Getting engaged is a huge step in any relationship, so it’s crucial to take as much time to consider if you and your partner are ready for this commitment.
But when should you start the process? How long do couples need to date before getting engaged? Understanding the ideal dating timeframe and identifying the factors that can influence it may help you make this important decision in your life.
Here are helpful insights from experts:
You should date as long as it takes to feel comfortable with how well you know your partner
As a relationship researcher, I regularly interview couples who have been married for over 50 years. Many of these couples only knew each other for a couple of weeks or months before getting engaged and married, while I often meet individuals who dated for years before getting engaged, and their marriages ended in divorce.
There is no exact formula for how long you should date before getting engaged that betters your chances of success. As humans, we continue to grow and change throughout the years, so even if we think we know our intended partner, the chances of them changing in the span of a few years is highly likely.
Have a good understanding of your partner’s experiences, expectations, and expertise in key areas
Understanding your beloved’s heart and mind and how they process information and emotions is a better indicator of marital success and happiness than any specific amount of time.
Are you both willing and committed to work through the hard times together and acquire the relationship skills necessary to create your happily ever after love story? If you can both answer confidently yes, then there are a few other areas you should explore together before making your nuptial plans.
Working with couples who have been married typically between 15 and 25 years to help them ditch resentment, my advice for new couples on how long to date before getting engaged varies from couple to couple.
Instead of focusing on a hard number of weeks, months, or years, I recommend having a good understanding of your partner’s experiences, expectations, and expertise in some key areas that, when misunderstood, can cause resentment and unhappiness down the line.
Discuss topics to increase your chances of success
Talking about these difficult topics and having these experiences together will increase your chances of success.
- Intentions
Before getting engaged, you should know what marriage means to your partner, why they want to get married and how long they intend the marriage to last. This also includes finding out their definition of family, how many kids they want, and how they envision family life.
- Temperament
You want to make sure you know how your intended fiance handles their emotions in all different scenarios. How do they handle victory and defeat, stress and relaxation, frustration and calm, and most importantly, how do they respond when things don’t go their way?
- Experiences
You want to find out what their childhood and teenage years were like before the two of you met. What did they learn or take away from those experiences? Do your values align?
- Expectations
What does your beloved expect from their life partner? What are their desires and dreams, and how do they envision you as part of those dreams? Are you both willing to involve a qualified and neutral third party to help you reach your goals as a couple?
- Expertise
What are their strengths and weaknesses? Do they respect yours? How do they handle differences of opinions, and most importantly, do they criticize, get defensive, hold you in contempt, or stonewall? These are the four horsemen taught by marriage researcher John Gottman as predictors of divorce.
- Connection
Before getting engaged, it’s important to ensure that your connection and intimacy are strong. What is your fighting style, and can you both apologize after arguments with each other and others?
Related: 45+ Biggest Deal-Breakers in Relationships (According to Experts)
All of these areas predict long-term happiness in relationships. If you are dating and contemplating getting engaged, you should date as long as it takes to feel comfortable with how well you know your partner in each of these key areas.
If you cannot discuss these crucial topics before your engagement, your chances of keeping an open dialogue throughout your engagement and marriage will decrease drastically and eventually create resentment and dissatisfaction in your relationship.
The beginning of a great relationship is incredible; you feel like there will never be anything that could tear you apart, and you can weather any storm together because you’re so in sync.
That feeling has a name: New Relationship Energy (NRE). It’s the result of chemicals, like dopamine and serotonin, flooding your brain to promote bonding. Those chemicals are perfectly delightful and perfectly natural, but they also act as blinders, so we miss or ignore red flags.
When you’re on the other side of “the honeymoon phase”
NRE fades over time because our brain isn’t built to sustain that flood of chemicals, so eventually, they slow down. This is the time when you’re able to start seeing your partner for who they actually are rather than who you idealize them to be.
You’re not ready to get engaged if you see your partner as an imagined person you’ve put on a pedestal
Make sure you’re getting engaged to a real person with flaws and disgusting habits, not an imagined person you’ve put on a pedestal. If you can’t name at least one thing about your partner that really annoys you (and that you’re willing to make accommodations for that annoyance), you’re not ready to get engaged.
When you’ve been through at least one major argument
NRE might leave you feeling like you’ll never have a conflict with your partner, but real life is filled with conflicts, and you need to know how you and your partner navigate them. If you haven’t seen this in action, you’ve missed an entire aspect of your compatibility together.
