Each one of us has different family dynamics, and we each have our own story to tell regarding its role in our lives.
But what is it about family that makes it so valuable to us? How does it impact us?
According to experts, below are the top reasons why family is important:

Educator | Triple Board-Certified Physician | Mental Health and Wellness Expert
Family is a fundamental requirement for human survival
Humans are not very strong compared to other land-dwelling beings, and we certainly aren’t as fast.
So, how did humanity survive to become the most dominant species on Earth instead of being eaten to extinction by bears and saber-toothed tigers? Because of our capacity to develop and adapt.
For ninety-nine percent of our existence on Earth, or until the Neolithic Revolution, human beings lived in small, tight-knit communities. These small hunter-gather communities were comprised of multiple family units.
For our hunter-gatherer ancestors, meaningful interpersonal interactions among families embedded in the community supported the development of their offspring. These were required for our long-term adaptation, survival, and success. And then as it is now, family is a fundamental requirement for human survival.
Healthy human development begins in utero if our mother receives sufficient support from her family and community to maintain her well-being during pregnancy.
At birth, human development continues via meaningful interactions with our primary caregivers in our family of origin. For many of us, our primary caregivers are our mother and father, but for others, it’s simply the people who feed us, hold us, and engage with us the most.
We get a consistent dose of love from family
As we grow and develop, we get a consistent dose of love when we are cared for, supported, comforted, and nurtured.
In fact, the medical students who I teach will tell you that my favorite saying is:
“Trees develop in soil and sunlight, and human beings develop in the medium of love.”
It’s our biology. In childhood, when our primary caregivers support us as we approach and explore the novelty of our daily experiences and help us organize the distress inherent in these new experiences, specific neurotransmitters, or brain chemicals, are released.
These neurotransmitters include oxytocin, vasopressin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. While love cannot be minimized in depth, scope, or experiential complexity to brain chemicals, per the oversimplified frame of science, these are the five neurotransmitters most prominently implicated in the human experience of love.
Among other things, within this array of neurotransmitters, or the medium of love generated by the beautiful, reciprocal interaction between the developing human and their primary caregivers, healthy brain development occurs.
Related: How Does the Developing Brain Process Emotions From Infancy to Adulthood
For most infants, by nine months of age, the structure of the brain responsible for memory, the hippocampus, has developed sufficiently to remember their mom, dad, or primary caregiver, even when they aren’t physically present and can’t be seen.
Why is this important? The purpose of human memory is not to explicitly chronicle every past detail. It’s to remember the important things that may impact our day-to-day survival so that we can create a vision that tomorrow will be better than today.
Human memory as a manifestation of development in the medium of love results in our capacity for hope.
It helps us achieve and maintain our fundamental needs
Via the meaningful interactions between family members in the community, human beings achieve and maintain our two most fundamental needs: love and hope.
In the absence of love and our capacity to believe that tomorrow can be better than today, none of our other, more superficial human needs are relevant.
Family is important because human beings are inherently social creatures who, regardless of era and under our very nature, require meaningful family relationships embedded in the community to access our most fundamental human needs. Family is a fundamental requirement for human survival.
Related: 10+ Real Life Examples of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
It satisfies our need for belonging
One of our greatest human needs is the need for belonging. We have an innate desire to feel like we are a part of something, and we strive to feel included and embraced for who we are.
Families can satisfy that need for belonging — but “who” is a part of our family matters.
Our family of origin, or the family we are biologically born into or raised by, is the more commonly known type of family. For some people, families-of-origin provide instant connection and support from birth.
For others, particularly those who have experienced neglect, disapproval, toxic behaviors, or abuse by their family of origin, a sense of betrayal can occur. Other times, we just don’t feel like our family understands us.
The fact is, some of us were born into families that we wouldn’t choose for ourselves if we were given a choice today. This is where families of choice come in.
Family of choice reminds us that it’s never too late to establish healthy relationships
A family of choice is just what it sounds like — it is the people we intentionally choose to have around us, to confide in, to support us. This family acts as a second-chance family and reminds us that it is never too late to establish healthy and loving relationships, even if we weren’t born into them.
