservation and desire for progress.
How to get to know yourself better? Define what you want out of life. If you don’t know where to start, start with those things you feel are missing from your life right now.
3. What is your deepest secret?
There are secrets better left buried in the past. However, most secrets can have a negative influence on your well-being and confidence to move forward in life.
Don’t allow your secrets to bother you and cripple your ability to take action. You see? What could seem to you a capital mistake can become an issue quickly solved when you gain others perspective on it.
For many of us, secrets can become complex problems that need a remedy urgently. That remedy is not (necessarily) sharing your secrets, but changing how you feel about yourself because of them. Treat yourself with compassion.
4. What helps you Feel Safe?
Know your value and worth; know who you are and believe that you deserve to feel protected, cared for, loved, and shielded.
Low self-esteem is one of the most harmful things that can make you feel unsafe because you might not accept the care and love of others, believing that you are not worthy enough to get them.
Loneliness, feeling unsafe and low self-esteem, go hand in hand. Ten locks on your home don’t make you feel as safe as one good friend does. Loving and accepting yourself as you are, make you feel as safe as ten good friends do.
Make the good daily habit to stay connected to others and remember to offer yourself love and acceptance. Then, you’ll never devalue yourself, feel unsafe or lonely.
How to get to know yourself better? Discover what helps you feel safe, and you’ll know how much you love yourself, value yourself, and how connected you are.
5. What are the areas of your life that you excel? And what are the areas that you perform poorly?
There is a general misconception that you should concentrate your attention more on the things you’re not performing too well. However, doing that helps you become average in most things and excel in none. Nurture and expand what you are good at because there is your power to become exceptional.
There is nothing wrong with being an average person. Yet, it’s such a shame to allow your fears (like the fear of failure or the fear of success) to stop you from using your talents, skills, and potential and be above the norm in those things you love doing.
Those who are comfortable being average might say: “Society is asking me to be and do more and more. When will I be enough?”
If you feel like that too, know that you are enough! And precisely for that reason, you can dream more, want more, accomplished more. Not for others (or the society), but for yourself.
How to get to know yourself better? Find out what are (your) strengths that can make you exceptional.
6. How do you speak to yourself? Positive or negative?
Being too self-conscious is a distorted way of talking about and to yourself. It’s distorted because it makes you emphasize what you don’t like about yourself ignoring the many good traits you have.
As you’re attentive and supportive to others, do the same for yourself.
It’s lovely if you have strong family and work relationships, but never neglect the most important relationship you have: to YOU.
Our internal dialogue is a habit. A habit, not easy to change. Yet, the rewards you get for your effort are countless.
Discipline yourself to talk nicely about and to yourself.
7. Who is responsible for your past misfortunes?
Take responsibility for your past, good or bad. Assuming responsibility for the events in your life empowers you with knowledge, willingness, and strength to change the effects of those events.
Let go of the past and move on taking your life in your hands. Yes, others did you wrong, hurt you, and lied to you. All of that caused many misfortunes in your life. Yet, if you take out of the equation “the others”, you’re left with the best options for you to overcome those difficulties.
Sometimes our vanity stays in the way of taking responsibility “I’ll not be their fool; I’ll make them pay!”. Temperate you vanity and change how you view things. Others are to blame – you’re stuck; you are responsible – you’re free to move forward in whatever direction you choose.
8. What has to happen to acknowledge you need a change?
Change doesn’t come easy for any of us. We get attached to our self-image, the way we do things, our dreams and hopes for the future.
Don’t wait to hit rock bottom to acknowledge you need a change. Remember that just because your house stood upright for the past 100 years doesn’t mean will stay that way forever. Time is passing and each period of your life is different.
Many people say that happiness is bound to a young age. In their forties say: “I was so happy in my twenties and I didn’t know it.” In their sixties say: “what a good life I had in my forties and didn’t appreciate.” Then, in their eighties say: “Oh, how healthy and lively I was in my sixties, and I didn’t notice.”
Appreciate, acknowledge, notice and love every stage of your life. Change as you go through life.
9. Are you mentioning yourself on the gratitude list?
Listen, most good things in your life are coming from your hard work and dedication; almost nothing falls from the sky in your lap. Is it?
Mentioning your good deeds in the gratitude list is all about setting little reminders how great you can be, positive reinforcements and incentives to aspiring and accomplish even more.
Now, note that there is no right or wrong answer to the questions above. Therefore, don’t jump to conclusions or to give meaning to your answers outside of the scope of the question.
The point of discovering who you are is to understand yourself better and improve, not to diminish or blame yourself.