Do you turn against each other, call names, and fling expletives at each other? You need to work on your communication skills before you commit your lives to each other.
Do you never fight at all and push everything under the rug? You’re almost certainly sitting on some relationship-ending bombs that need to be dealt with before you can decide if you’re ready to be married.
Learning to fight clean and fair is a crucial relationship skill. It’s especially good to find someone with a similar fighting style — some people need to raise voices and slam doors to get their aggression out, while others feel unsafe with that behavior.
No matter your fighting style, it should never include name-calling or being intentionally hurtful.
Related: How to Deal With Hurt Feelings in a Relationship
When you’ve been through at least one major life crisis
If you’re fleeing a sinking ship, would you want to share a lifeboat with your partner?
In facing a crisis together, you’ll learn about:
- How the two of you work together under stress.
- Your level of trust in each other.
- The limits of your communication.
If you find yourself planning a funeral and everything your partner says heightens your irritation, so you insist on doing everything yourself, they might not be the person you want to do life with.
On the other hand, if the two of you can split up tasks and support each other in grieving, it’s probably a good match. Not only will you get to see whether the two of you make a good team, but working together through a crisis promotes bonding as well.
Susanne M. Alexander

Relationship and Marriage Coach & Character Specialist, CharacterYAQ | Author, “Couple Vitality“
When you really know each other very well
There is no strict timetable for how long to be in a relationship before deciding to become engaged.
Assess how your personalities, characters, and experiences merge together
Marriage is a serious commitment and one that requires couples to know each other very well if a happy marriage is to be the outcome. It’s wise to be able to assess how your personalities, characters, and experiences merge together.
If either or both of you have children, then blending a family is a task for the courageous and well-informed. Harmony makes living together much happier than constant conflict based on personal aspects that you didn’t take the time to understand.
Every couple is unique
The journey toward marriage for each couple is their own. How long it takes to get to know each other well varies based on how much time you can spend with each other and what you choose to do when you are together.
Do your activity choices help you understand each other better, or do they simply surface on social occasions?
A couple marrying means two families are part of each other’s lives, especially where there are children or grandchildren. How quickly you get to know each other’s family depends on how geographically accessible members are and whether there are language or cultural factors that make communication more complicated.
If you have had relationship experiences, you may be confident in knowing what you want and need in a partner. Alternatively, if you are inexperienced or naive, you may not realize what is important until you spend quite a bit of time with your partner. Then once you know what is important to you, you need to see if it’s actually present.
Knowing and appreciating each other’s character strengths are vital
Life is full of ups, downs, and challenges. The ability to consult with each other as equal partners and reach unified decisions that you carry out in unity is something to experience consistently before walking into marriage.
One vital element of a good marriage is knowing and appreciating each other’s character strengths. This requires time spent together where you can observe qualities such as:
- Respect
- Compassion
- Responsibility
- Flexibility
- Patience
- Truthfulness
For the first three months or so of a relationship, it can be common for couples to present only their best behaviors to each other. Character weaknesses may only be clearly visible after that time.
If a couple chooses to be sexually intimate early on in a relationship, the hormonal effect can put a rosy glow on a partner, and issues may become less obvious. It’s also easy to play the mental game of self-convincing that a partner is great because otherwise, why would you have allowed physical intimacy?
Wedding planning can sometimes be so extensive and time-consuming that couples forget they need to spend time preparing for marriage. If an engagement happens before you know each other well, the wedding preparations can hijack the needed time together.
If you have been cohabiting, you have likely learned what it’s like to live together, although you might still be operating somewhat independently. You may have also slid into patterns without consciously deciding what is best.
Here is an excellent video from the researchers at the University of Denver.
Talk in-depth about expectations of each other and marriage
You might assume that you would do well in marriage without talking in depth about important topics like having children, managing money together, your mutual goals, and your vision of what marriage together would be like.
Sometimes with marriage, the mental recordings of marriages you have seen, especially that of parents or those who raised you, become dominant, and you begin to behave like a wife or husband “should,” which could be quite different than what you have experienced in living together.
It’s wise to have in-depth conversations about expectations of each other and of marriage before deciding to become engaged.