As we grow up, we have the autonomy to decide who is a part of our support system, and we can hand-pick the individuals to include as part of our family and begin to nurture a family-of-choice. This can consist of our romantic partners, future children, family members, and friends.
Being a part of our adult lives is a privilege, not a right. Sometimes the choice seems clear, and we recognize the need to cultivate a family-of-choice. Other times, the selection and the process itself are quite complicated.
If we’ve experienced neglect, abuse, disapproval, or shame, we often lack an understanding of what a healthy family should look like, or we bond to those who caused us our trauma, even though we are not happy.
We may also need to do a lot of healing work through therapy and healthy support systems as we work towards setting necessary but challenging boundaries with our families of origin.
The families of choice we develop can provide just as much (if not more) support than we might ever receive from our family of origin. Perhaps we can recognize that we haven’t received the loved we needed from a young age, or maybe the family dynamics changed over time as we navigated adulthood.
Regardless of when the issues arose, acknowledging that our family of origin did not provide us with the validation and support we need can be a disappointing realization while also serving as an empowering catalyst towards creating a family that better aligns with who we are today.
We all deserve to be happy, accepted, and embraced by our family for who we are, whether we are born into it or hand-pick it.
Families come in different shapes and sizes. We are a blended family of six. A blended family is when two families become one with children from a previous relationship or marriage. There are many reasons why family is essential in our lives and needs to be nurtured and healthy.
Family allows members to adapt more effectively
First, a family gives us a sense of belonging to a group. That helps all members cope in a more positive way to stress. It also allows them to adapt more effectively to the challenging times in our lives.
A person who grows up in a healthy family feels like they belong to something bigger than themselves. Creating that feeling starts with memories and traditions that family members share together and last for years to come.
It teaches children important life skills
Secondly, a healthy family environment will teach children important life skills such as teamwork, decision making, communication, etc. These will be useful throughout their life.
Values will affect how they treat others and prioritize their goals in life.
Relationship between siblings is life’s longest relationship
When we think about the longest relationships, most people think about our parents or loving partners. However, the relationship between siblings is life’s longest relationship.
We know our siblings before our partners, and more likely, they will still be there when our parents leave. These relationships provide support, warmth, a sense of security, and a sense of belonging for the majority of our life. Parents can help develop this relationship between siblings.
As a parent, we play a crucial role in creating and nurturing a healthy family. It’s our job to show our children how to do this properly so they can make a happy family of their own.
There are so many reasons why family is important in our lives. From providing emotional support to sharing in life’s celebrations, our families are the constants that we can always rely on.
Here are just a few of how family shapes who we are and helps us grow as individuals.
Family is a great source of emotional support
A strong, supportive family can provide a sense of security and love that’s essential for healthy development both during childhood and into adulthood. Family can also be a great resource for emotional support during difficult times.
That said, not every family is perfect. Some families are dysfunctional or toxic, and in these cases, it’s often necessary to seek out professional help to address the underlying issues.
If you’re struggling with a difficult family situation, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Many qualified therapists who specialize in family therapy can assist in resolving issues.
Family provides each other with a sense of continuity and shared history
Families provide a sense of identity and belonging. This is because families are a microcosm of society, and as such, they allow individuals to learn about their culture, values, and social norms.
It’s a place where you can feel safe and loved. Ultimately, family members provide each other with a sense of continuity and shared history that can be very important in personal identity development.
Family is a strong network of support
A family can be a great support system during difficult times. They can offer love, understanding, and practical support.
In difficult times, it’s crucial to have a strong network of support. Families provide that network for many people. They are a great resource for information, comfort, and practical help. Families can also be a great place to turn for emotional comfort and healing.
They shape to be well-rounded individuals
From infancy, our families are the first people we form close bonds with, and they play a critical role in shaping our individual personalities. Families provide us with a sense of security and stability, and they offer us a support system during difficult times.
They also help us learn how to interact with others, which is essential for establishing healthy relationships later in life. In short, families are vital in helping us grow emotionally and mentally into well-rounded individuals.
They teach us about life and how to navigate through it
Families teach us about life and how to navigate through it by providing a model of how to interact with others. They also offer support, guidance, and practical advice as we go through life.
By observing how our families handle difficult situations, we learn valuable lessons that help us become better people. In addition, our families give us a sense of identity and belonging, which is essential for our emotional well-being.
They are our biggest fans and cheerleaders
It’s undeniably true that families are our biggest fans and cheerleaders! They support us through thick and thin, providing us with unyielding love and encouragement.
Nothing feels better than when our loved ones acknowledge our accomplishments and give us a pat on the back.
Barbara Rubel, MA, BCETS, DAAETS

Public Speaker and Writer, Griefwork Center, Inc. | Author, “But I Didn’t Say Goodbye: Helping Families After a Suicide“
Families help build resilience
Family bonds are formed throughout one’s lifetime as stories become intertwined with history and memories. During the pandemic, families created rituals and developed traditions as restrictions kept families apart.
Bonds shifted to virtual reality as families struggled with the stress of not seeing one another or sharing happy events, such as births or weddings. Moreover, families could not be at the bedside of loved ones dying from COVID-19 or even attend their funeral.
The spiritual bonds formed with those loved ones who have died from COVID-19 are the same spiritual bonds that can be seen in family members who survived the pandemic. They faced the same stressors and shared anxiety when kept apart, which solidified their bond.
When families create a spiritual bond, their shared beliefs, core values, and life narratives help them build their resilience. Although life is fragile, their bonds are strong, and they share a sense of gratitude.
Related: Real Life Examples of Resilience
The spiritual connection between family members cannot be broken, even during a pandemic of global proportions.
They’re more than just your blood
My father came to the US to make a life for us. He knew no one. He used all he got to get a plane ticket. He was homeless on the street for months. Someone took him in and helped him find a job.
He worked as a janitor to pay his way through college. He eventually brought all of us here. The man that helped him is still a part of our lives. He may not be our blood, but he’s family.
You always have a home with family
My siblings and I were left with relatives when my mom joined my dad in America. We moved around from one relative to another every year, but we were never homeless. These family members treated us like one of their own.
Family teaches you what love looks like
My husband’s family is very affectionate. They openly hug, kiss, and tell each other, “I love you.” This was strange to me at first because that’s not how we were raised. No one ever did those things with me.
Being with my husband’s family, I’ve learned to use physical displays of affection to show my love for my family. Now, my mother and siblings openly hug and kiss. Once in a while, we even say, “I love you.” I hope my kids can continue in these footsteps.
Interactions with family help support language learning in young children
Children tend to learn language from those in their environment. This includes parents, grandparents, siblings, and caregivers. When examining how we learn a language, research studies have shown that children learn from their caregivers.
It is important that caregivers have time to connect and bond with their child/children. These connections are imperative as children develop. Even during the first few months of life, children learn non-verbal communication skills from their families, such as facial expressions, gestures, and body language.
When working with children aged zero to three years old, speech and language therapy focuses on parent coaching strategies to assist families with language facilitation at home.
Related: 4 Best Parenting Books for Baby’s First Year
As a speech-language pathologist and owner of a speech and language services company, I find that the incorporation of families into therapy sessions makes a huge difference. Getting families involved in the therapy process from the beginning helps facilitate carryover at home, leading to quicker progress.
It helps us be the best version of ourselves
Family provides a foundation and springboard for how you operate in the world, and nourishing these relationships is vital for our mental health and physical well-being.
Family can take many shapes, from our biological families, friends, and work-family. I have multiple versions of family in my life that build me up, fill my cup, and help me be the best version of myself.
I first learned about love, compassion, and responsibility from the family that raised me. My family created a sense of safety and security, and they provided the foundation for how I operate in the world.
I look up to my family members for guidance, unconditional love, and support, and they shaped me into the person I am today.
I’ve always heard, “Friends are the family we choose.” As we move through life, we get to build on the foundation of our familial relationships through friendships.
They guide us as we navigate through complexities and challenges
They play an essential role as we navigate life’s complexities and challenges. We are often attracted to friends who bring out the best in us, motivate us, and make life more enjoyable.
Our work family is another crucial part of our lives. We spend most of our waking hours at work, in one way or another.
Communication and trust are imperative for a healthy work environment, which is why I put so much effort and time into nourishing my relationships with my work family. We are much stronger as a team if we genuinely care for one another.