Ask yourself if there has been enough time to really know each other
While there is no set amount of time for a relationship before a commitment to marry is reached between you, it’s good to ask if there has been enough time to really know each other. If you meet, fall instantly in love and lust, and rush to marry, marriage may be a difficult adjustment with lots of surprises.
Waiting a long time to make a commitment, however, can also be unwise. If you begin a dating relationship knowing what is important to you in a marriage partner and what does not work for you, you should know within a few weeks or months if there is good potential in your partner.
If there is good potential, then it’s wise to be very intentional about determining whether you can be excellent partners. If there are many warning flags, then continuing the relationship on into engagement and marriage is highly unwise and hazardous.
If you have been together for years and have not gotten engaged, then it’s good to honestly reflect on why.
Good questions to ask are:
- Is there a fear of commitment?
- Is there a fear of divorce?
- Have we gotten too comfortable with how things are, and we aren’t willing to take the next step?
- Are there warning signs, but we are denying them or minimizing them and not handling them directly?
- Are there family members or close friends who don’t like or approve of our partner or our relationship? Have we spent enough time building positive relationships?
Related: 80+ Important Questions to Ask Before Getting Married (According to Experts)
What is engagement?
It can be common today for proposals and engagements to be productions. Partners can feel forced to say “yes” because a proposal is set up to be public in front of others. This bypasses any concerns that may be present and does not ensure that the couple has reached a mutual decision based on facts and feelings.
The timing for engagement needs to provide each person the autonomy to decide for themselves what is best for them. And then engagement still needs to be a time of ensuring this is a good decision for you.
Marriage is a significant commitment, and ideally, it’s one that lasts for a lifetime (or for eternity, depending on your beliefs!).
Jessica Anne Engle, MFT, RDT

Marriage and Family Therapist | Couples Counselor | Director, Relationship Center
12 months: Reduce the risk of ending up with someone who can’t build a secure bond with you
Did you know that it can take up to a year and a half to get to know someone’s attachment style? For that reason, I recommend waiting at least 12 months before getting engaged.
That way, you’ll reduce the risk of ending up in a lifetime commitment with someone who seemed emotionally available at first but is ultimately unable to build a safe, secure bond with you.
It’s a fair amount of time to see your partner more clearly after the initial rush of falling-in-love chemicals
A year will also give you a fair amount of time to come back to earth after that initial rush of falling-in-love chemicals. Once you no longer have as much dopamine, oxytocin, and adrenaline rushing through your system, you can see your partner more clearly. You’ll make a decision based on actual compatibility, not lust.
Get to know your partner in a variety of situations
Before making a lifetime commitment, get to know your partner in a variety of situations. Waiting 12-18 months before getting engagement will give you sufficient time to do just that:
- How do they navigate difficult moments?
- Have you met and successfully resolved a major conflict as a couple?
- Do they celebrate your good moments with you? Hint: It’s a bad sign if they don’t!
If life doesn’t provide opportunities to see all sides of your partner (it probably will), you can intentionally create settings where you learn more about them.
Do whatever it takes to get to know them deeply:
- Travel.
- Ask directly about their dreams for the future and your relationship.
- Tackle a challenging project together.
- Take them home to meet your parents.
In summary, wait at least a year to get engaged so that you have sufficient information to justify making such a profound, lasting decision.
Two years: You have evidence that they have your back
My golden rule is to date for two years before you’ll consider getting engaged.
Make sure you’re out of the honeymoon phase
First, you want to make sure you’ve exited the honeymoon phase, which can last six months to 2 years. When you’re in this stage, you are quite literally drugged up by surges of ‘happy hormones,’ and it’s the most unconscious phase of your relationship.
In this stage, you’re showing the best side of yourself to your new partner; you both see only the positive aspects of each other and are blinded to the negatives. It’s common to think: “I’ve found my soulmate. She/he is the one.”
The thing is, this stage is never meant to last — the love drugs or neurochemicals you are high on fade, and you start to see the real them while they start to see the real you.
Make sure your values are aligned
Before you get engaged is the time to have direct and honest conversations about what you want in life:
- Do you want kids?
- Is monogamy important?
- How much time do you like to spend with family?
- What are your three biggest life values? Do they align? For example, if health is a top priority for you, someone who neglects their health, smokes, or takes drugs probably won’t be a good fit for you.
- What’s your relationship like with money and debt?
- Does your partner have debt?
Make it your business to find out.