Related: Building Strong Work Relationships
Spending time with loved ones fills our cup, grounds us, and provides a feeling of safety. Through the different forms that family may take, we create a support system of people who support and motivate us and make life more enjoyable.
Family teaches us culture
Family is how we form our understanding of how to function in this world. We form our views on what is normal or unusual in social situations from what we saw in our homes and the homes of those we were closest to while growing up.
The different things we do and practice daily are shaped by what we learn from those we spend most of our childhood and teenage years. Those practices are essentially our culture, and they are taught to us (intentionally or unintentionally) by our families.
Family models ‘relationship’
Without family, we would struggle to learn later in life how to relate with other people. For better or worse, family shows us what we do and do not want in all our relationships. They are also a mirror for us for how we treat others.
Keeping in mind that family is not always composed of blood relatives, it is exciting to think about the wide range of perspectives that we can gain from them.
It is even more exciting to imagine that we take all those perspectives into the families that we create! With the knowledge we gain over the years, we adjust our cultural values and how we relate to others to suit our current environments and self-actualization needs. These adjustments enable us to function in our world while preserving our roots.
Family is important because it is not only the basis of society but also the reason why every individual is as unique as they are! Family is why the world is such a special place.
Family is the central focus of existence
Nobody does family like Sicilians. From the moment Sicilian babies take their first breath, the family is the central focus of existence.
Spending time with my extended family taught me how to communicate with my elders, understanding what was respectful.
- I developed my sense of humor and learned loyalty and right from wrong.
- I learned an appreciation for the previous generation’s taste in music, entertainment, and meatballs.
My family was the benchmark for how I believed other families and institutions operated. Boy, was I shocked to realize this was not true outside my Sicilian neighborhood.
The family is your support system. This is where you let your hair down, be your goofy self, laugh until the milk comes out of your nose, and cry together to grieve.
Family preserves our heritage
Or, more accurately, the heritage that won’t show up in genetic tests or history books. Family passes along pieces of our heritage that can only be told relationally.
For example, my grandmother told me stories about how her mom had emigrated from Poland and settled in a now-abandoned town in the middle of Saskatchewan.
They created a very tight-knit community before eventually moving on to more populated regions of Canada. Now I can make sure to pass along this adventurous spirit to my girls and honor the memory of my great-grandparents.
We need our family’s experience
Family can be beneficial for overcoming our unique medical and behavioral conditions. Although I’m over five hundred miles from my closest family member, I’m constantly calling them for advice.
Most of the time, it’s dealing with my daughters’ feisty temperaments (definitely a genetic trait, ha), but my family has been especially helpful during cold and flu seasons, the newborn phase, and during medical exams that require in-depth familial history.
Family also helps me know what to expect for my girls. Unfortunately, most of our family members suffer from diabetes and depression. As my girls grow older and become more susceptible to these conditions, I’ll draw on the advice from my relatives’ personal experiences more.
Family can offer trustworthy childcare
I was completely ignorant of this benefit before I became a parent. My husband and I moved away from our family seven years ago. We didn’t have kids, and it wasn’t a big deal.
As parents, we miss the support our family offered. Finding reliable childcare (pre and post-pandemic) is difficult. You can interview childcare providers and still not know the crucial details of their lives.
On the other hand, family can often be trusted to provide the best childcare because they love your children.
Family helps take the heavy burden and renews our spirits
Having a family, whether by blood or by bond, is very important to have in our lives. Without my wife and kids, I wouldn’t have been able to push through and look at the brighter side of things during the pandemic.
Without them, all of my time and effort would have gone towards work and nothing else. My family continually reminds me that life isn’t just about focusing on the end goal, but we should also take the time to enjoy the scenery.
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up with deadlines, and there’s nothing wrong with staying on top of these things. But we should also know when to take a step back from work and just spend time with our loved ones.
Honestly, sitting down at one table with the whole family for dinner really helps take the heavy burden we’re feeling and renews our spirits. It reminds you that you have your own support system close by that’s ready to listen and aid you when the going gets tough.
Family relationships are essential to good mental health
Having close family ties is associated with better mental health and lower rates of depression, stress, and other mental illnesses.
Strong relationships with family members can also give us a sense of belonging and purpose, which helps us to develop a more positive outlook on life. When we feel supported by our family, we have less stress and anger, leading to better mental health.
Feeling loved, understood, and supported by family members helps people stay healthy and cope with stressful times in their lives, including those associated with a mental illness.
Strong family relationships reduce stress levels, which improves physical health. For example, family relationships can help keep blood pressure down and boost immune system functioning.
Recent research on the correlation between close family relationships and mental health is encouraging. They suggest that family relationships are essential to good mental health. Studies have also found that people who have close ties to family and friends are happier than those who don’t.
Family provides unconditional love
We all aspire to build great relationships in our lives, and if we are fortunate, we make incredible friends, neighbors, and colleagues along the way. But, any relationship can have ups and downs, and past experiences may cause us to be guarded, especially in those relationships outside of our family.
With family, it is different. With family, love is unconditional, which allows us to be free, open, and unafraid. There is great comfort in the ability to be completely ourselves.
The unconditional love that comes with family also allows us to be ourselves with good and not-so-good qualities. We can bare our souls, show our scars, and be unafraid of the response. Because of this unconditional love, family gives us a unique ability to lean on each other to heal and be healed.
Family members establish a depth of understanding that cannot be rivaled
Finally, family relationships are essential because family members have a history with each other, allowing a depth of understanding that cannot be rivaled.
We know what causes each other to laugh and cry, what all the inside jokes mean, and what buttons can be pushed. Siblings can have relationships that last 80 years or more, longer than any other they will ever have. What comfort it is to have others we can lean on, unconditionally, for virtually our entire lives!
Family provides economic security
Having a strong family unit provides economic security for both the parents and children. It allows for more stability in the home and can help reduce financial stressors.
This, in turn, can help to improve the overall family dynamics. In fact, research shows that children who grow up in financially secure homes are more likely to be successful in their own lives as adults.
Children who have a strong relationship with their parents are typically healthier and happier than those who do not. This is likely because parents can provide a sense of stability and security for their children.
In addition, when families are close-knit, the children can rely on one another for emotional support, which is also beneficial.
They are our role models
Children learn a great deal from watching their parents. This includes things like how to behave in certain situations, treat others, and what is considered important in life. When parents have a strong relationship with one another and their children, it sets a positive example for the children to follow.
From celebrating our birthdays to performing our weddings, or sending our stupid videos on our WhatsApp groups to doing some crazy Instagram reels, and our tough siblings fighting with us for a tv remote, and we can talk about this all day, right?
This is called a family, where we experience and every emotion united. Our travel with our precious families makes our life valuable.
Families can be insane (in a funny way, though), sometimes weird, surprisingly supportive sometimes (when they need help. Shh! It’s a secret), and together all the time. It’s time that we should book a family trip, take them on a date, and show them some love.
Okay. Jokes apart! Family — this word brings a grin to our faces.
Family isn’t restricted to just biological relations; It’s also about how close we are to some people, even if they don’t belong to our bloodline. It’s all about how we feel and how they make us feel. We like to think of close friends and loved ones who have come into our lives along the road as being a particular part of our family.
So, if you ask me the reasons for a family’s importance, here you go!
The unique support system cannot be simply copied
Family relationships are strengthened through thick and thin. Yes, families may face adversity, relationships may deteriorate and fall apart. It’s never easy, but family reconciliation is one of the most lovely things that can happen in life.
At the heart of it all, you’re family, and your bonds are strong. We require families of all ages because the unique support system cannot be simply copied.
Genetics and personal qualities are handed down throughout generations
It’s interesting to observe how similar people are throughout generations. Suppose you’ve ever had the pleasure of going through old family pictures and discovering a distant relative who has your looks.
In that case, you know that the genetics that binds families together is something very extraordinary! Personality qualities are handed down as well. Seeing aspects of an older family member live on via a younger generation is one of the many reasons why we value family bonds at all ages.
You discover true happiness with them
The happiness you experience when you’re among your pals is not the same as the happiness you get when your family is proud of you.
There is no greater joy than anyone may have than realizing the actual essence of having a family. When your family encourages you in your ambitions, you may experience a distinct level of passion.
You want to perform amazing things to make your family proud. Your spirit is overwhelmed by the joy you see in the eyes of a proud mother and father. Efforts are rewarded with a big smile from your parents, and the same is true for the family who witnesses their kids achieve their goals.