They are someone you can walk the fire with
Lastly, is this a person you’ve been through at least some adversity with? Have you faced a challenge or two together?
When you have faced a common foe together — whether it’s a loss, a health challenge, or otherwise — you learn how you can rely on each other. You have evidence that they have your back.
My definition of a ‘power couple’ is less about being powerful in the sense of having wealth, fame, or charisma — it’s more about being an unshakeable team and having that feeling of: “This person is my rock; we’re in this together.”
Two to three years: Wait until the honeymoon high fades
The decision of whom to marry (and whether to marry at all) is usually the most significant decision a person will make in their life. As with any important decision in life, you want to do your research before making a commitment.
Think about when you purchased a new car, took a new job, decided which college to attend, or signed a lease for a new apartment. For any one of these decisions, you likely spent hours gathering key information, so you knew what you were getting yourself into.
And if you hadn’t done the research needed to make a good choice, you probably realized that later on as you became unhappy with your purchase and came to regret it over time.
Getting engaged is no different — you want to do your research before making that commitment. So what exactly does it mean to “do your research” before getting engaged?
What this means is to understand what spending your life with this person in the long term will feel like for years and decades to come. And gaining that understanding with high accuracy takes several years.
The exciting honeymoon phase lasts roughly one to two years
The first two years of a relationship are a euphoric, exciting honeymoon phase. During much of this early time, people feel lovey-dovey: infatuated with their partner. Strong romantic attraction and sexual energy are common characteristics of these first two years.
But unfortunately, these wonderful feelings don’t last. Research shows that passion, lust, and romantic energy decline roughly 1-2 years into a relationship. It’s no wonder that so many couples tend to break up at the 2-year mark into dating.
Get to know your partner with a clear mind, free from short-term urges
It is critical to get to know your partner with a clear mind, free from the powerful neurochemicals that flood your brain during these early stages of dating.
How you feel about your partner during the bad times, during the conflict, and when passion seems to fade is what truly defines the strength of your relationship. It’s how you deal with conflict and how you keep your bond alive beyond this initial high that will define the health of your partnership.
From a neurochemical perspective, getting engaged to your partner during that first early stage of dating is like going shopping for groceries after smoking a joint. It’s best to wait until the high fades so you can make decisions with a mind that is not driven by short-term urges but rather has a clearer view of the long-term.
By dating for at least 2-3 years before getting engaged, you can feel that much more confident that you’re making the right choice: for you now and for you in the decades to come.
The short answer is long enough for the drunk feeling from a new relationship to wear off.
It’s not about the length of time; it is more of a change of state
I have found that many of my clients end up having what some call NRE or “new relationship energy.” This NRE state makes behavior that normally signals what we call “major red flags” feel like pesky annoyances rather than something to discuss with their new partner.
One of the most important things in dating is being able to tell when one is in a state of NRE and when they are not. This will help them to know not to make any big decisions about their life, such as getting engaged until after the NRE has worn off.
As long as you are flying high on NRE, it can be hypnotic to make decisions based on keeping that good feeling alive rather than taking the time and space for two adults to be intentional about maintaining lifestyles that nurture themselves and just keeping the relationship alive.
It’s also more about what you want for yourself
Getting engaged leads to more of a merging of life with your partner.
There is a not-so-new concept called the “relationship escalator,” coined by Amy Gahran, which discusses how we, as people, make assumptions about what it means to love someone. This usually involves, over time, merging lives together.
Many people don’t realize how much they enjoyed their independence until after they have moved up this “escalator,” and their lives are almost fully merged together. People are now deciding to examine their sense of independence, interdependence, and codependence to decide how much they want to ascend on this escalator.
This urge to climb the relationship escalator reminds me of a client who once shared that on a first date at a local restaurant, her potential partner asked her to get off all her dating apps and exclusively date him before they even got their menus. This urge to immediately become exclusive is a great example of how NRE can lead to the express relationship escalator.
The willingness to adapt and change for the sake of a relationship can happen even from just a “virtual relationship” where the two are just messaging back and forth. People have had such a high from NRE that they have moved across state lines to be with someone they have never met in person but have spent hours upon hours communicating virtually.
Metacommunication: Be able to intentionally discuss what you want from your relationship
Can you and your partner calmly discuss what you want in your relationship, especially as you head toward marriage?