They are your initial critics
They may be both your supporters and your detractors. They are always the first to tell you the truth and convince you that constructive criticism would help you improve.
Your family is also the most trustworthy people you could have. They are aware when something does not suit you. And the reasons keep piling up!
Building and sustaining a solid family unit necessitates prioritizing and devoting time and attention to it. Family life is quite beneficial in feeling more secure and growing more confident. The value of having a solid family relationship cannot be overstated.
Family is so important in all spheres of life. We are all born into a family; however, not everyone is lucky enough to have one that is healthy and supportive. Many create their own families themselves with the people around them.
Family will provide for you without questions asked
Life is a rollercoaster, and your family is your seatbelt. Family is your support, and you can rely on them when life gets hard. Whether you need emotional, mental, or financial support, a healthy family will provide for you without any questions asked.
As humans, we are creatures that are heavily dependent on love and emotional attachments, and a family is one asset that provides that love and encouragement for you.
Feeling heard, understood, and accepted is a basic human want. Families, either chosen or natural, can provide this primary human want.
Family pushes us to strive and work hard in all aspects of life
In my personal experience, some of my toughest days were when life at work was tough, and my mental health was in shambles. I would come home to my family, and a light conversation with them along with a big hug were some of my most calming moments.
My family gave me affection and reassurance when I needed it most and made me feel hopeful and well supported, giving me the push to strive on and work hard in all aspects of life.
A family will never allow you to feel alone, and you will always have the guarantee that you are supported and hence have the motivation to go out and take the world by storm!
Joseph Gutheinz

Former Commissioned Member of the Texas State Council on Sex Offender Treatment | Lawyer, Gutheinz Law Firm, LLP
Family makes life manageable
I grew up in a military family — my father was a marine while my mother was a former marine. We moved every two or three years, and the only people we considered friends were each other because everyone else was a short-timer, here today and gone tomorrow.
I had four sisters and one brother. My brother and one of my sisters died young, and when they did, we grieved and buried them as a family.
When my brother died, my father was in Vietnam, which made it especially hard on my mother, but we got through it as a family. Military life is unique and challenging, but a family makes it manageable and a joy.
Family makes life worth living
Going to college, I was forced to live in a phone booth to save money, and I hitchhiked from Anaheim to Monterey, California, to marry my college sweetheart and now wife of 46 years, Lori.
Nine months later, we had our first child, a boy, and five more boys followed. While I served in the army as an Army Officer, we only had each other to rely on, and though at times we were miserably poor, we were always happy because we had each other.
We traveled around the country and world together, and money was the least of worries, mainly because we had no money to worry about. A big date was all eight of us watching a movie at a drive-in theatre or splurging at McDonald’s, but we were happy because we were with our best friends, each other.
When I left the army for a federal law enforcement career, we still moved around the country and stayed at hotels for months at a time while awaiting housing. It was a hard life, but within our family, it was joyous.
After leaving government service, I went into law, and now I have the money to splurge on our army of sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren.
What makes life worth living is family, and for the first time, four generations of family members all live within a few miles of each other. Life is good, and a good family makes it great.
Family is with your no matter what
First, keep in mind that your office is not a family. Many workplaces like to use the language of family, but this is actually a toxic mistake to make. If times get bad, your workplace can lay you off or go out of business.
On the other hand, your family is with you no matter what. Accordingly, keep in mind that loyalty to an employer only goes so far, and make sure your family gets the attention it deserves.
It solidifies your place in the largest groups
Family is a crucial part of our social structure. We all talk about how we are part of local and global communities but remember that those communities break down into smaller groups.
Those groups are families — people related by blood, marriage, or deep and lasting friendships. Being a part of one of these groups helps you solidify your place in the larger groups and gives you a more significant impact on your city, state, country, and world.
Family shows us our link to the past
You are a culmination of many forces working since long before you were born. But you can’t understand those influences if you don’t maintain a connection to your family.
They show you how history and the world have combined to make you who you are today. They can also teach you who you might become with some effort.
You may have a significant proportion of individuals in your life, but you will not find a single person who cares as much as your parents do.
Family provides a strong support system
Numerous individuals have found themselves in the position of having wonderful news but no one to share it with. When you live with your family, you seldom have to deal with this situation.
The delights of daily life are available to those who grow up in healthy households. Furthermore, everyone goes through difficult times, and a healthy family is one in which everyone looks out for one another.
Whenever a member of the family is stressed, it is most likely that someone close to them will notice the signs that they are experiencing. Even though people may try to conceal their troubles from others, their families are usually well aware of them.
Families are a source of personal stress relief
Family bonds have been demonstrated to relieve stress by enhancing self-esteem and reducing anxiety, which is particularly beneficial for young people who have been subjected to violent situations. In difficult times, this close link may serve as a protective barrier and provide a feeling of belonging to everyone involved.
Those who have strong familial relationships are more likely to develop coping strategies that will help them better deal with the challenges that life throws at them.
Family makes us feel safe and teaches us proper defense mechanisms
It’s disheartening to see people in a dysfunctional family. The toxicity of their family starts to leak into their personal lives. Which then affects the person’s work and other relationships. This unfortunate scenario reminds us exactly why families are important.
Related: 20+ Signs of Toxic Family Relationships and What You Could Do About Them
Families are our home. Starting from our infancy, they are the ones the supposedly support and nurture us. They have to do it because we have nowhere else to go. Most of us have no option of moving out, especially at a young age.
This means if you have a defective family, you have no choice but to cohabitate with them. And as I’ve said, it doesn’t take long before their toxicity gets into us, making us unable to function healthily outside of our homes.
Somewhere in the past, you are emotionally (or worse, physically) traumatized by something. This is the reason why therapists always ask you about your childhood. And their job is to give you antidotes with those poisonous moments.
However, when a family is healthy, you will feel safe with them. You learn proper defense mechanisms that immunize you with the world’s dangers. Your mental health and well-being will be in perfect condition that allows you to move your way in work or other relationships healthily.
Family help foster healthy development
Family is a crucial component of life. It provides the foundation for our childhood and sets us up for success in adulthood. The support system provided by family members can help foster healthy cognitive development, increase self-esteem, and reduce stress levels.
Family members are also available to lend an ear during tough times or simply offer advice on problems in your day-to-day life. Without a great support system of family and friends, it would be much harder to make it through the tough times that life inevitably throws our way.
They create a significant impact on who we will become
How we are raised has a big impact on the type of people we become. If we have a strong foundation in our family life, it’s more likely that we will grow up to be happy and well-adjusted adults.
Conversely, if our family life is chaotic or unstable, it can lead to problems later on in life. The way we are raised by our family directly impacts how we behave and treat others as adults.
Families contribute to society in many ways
They are often their children’s first teachers, passing down values and traditions that help make our world a better place.
In addition, families typically take care of elderly members as they age, providing them with much-needed love and support. Without being appropriately raised, your interactions with those around you could turn out negative and have negative consequences.
It connects our past, present, and future
Family is also important because it connects our past, present, and future. Our DNA is passed down from our ancestors and helps us understand who we are and where we came from.
It’s a reminder that we are part of something larger than ourselves and that our actions today will impact future generations. Having that family connection also has the effect of spreading out the good and the bad.
When a family member is delighted, the rest of the family experiences it. Conversely, when one member hurts, they all do. It’s how we are wired. Be sure to cherish your family and their role in your life.
Family provides essential social support for those undergoing medical recovery
People always assume that sticking to prescription medication is a surefire way to heal ailments. However, emotional encouragement from your community can also enhance or accelerate your treatment and recovery outcomes.
As we age, we depend on support from our loved ones to motivate us during challenging times, especially during health ordeals. But friends can be few and far in these moments.
Your family members should be your first line of emotional defense against life’s battles. Of course, not everyone may have picture-perfect relationships with their relatives.
But often, family members are willing to put aside their differences in the face of dire situations. And that alone can bring hope to those who feel helpless.
Family shapes our values
Families are one of the most critical aspects of anyone’s life. You’re either born to a good family or choose one on your own later in your life. No matter which way you go, your family is the one who shapes all of the values you hold dear in life.