The majority of conflicts in marriage never get solved. Since a relationship consists of two unique people, a healthy relationship involves two people being able to maintain their own personal values rather than compromising them for their relationship.
Can you and your partner have those challenging conversations about money, sex, and even politics in a curious way where you get to learn about each other?
Intrapersonal relationships: Be willing to grow when you are stuck in old childhood patterns
We all have a sturdy “self-at-best” within us who can help us to ground and meet our needs. This core part of ourselves has created healthy ways of coping that assist us in noticing and tending to our feelings. However, we also have traumas from our childhood where our needs were not met in some way or another.
For some, it may look like physical or emotional abuse or neglect. For others, it may have been more subtle and looked more like being the good girl or good boy, which often involved denying their own needs to please their caregivers.
These childhood traumas have led to defense mechanisms that lead us to not attend to our own feelings and often over-attend to our partner’s feelings.
As you become more familiar with what your childhood wounding looks like, you can start to know when you are in your “self-at-best” and when you have gotten lost in a childhood wound.
Current-day romantic relationships are often the best detectors of those old wounds. When your or your partner’s emotions are way more ramped up than what is warranted in that situation, the likelihood is that you or your partner are literally stuck in a time warp, and with the uncompleted emotions of the age you were when the trauma happened.
Being aware of our child parts created by childhood traumas can help us to know the pitfalls in our romantic relationships. When we start to feel insecure, do we start to want to rescue our partner? Do we start to be the rescuer?
Therapists say that we can only be our best self 75 to 89 percent of the time when we are with our partner. Some couples have actually asked one another, “Is this your ‘current self’ or your ‘child self’ speaking at the moment?”
You both maintain friendships outside your relationship
Have you both created outside friendships where it is also safe to disagree? Are you willing to hear concern from a friend if they see you making compromises to your values due to being swept up in NRE?
These kinds of friendships help you grow and practice the skills to maintain a healthy long-term romantic relationship.
These friends will know you well enough to remind you not to make life-changing decisions when you are in that altered state; and if your relationship is ready for the next step, these friends will also be there to support you, your partner, and your relationship.
Creating relationships where you can help each other create the lives you want can help you know when you have found “the one.”
People often make the mistake of spending less and less time with their friends as their relationship gets more and more serious. It is important to remember that a long-term relationship is more likely to survive if it can handle its members to have other friendships.
In conclusion, being aware of the state of the relationship in terms of NRE, your own intrapersonal relationships, and having solid friendships all help to determine if you are ready to get engaged.
All of these factors can act as checks and balances to help not only determine if you are ready to get engaged but also help your relationship stay vital wherever you may be on the “relationship elevator.”
Couples may feel pressure to get engaged within a year or two of dating, depending on their age
Engagement is a big commitment and involves considerable thought, planning, and preparation.
One of the most important questions to consider when deciding if engagement is the right move for you is how long you should date before getting engaged.
Societal norms
In some cultures, there are expectations of how long people should know each other before getting engaged or married. However, these norms may vary drastically from place to place and even among families.
In general, though, couples may feel pressure to get engaged within a year or two of dating, depending on their age.
Personal considerations
When considering how long you should date before getting engaged, consider your feelings and desires. Dating can be stressful at times, but if you’re feeling content with the relationship, it may be time to start thinking about engagement.
You should also consider any issues that need to be addressed or obstacles that could prevent the engagement from being successful.
If you have doubts regarding commitment, trust, communication style, etc., address these issues as soon as possible before entering into an engagement. It is important to have a good foundation for your relationship to stand the test of time.
Relationship history
Your history with your partner is an important factor in deciding how long you should date before getting engaged. If you have been dating for a few months, it may be too soon to move forward with an engagement.
However, if you’ve been together for several years, then it may be time to consider taking the next step. The amount of time spent together as a couple will help determine if your relationship is mature and strong enough to transition into marriage or not.
Ultimately, each individual must decide when the right moment is to get engaged based on their own unique circumstances and desires.
The time you wait to get engaged is not as important as the steps you take before your engagement
You may have read “How Soon Is Too Soon to Move In Together?” As a contributor to that article, I wrote about my personal experience with my husband. I explained how we moved in together after knowing each other for less than six weeks. Though we moved in together quickly, getting married to each other was not as brisk.
Related: How Do You Know When to Move in Together? According to 6 Experts
We dated from 2003 until 2006. At that time, I felt like many friends and coworkers were all tying the knot. This was even though most of them had not been together as long as my husband and myself.
In June of 2006, we did get engaged, and in September 2007, we wed. This meant that from the time we met to the time we moved in together to when we got married, it took well over four years.
Each couple needs to do what is best for them
Are you in a committed relationship and pondering marriage? You might be thinking about how long you should date before getting engaged. Everyone’s story will be different, and each couple needs to do what is best for them.
Here are some things you should consider before getting engaged:
- Are you looking toward the future, or are you wearing rose-colored glasses in the present?
Maybe you are having a great time with your partner, and you believe the next logical step in your relationship is getting engaged. However, there are some items you need to address before you take that step.
- Have you talked about where you both want to live?
- Has the discussion about children come up?
- Do you ever talk about finances together?
Things won’t change once you get married, which means you need to confirm if you and your significant other are on the same page before you get married, and preferably before you get engaged.
- Have you ever lived with someone else, or are you living with your partner?
Living with someone else can be very different from living on your own. Maybe you like to keep the sink free of dishes, but the other person likes to wait until the sink is full to do anything about it. Or possibly you live by the motto “A place for everything, and everything in its place.”
But unfortunately, you live with someone happy to kick off their shoes when they walk in the door and let their keys or other items fall wherever they may. Again, a person’s behavior will not automatically change once they are married.
- Do you believe in living together before marriage?
If not, you might want to consider going together on an extended vacation. Vacationing with someone in small quarters for a few weeks should at least give you an idea about how it will be if you permanently live with them.
- Do you know your partner’s origin story, and are you comfortable with it?
Today there are books, films, and television programs focusing on characters’ origins. From how Wolverine came to be to how Hannibal Lecter turned into a cannibalistic murderer, their origin stories were presented to us so that we could understand their characters better.
Knowing your partner’s origin story can help in the same way. If you don’t already know your mate’s backstory, you’ll want to find out as much as possible sooner rather than later.
Of course, you will learn many new things about your partner throughout your life. Just ensure you know any important ones up front.
- Will you be ready to marry your partner and their family?
I was married to someone else before my current husband. Unfortunately, I didn’t get along very well with his mother, and once we were married, the situation didn’t improve much.
It’s important to understand how involved your partner’s family will be in your life. If you don’t care about them now, what makes you think you will fall in love with them later?
Of course, hopefully, you already love and adore everyone important in your mate’s life. It definitely helps if your significant other feels the same about your loved ones.
Related: Why Is Family Important?
Take the time and address important concerns
It is nearly impossible to specifically answer the question, “How long should you date before getting engaged?” The time you wait to get engaged is not as important as the steps you take before your engagement.
By taking the time and addressing any important concerns, including many that probably were not mentioned here, you should be on the right path to a successful marriage.
At least two years: You need time to get to know each other, build trust, and become emotionally ready
Most relationship experts recommend waiting at least two years before getting engaged.
The reason for this is simple: Couples need time to get to know each other, build trust, and become emotionally ready for marriage. Additionally, a longer courtship helps ensure that both partners are making an informed decision about getting married.
In today’s society, couples often move in together or become engaged after only a few months of dating. However, while this may be appealing to some people, it’s important to note that rushing into marriage can lead to problems down the line.
Factors to consider:
A longer pre-engagement period allows both partners to get an accurate picture of what marriage will look like and decide if it’s the right decision for them. When deciding how long to date before getting engaged, there are a few key factors to consider:
- Compatibility in lifestyle, values, religious beliefs, and plans for the future
The first is compatibility. It’s important to determine if your relationship is based on a strong foundation of mutual respect, trust, and understanding. You’ll also want to consider differences in lifestyle, values, religious beliefs, and plans for the future.
- Readiness: Both are emotionally mature enough for marriage
Another factor to consider is readiness. Make sure both partners are emotionally mature enough for marriage. This includes effectively managing stress, taking responsibility for mistakes, and being honest. Additionally, both partners should feel financially stable with a plan for the future.
Related: At What Age Does a Man Fully Emotionally Mature, According to 6 Experts
- Unresolved issues from the past that could affect your marriage
Finally, it’s essential to consider whether you have unresolved issues from previous relationships or any past trauma that could affect your marriage. A couples counselor can help you navigate these conversations and determine if you’re ready for marriage.