When a child is growing, they’re like a blank slate and slowly learn about the world and the values they should have. A family helps them recognize these values, essentially becoming their first school and the family members being their teachers.
These values help lay the foundation of our personalities and develop our thinking. Families and the values they teach become a guiding force that helps us navigate through the ups and downs of life.
People born in a not-so-good family learn what they shouldn’t be like. As such, family again becomes their guiding force by indicating a path in life they shouldn’t be taking.
Family will always put in 110% to help you succeed
Family is extremely important to our lives because they will always be on your side, no matter what. While you may part ways from friends and romantic interests, family will be there to support you through your highs and lows.
I felt this especially from my immigrant family as I got older.
My parents immigrated from South Korea in their late 20s to give me more opportunities and a hopeful future in the United States. Because of their lack of English skills early on, they worked tireless nights as janitors, grocery store clerks, and copywriters at a Korean newspaper.
They went through hardships with discrimination to help me build a brighter future. I will forever be grateful for the hard work they put in to raise me, and I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for them.
Family will always put in 110% to help you succeed and live a happy life. No one else in the world will love, protect, and treasure you like family will.
They will get you through in difficult times
This is one of the most forgotten things when we were small. But the more we grow up, the more we realize it. You may have your office mates, friends, or even relatives, and they will definitely be with you in your brightest time or any achievements.
However, do they in your darkest time? Well, we are not sure.
But your parents, sisters, or brothers will definitely be by your side in any bad story of yours and will get you through your difficult times.
They set the stage for future relationships
The very first relationship a child has is with their parents or brothers and sisters. Whether healthy or not, these relationships provide a model for what future relationships will be.
People are more likely to choose partners or friends based on their similarity to their family.
In the long run, those who grow up in nurturing families developed stronger relationships than those who didn’t have accepting families. They managed their emotions well and maintained a closer connection with their friends or partners.
There is a sense of vulnerability within the family
Family is important in an individual’s life because it is where a person’s personality, character, and attitude are primarily shaped. As the smallest unit of society, the family has the power to shape the values, morality, identity, and principles of everyone in it.
Moreover, the family is a security blanket that provides comfort, reassurance, and stability to family members. Each family member impacts another, and there is a sense of vulnerability among them.
It is a place of acceptance, vulnerability, and love that assures a person that they will be accepted, valued, and loved regardless of what happens outside the home.
This kind of security empowers and motivates people to do well and keeps them secure no matter how many hurdles and struggles they face outside.
It’s a universal bind that defines who we are
In simple words, family is a term used for something greater than the universe. It is the oldest and the most fundamental social institution of our human civilization. It’s a universal bind that defines who you are right now.
Some of the most significant benefits that also makes it important for any person are:
- It provides you with an enormous source of positive energy that can help you conquer anything you want or seek.
- It makes you responsible for who you are and what you want to become and helps you be that person.
- It is a place or a group of people that help you find peace of mind when the world is feeling like a blizzard and you are the victim of it.
It helps us live longer and healthier lives
Our family is the most evolved version of a “pack,” and as pack animals, we’re naturally inclined to love them, keep them close by, and spend quality time with them.
Our families help make our lives feel meaningful, as we share out biggest triumphs and lean on each other for support during difficult times, and those good feelings even help with longevity.
A long-term study shows that adults with no close family members other than their spouse were roughly twice as likely to die. Our family bonds positively impact our emotional and physical health more than friendship, and more family bonds are better than fewer.
By keeping close to your family, you’ll experience more love, peace, and a sense of connection that can help you all live longer and healthier lives.
They shape us into better individuals
As someone who has learned a lot of things on interactions with my family members from their experiences, I feel that families stay the stepping stone towards shaping the members into better individuals.
They are always there for you when you need them through your darkest times.
Though they might not understand what’s going inside you, their unconscious wellness remarks may help light your entire day. Plus, your family stays the educational hub that enlightens you about learning things through experience.
When you are exhausted, trying to cope with the complications life and work throw at you, they are the ones who stand behind you and whisper, “It’s okay. You can fall now, and we’ll catch you.”
And you trust them with your fall, for they give you a sense of security and fill your heart with warmth. I mean, who doesn’t love a home that smells of cookies, dances with taunts, and rings a tune on the fiddle with your siblings’ barks?